Phone A Mommy Blog

July 1, 2024

Tony Gets Some Care After His Spanking! (part 1)

After the spanking at the restaurant, Brenda takes Tony to her place, hoping to change him for the better. “You are absolutely out of line, Tony,” Aunt Brenda scolded, her voice low but stern. “I cannot believe you would behave in such a manner.” Tony sunk into his seat, his face flushed with shame. He knew he had crossed a line but couldn’t control his emotions; the humiliation and excitement all curled up in his belly. All he could think about was how she had humiliated him in public. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled, his head hanging low. “I’m afraid ‘Sorry’ doesn’t cut it, Tony,” she spoke, her tone softening slightly. “You know better than to make a scene in public. You’re thirty-two years old, for goodness sake.” He knew she was right. He was always […]
May 28, 2024

Tony Gets A Well-Deserved Spanking!

Tony sat at the table, his face contorted into a scowl as he slammed his fist on top of it, the sound echoing through the restaurant. “Is this what you call service?!” He grumbled loudly, making snide and childish comments to the waiters whenever they passed. “That’s how you treat the people serving you?! You are completely ridiculous!” Aunt Brenda, who happened to be sitting a few tables away, couldn’t take it anymore. With a determined expression, she stood up, marched over to Tony, and grabbed him firmly by the ear, ignoring his yelps of protest. “Anthony, what on earth do you think you’re doing?” her voice was stern, cutting through the ambient chatter of the restaurant. Tony’s eyes widened in shock as he recognized her voice. “A-aunt, Brenda, what are you doing here?” he […]
April 23, 2024

Tony Gets Spanked In The Store!

Tony slipped into his local abdl store, looking around furtively before he was greeted by Brenda, one of the regular clerks. He smiled politely and told her he was just there to brоwse. She returոeԁ the smile wаrmly аnd iոstruсteԁ him tօ fiոd her іf Tony ոeeded аnу assistanсe. Heaԁiոg straight for tһe diaper sectіοn, Tony felt a rush of excіtement mіxed wіth nervousness․ He carefullу browseԁ tһrօugh the vаrious optioոs, taking longer than usual as he waited for Brenda to have to walk away. She soon did step away to help another customer‚ and he attempted to sneak а smаll package under his baggy shirt‚ һopiոg to avoid any аtteոtion. However, his attempts were in νаin as Brenda, ever watchful, саme around the corner just in time to catch him in the act. Without […]
February 15, 2024

Brianna Has To Spank A Naughty Bottom!

Brianna had always been dominant, and Jeremy knew that too well. He loved her for it, one of the many things that had drawn him to her. But sometimes, her dominance could be a bit much, especially regarding his adult baby lifestyle. He loved being a baby, wearing diapers, and being cared for by Brianna. She was the perfect Mommy to his little side. But sometimes, he couldn’t help but push her limits, testing to see just how far he could go before she would snap. And last night, he had gone too far! As she slipped into bed beside him, her soft curves pressing against his body, he couldn’t help but snuggle into her warmth. He loved these midnight cuddle sessions, where they could forget about the world and be together. But as she […]
December 27, 2023

Sissy Jessica Has A Party! (part 2)

(part 1) It had been a few weeks since Brenda had hosted a small party for her friends, and Jessica was starting to act quite moody around the house. Her behavior wasn’t getting obnoxious, so Brenda let her be, knowing how sissies could be sometimes. One afternoon, as Brenda sat down with a cup of tea, Jessica walked into the room, flaunting her new panties and nothing else. Brenda couldn’t help but admire the lace trim and the colorful floral pattern that Jessica had chosen. “Aunt Brenda, do you like my panties?” Jessica asked, twirling around to show off her new purchase. Brenda smiled and replied, “Yes, Jessica, they look very pretty on you.” Jessica beamed with pleasure and continued, “I had so much fun at your last party, Aunt Brenda. I wish I could […]
December 23, 2023

Robert Misbehaves and Gets A Spanking!

It had been a long week for Brenda, but the weekend was finally around the corner, and she felt terrific. The day started perfectly for her and her adult baby, Robert. However, soon after waking up, Robert began acting differently. He didn’t want to eat, even though Brenda made his favorite breakfast, ham and cheese toastie with hot chocolate. He pecked at his food but barely ate two mouthfuls. Brenda couldn’t understand why he was behaving like this. When he woke up, he was in good spirits and gave her a big cuddle, but his mood turned sour minutes later. Robert was barely replying to Brenda when she kept asking him what was wrong or if he needed anything. Seeing that he wouldn’t eat anything else nor answer her questions correctly, Brenda told him to […]
December 16, 2023

A Spanking at the Abdl Nursery!

Cale, a reserved man seeking a unique self-discovery, had enrolled in an adult baby training facility. In this place, individuals could explore and embrace their desires to regress into a childlike state. This specialized institution offered assistance, diaper changes, food, toys, and training, allowing participants to be adopted upon completing their program. Intrigued by the prospect, Cale found himself in the facility’s heart, surrounded by a bustling nursery. The nursery buzzed with activity as boy and girl adult babies engaged in various activities. Some played together, sharing toys and laughter, while others played solitary. Watchful caretakers monitored the scene, intervening promptly to settle disputes over coveted toys and ensuring the seamless flow of diaper checks and changes. Amid this lively atmosphere, Johnny, a spirited baby boy, entered the nursery fashionably late. His delay resulted from […]
November 23, 2023

Mike Gets Caught Being Naughty! (part 3)

(second part) After that first time, when Brenda set up her nephew Mike as he jerked off to her dirty panties and she spanked him, and he came from it, Brenda didn’t say anything about it as if it never happened. Brenda never removed the camera from her room, and it was still set to alert her whenever there was movement in her room. There was nothing for around two weeks, then one day, the app dinged while she was out. She knew there was very little chance that Mike was in her bedroom for any other reason besides getting into her dirty clothes again. Brenda still felt guilty, ashamed, and absurdly thrilled about everything that happened, from how Mike came in her dirty panties to how she came in the panties she had been […]
September 25, 2023

Brandon Gets Spanked in Front of Everyone!

Brandon woke up super excited since he was having a party with other abdl’s just like him, a little meet-up later that day! Brandon had all his toys waiting in his toy boxes in his nursery, and he couldn’t wait for his friends to arrive. He waddled quickly behind Aunt Brenda when she started letting everyone in as they came one after the other, and while Brandon showed his friends his things, Brenda and her friends sat in the dining room having tea. Brandon already knew some of the other babies from previous meet-ups and quickly befriended the ones he didn’t know by sharing his toys. However, Robert was also there, and even though they mostly ignored each other, Robert, after some time, started approaching Brandon to play with the toys he had. Brandon never […]