Phone A Mommy Blog

August 29, 2024

John’s Diaper Therapy (Part 2)

(part 1) She reached into the bag and pulled out a diaper, laying it neatly on the table. John’s eyes widened in surprise, and he could see a small stack of more diapers in the bag. “Uh, what are those for?” “For your comfort and safety,” Brenda explained patiently. “During age regression therapy, some participants find it comforting to wear […]
August 29, 2024

John’s Diaper Therapy (Part 1)

“So, tell me,” Dr. Karen leaned forward, her eyes intense behind her glasses, “what brings you here today?” John shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his hands clenching and unclenching. “I… I’ve been feeling overwhelmed. Like I can’t handle things anymore.” “What kinds of things?” Dr. Brenda asked gently, her pen poised over her notebook. “Everything,” John sighed, running a hand […]
May 12, 2024

Timmy Gets A Day At The Zoo!

 Timmy giggled excitedly as Aunt Brenda pushed him in his stroller through the zoo’s winding paths. Dressed in adorable shortalls adorned with colorful cartoon characters and sporting a paw patrol t-shirt, he looked every bit the happy toddler. Two thick diapers crinkled beneath his clothes, a comforting reminder of his cozy protection. His baba, securely nestled in its holder, swayed […]
January 14, 2024

Robert Gets Disciplined With Some Humiliation

Brenda felt frustrated as she watched her adult baby, Robert, misbehave again. He had been incredibly naughty today, throwing his toys around and refusing to eat his lunch. Brenda sighed, feeling exhausted from constantly having to discipline him. After a few frustrating hours, she decided on a different approach. Instead of scolding or putting him in a timeout like usual, […]
August 20, 2023

Mike Needs A Little Diapee Help! (part 1)

Mike looked up from playing with his stuffed toy sheep Rexy when he heard footsteps coming towards the living room, trying to smooth the grimace off his face and telling himself firmly that he wouldn’t squirm around. Brenda strolled in with a smile and a baba full of milk in her hand, giving it a back-and-forth wiggle, and she came […]
July 26, 2023

Silly Timmy Takes Off His Diaper!! (Part 2)

  (part 1)Timmy stood naked in the corner of his nursery with a nappy hiding his penis, his eyes still red from crying as his breathing slowly became steadier. He had never seen Brenda like that, and he was scared of what would happen next and couldn’t stop trembling. Minutes later, Brenda walked in after cleaning his mess and stood […]