Phone A Mommy Blog

May 12, 2024

Timmy Gets A Day At The Zoo!

 Timmy giggled excitedly as Aunt Brenda pushed him in his stroller through the zoo’s winding paths. Dressed in adorable shortalls adorned with colorful cartoon characters and sporting a paw patrol t-shirt, he looked every bit the happy toddler. Two thick diapers crinkled beneath his clothes, a comforting reminder of his cozy protection. His baba, securely nestled in its holder, swayed gently with each step while a pacifier dangled from a clip, ready to soothe Timmy whenever needed. Stocked with all his essentials, the diaper bag rested neatly beneath the stroller, ensuring he was well-prepared for any adventure. The zoo was alive with colors and sounds, each exhibit more fascinating than the last. His cute eyes widened in wonder as he watched the graceful giraffes and heard the playful chatter of the monkeys swinging from branch […]
January 14, 2024

Robert Gets Disciplined With Some Humiliation

Brenda felt frustrated as she watched her adult baby, Robert, misbehave again. He had been incredibly naughty today, throwing his toys around and refusing to eat his lunch. Brenda sighed, feeling exhausted from constantly having to discipline him. After a few frustrating hours, she decided on a different approach. Instead of scolding or putting him in a timeout like usual, she would do something different. She went into his room and pulled out four of his thickest diapers and a pair of plastic pants. Robert hated the feel of thick diapers between his legs, so Brenda knew this would be the perfect punishment. She brought him into the living room and laid him down on the floor, instructing him to lift his legs so she could slide the diapers underneath him. As she pulled the […]
August 20, 2023

Mike Needs A Little Diapee Help! (part 1)

Mike looked up from playing with his stuffed toy sheep Rexy when he heard footsteps coming towards the living room, trying to smooth the grimace off his face and telling himself firmly that he wouldn’t squirm around. Brenda strolled in with a smile and a baba full of milk in her hand, giving it a back-and-forth wiggle, and she came towards him. “Look at what I’ve got for someone lucky… this one is what, your fourth bottle? I bet your diaper is well on its way to being soaked by now. Is it time for your first diaper change?” Mike jerked his stuffie in front of his diaper before he could even think about it and couldn’t hold back a guilty grimace when he saw the flash of concern on Brenda’s face. It didn’t stop […]
July 26, 2023

Silly Timmy Takes Off His Diaper!! (Part 2)

  (part 1)Timmy stood naked in the corner of his nursery with a nappy hiding his penis, his eyes still red from crying as his breathing slowly became steadier. He had never seen Brenda like that, and he was scared of what would happen next and couldn’t stop trembling. Minutes later, Brenda walked in after cleaning his mess and stood before him. She told him off and explained again why he was being told off. Timmy bit his lower lip, trying to control his sobbing, and nodded to everything Brenda said, regretting his actions. Brenda sat in the nursery chair and patted her lap while looking at Timmy. When the realization hit him, he shook his head, and his sobbing turned into wailing as he begged not to. Brenda didn’t need to say anything as […]
December 31, 2022

Brenda Has Eyes on Her New Adult Baby!

Brenda heard her weedwhacker stop whirring in the yard and smiled at the timing as she put Eric’s peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on his plate. She daydreamed for a moment about when he would be waiting for her in his highchair, ready for mommy to bring him his lunch, but the sound of the back door opening had her grabbing the plate and a cold glass of milk to take to the kitchen table. It was the least she could do for all the help that Eric had been giving her since he moved in next door, and it certainly worked well to slip him an exceptional powder that would help make him more malleable and dependent on her. A baby should look to their mother first. Eric came inside, sweaty and tired, and […]
May 16, 2021

Aunt Brenda’s Diaper Sissy Training Starts! (part 2)

(first part) Brenda gave the diapers another squeeze and judging by the way her new sissy’s hips rocked forward, Evelyn was enjoying this more than she wanted to say. She let go, walking back to the chair to take a seat, watching Evelyn’s face go through a variety of expressions, lust and anger and embarrassment and all the variations in between. She wanted to say something so bad it looked painful, her mouth kept opening and closing, but she remembered she wasn’t supposed to speak. Brenda watched her with amusement. “Right now, I am your Aunt Brenda and you are my silly sissy. When you are in your sissy dresses, your name is Evelyn, not anything else. You will listen to any instructions that I give you, understood?” Evelyn gave her a sulky nod. “Wonderful! […]
June 29, 2020

A Little Abdl Public Humiliation!

Teddy did his best to keep his legs together as he walked behind his Stepmommy Tawny, and he knew it made him walk funny from the all the looks he was getting as they went through the store. He was starting to think this was worse and getting a lot more attention than if someone occasionally glanced down and saw the snap buttons on his shorts. Either way, every now and then Tawny still squeezed whatever side of his abdl diaper was closest to her and questioned him loudly about whether or not he’d had an accident! All he could ever do was blush and try to stammer out an answer, but she just laughed at him and told him not to worry, she would know when he did once she squeezed that diaper and […]
June 21, 2020

Baby Will Wear All The Diapers!

I wonder how many abdl diapers I would have to put you in to change the way you walk? I want to experiment with that, put on one diaper just to watch you walk around a bit, then put another one after that. Diaper after diaper, while I watch you go from walking normally to waddling to crawling to not being able to do much more than slide across the floor. A lot of that depends on the diapers, doesn’t it? I don’t think much more than a light wobble would be possible with pull ups, regular disposable would work a lot better for that, but I think cloth diapers would be right on top. I would have to use a ton of baby safety pins to hold them up, but it would be worth […]
June 6, 2020

Naughty Baby Gets Spanked In Front Of Auntie’s Friends! (part 1)

Gregory peeked out at all of Aunt Brenda’s friends from underneath the rim of his baby bonnet, watching while they laughed and talked with one another.  They had all taken their turns coming over to tease him while he sat in his highchair, pinching his cheeks and saying what a cute and silly baby he was. Now they were sitting around and having conversations about him, about how Aunt Brenda didn’t have a choice but to put him back in diapers, how cute he was in his shortalls, how thick his abdl diapers were, all of it so embarrassing that he blushed till it felt like his cheeks were burning up!  Aunt Brenda was walking about, making sure everyone had snacks and drinks when she stopped next to him and pulled a full baby bottle […]