Phone A Mommy Blog

July 17, 2024

John Gets a Surprise Photo Shoot! (part 1)

Johnny woke up to his phone buzzing insistently on the nightstand. Groggily, he reached over and fumbled for it, squinting at the screen through sleep-blurred eyes. The text message was from an unknown number, reading: “Good morning! Your 10 am appointment is confirmed. Looking forward to seeing you there!” Confused, Johnny rubbed his eyes and sat up in bed. He had no recollection of scheduling any appointments today. Frowning, he typed back a reply, “Who is this? I don’t remember setting up any appointments.” The response came almost instantly: “Oh, sorry for the confusion! This is Sarah from Creative Concepts. Ms. Brenda arranged a special photoshoot. We’re excited to have you!” Johnny’s brow furrowed deeper. Photoshoot? Special? He racked his brain but couldn’t recall agreeing to anything like that. Curiosity piqued despite his confusion, and […]
July 12, 2024

Jack Has a Fun Day at the Park! (part 2)

(part 1) Jake stood up, feeling a mix of embarrassment and exhilaration. He returned to the group of friends, trying to act normal despite the lingering sensations. As Jake rejoined the group, he noticed a new face. A young woman with bright blue eyes and a playful smile introduced herself as Amanda. She seemed to be around his age, and there was an immediate spark of attraction between them. “Hey, I’m Jake,” he said, offering his hand. Amanda took it, her grip firm and her skin soft. “Nice to meet you, Jake. I saw you getting your diaper change just now. It seemed like you really enjoyed it.” She gave him a mischievous wink, and Jake couldn’t have stopped blushing if Aunt Brenda had ordered him to. “Yeah, my aunt is really good at them…” […]
December 23, 2023

Brenda Finds Out Her Husband’s Kinky Secret! (part 2)

(part 1) After seeing her husband’s interest in pegging, Brenda couldn’t stop mulling over it even though she hadn’t said anything about it to him. Brenda was dazed throughout most of the day, creating many scenarios in her head. Brenda fantasized about how she would bring it up first. Then how they would start and what positions they would try first. She wanted to see him on all fours, pushing his ass back for her. And also on top of her, riding her strap-on for dear life. Then, how Timothy would react, how his expressions would be different from when they had regular sex; Brenda was turned on by her fantasies all day long, and as more days passed with Timothy still sick, the worse it got. Brenda patiently waited until Timothy wasn’t ill, and […]
December 22, 2023

Mike Enjoys His New Life as a Little Man!

Mike woke up slowly as his room light was cut on, but he kept his eyes closed and listened to Aunt Brenda moving around as he enjoyed the last seconds of his comfy, warm bed. Some weeks had already passed when Mike shrunk to three inches tall. Even though it was a shock in the beginning, both got used to the new dynamic fairly quickly, and Mike’s choice for a bed was where Brenda kept her panties. The first thing Mike saw every day when he woke up was Brenda hovering over him as she opened the drawer. Still drowsy, Mike smiled at her and stretched his arms and legs while yawning. Brenda smiled back, and once he finished stretching, she lowered her hand until it was right next to him so he could climb […]
November 17, 2023

Mike Gets Caught Being Naughty!! (Part 1)

For a few weeks, Brenda wondered if she was losing it a bit. At first, she thought she was forgetting things that she’d done, but oddly enough, it was only about her panties. She’d remember putting them in the dirty clothes hamper but wouldn’t remember washing or putting them away when they would suddenly appear in her panty drawer. Brenda started paying more attention, checking the dirty clothes the next morning, and the panties would still be there. When she returned that afternoon, they wouldn’t always be gone, but they would be every few days. The only that had changed recently was that her nephew Mike had moved in with her a few weeks ago, but her mind shied away from thinking that he had anything to do with it. Brenda felt terrible for being […]
October 23, 2023

Robert Gets Turned Into A Little Baby! (part 1)

Robert and Theresa had broken up just a bit ago, and he had been putting off going to get some things he left at her place but decided he wanted to get it over with. Even though they had agreed on it, she wasn’t there when Robert got to Theresa’s home. Instead, he was met by her mother, Vanessa. Vanessa was an older duplicate of Theresa; their body type was similar. Both had thick thighs and hips with big boobs, but neither was fat. Vanessa and Theresa were six feet tall; they could easily be called sisters if they walked together outside. Robert couldn’t help but stare at Vanessa’s big bouncy boobs before he could bring his eyes up to her face and listen to her. “You know her, she probably lost track of time. […]
October 19, 2023

Cuckold Mike Does Want Brenda Wants! (Part 1)

  Brenda was starting to feel fed up with her situation. She had needs that her man, Mike, couldn’t satisfy. Brenda was the one who was in charge of everything in the house and even in bed. The worst part for her was that even though she took the lead and told Mike what and how to do everything, his cock was so small that it didn’t reach her good spots nor give her any fulfillment. Not even when he went down on her and used his tongue and fingers, she reached a proper climax. Reaching a point of desperation, Brenda sat down with Mike one evening to talk about it. Mike tried to refute her reasoning and justify his lack of manhood, but Brenda had her mindset. She told him she would find a […]
October 16, 2023

Panties or Pampers?

  One or the other…that’s the only place for you with what you’re packing.  And mommy will be the one to decide one way or the other.  Both make mommy very happy, will you be mommy’s little sissy or mommy’s little baby, you will soon find out. Mommy might just decide to do both, some days you will be mommy’s sweet little baby, that mommy diapers and nurses and takes very good care of.  And other times you will be mommy’s sassy little sissy, that mommy will dress up and show off and so much more. As mommy’s little baby you will be stripped of all your big boy clothes and undies, you won’t be needing those anymore.  Then mommy will lay you down and lather your bare bottom with diaper cream, making sure to […]
October 1, 2023

Mommy’s Little Pet

Mommy Candy is going to make her little submissive sissy into a well trained little pet.  You will crawl around all your hands and knees and be at mommy’s beck and call.  Mommy will have a special collar made just for you.  Letting everyone know who you are, what you are and who you belong to. That way when we go out mommy can attach your leash to your cute little collar.  Mommy will also have special butt plugs made for you, ones with bushy tails attached.  That way mommy can choose which animal pet you will be.  Maybe an adorable puppy or a cuddly kitty cat, or something else completely. Mommy just loves to see you wag that tail, shaking your cute little butt.  Sit up and beg and show mommy what a good […]