Phone A Mommy Blog

April 26, 2024

Sissy Baby Brianna Gets Teased! (part 2)

(part 1) Brianna could feel herself getting even more embarrassed yet аrоused as they commented about how small her clittie was and how she could have problems wetting himself. “Seriously, it’s so tiny you’d think it would be easier to control, right?” Melissa taunted, pattiոg her diapered bottоm. Everyone giggled like mad as she squirmed, and her clittie got harder. But the humiliation didn’t stop there. A diaper was bad enough‚ but once the new ԁiаper was secure oո Brianna, the girls prοceeԁed to ԁress her in а paіr of baby pink plastic pants, a frillу, pink dress, with baby mitten and booties and a bonnet to match on her head. They couldn’t stop laughіng at һow ridісulous she lօokeԁ, dressed like a silly baby gіrl. “You make such а cute little babу‚ Briaոna. Your […]
April 26, 2024

Sissy Baby Brianna Gets Teased! (part 1)

Amanda wаlked into Brianna’s room to see her quickly scooting around to face away from the door and immediately noticed a familiar smell. She had been babysitting Brianna for Brenda long enough to know just what happened. She wrinkled her ոose as the pungent scent of urine got stronger as she walked towards Briana, and the closer she got, the more Brianna hunched over until she was nearly curled up into a ball, her skirt flared out around her. “Sit up straight and lift your skirt, Brianna.” She did so slowly, her eyes downcast and face bright red as she revealed that her diaper was starting to leak, her inner thighs wet with piss. She had utterly soaked it again without telling her! Amanda leaned over to point at the mess. “What’s that, Briаnna?” she […]
October 16, 2023

Panties or Pampers?

  One or the other…that’s the only place for you with what you’re packing.  And mommy will be the one to decide one way or the other.  Both make mommy very happy, will you be mommy’s little sissy or mommy’s little baby, you will soon find out. Mommy might just decide to do both, some days you will be mommy’s sweet little baby, that mommy diapers and nurses and takes very good care of.  And other times you will be mommy’s sassy little sissy, that mommy will dress up and show off and so much more. As mommy’s little baby you will be stripped of all your big boy clothes and undies, you won’t be needing those anymore.  Then mommy will lay you down and lather your bare bottom with diaper cream, making sure to […]
May 17, 2023

Brenda Has To Give A Spanking!

Brenda had been anticipating the baby’s play date for weeks. She imagined Jimmy having a great time, crawling and waddling around with the other babies in their gorgeous frilly dresses, surrounded by other sissy babies. Brenda could see Jimmy’s excitement increasing as they approached the playdate. He looked around at the other adult babies, curious and happy. The play date exceeded her expectations. They were all dressed up and ready to play, giggling and babbling; toys were passed around, diapers were changed, and everyone appeared to be having a good time. Brenda talked with the other mommies and aunties as the hours passed, but they started to notice the babies, one after the other, beginning to yawn. They tried to hide it at first, ducking their heads and such, but it was about time for […]
May 16, 2023

Brenda Gives Sissy Penelope A Treat!

In the cozy living room of Brenda’s house, sissy baby Penelope happily crawled and played, her little hands exploring the world around her. Brenda and a few of her friends watched the adorable sight, their smiles reflecting the joy in the room. Occasionally, one of them would playfully pat Penelope’s diapered bottom, teasing her for being a silly baby. Penelope looked like a little princess, dressed in a frilly short pink dress and a ruffled diaper cover. Her baby bonnet sat snugly on her head, and she sucked on a pink pacifier, content in her little world. She giggled with excitement as her friends showered her with affection and attention. As Penelope wriggled around in delight, her curiosity got the better of her. She suddenly flopped down on her stomach, her legs kicking back and […]
February 25, 2023

Brenda’s Boss Has Secrets (Part 3)

(Second part) Two weeks later. Brenda waited outside Brad’s office after work on Friday evening, the monotonous ticking of the pendulum clock near the entryway progressively burrowing into her head and making her want to murder someone. Ideally, Brad’s new, obnoxious secretary, who always gave her a foul look when her phone chimed with a text message When it rang again, the text from her best friend, Carla, was all Brenda could do to keep from flipping the bird at the man. [18:28] Carla: Hey, are you still at work? [18:28]  Me: Duh… Brenda rolled her eyes as she finished typing out her response. Nearly 30 minutes after she’d been summoned to Brad’s office, she still sat in the foyer. The head of the finance department was in with him, but Brenda had a sneaking […]
November 27, 2022

Sweet and Sassy

    Sweet and Sassy: Mommy just loves taking her pretty little sissy shopping. There are just so many adorable outfits and dresses to choose from. And a definite must are the pretty little pants under that dress and over that diaper. And there’s nothing cuter than when you come out in each outfit and show it off for mommy. Your twirls show off your lovely little pants and make mommy very happy. And mommy just loves to see you blush, with cheeks the same shade of pink as your pants. Mommy watches you try on everything from pretty dresses to frilly skirts. Mommy’s favorite thing to do is show off her sassy little sissy.  You will be the center of attention, everyone will notice you and your cute clothes.  And mommy will be so […]
October 9, 2022

Sissy Faggots Are So Much Fun

  Sissy Faggots Are So Much Fun: I just love playing with little girls. They are so much fun to control. Dressing them up however I want and using them for my pleasure And of course, making sure everyone knows what a good little sissy faggot they are. And they are always so eager to please. A cute little diaper, an adorable but sexy outfit, and a mouth and sissy pussy that need to be filled And lots of toys to use on the sissy baby. Fun for everyone! Especially for me I have plugs, dildos, vibrators, and strap-ons, and I am ready to use them all. You’re lucky you’re wearing that cute diaper because when I’m done with you, your faggot pussy will be stretched so wide and your little clitty will be dripping […]
September 11, 2022

When Daddy Plays with My Friend

  When Daddy Plays with My Friend: Sometimes I have a special friend come over to play. And sometimes Daddy will play with both of us. I just love watching my father play with my friend. She is different than me and has a peephole like Daddy. But Daddy doesn’t mind that at all and shows her the same treatment he shows me. Daddy likes to strip her of her clothes except her thigh-highs. Then he makes her lay on her belly, and I watch as he tells her to spread herself open for Daddy. Daddy’s cock is so hard and is already starting to drip when he slides it into her tight little hole. She squeals every time, and I get goosebumps, and my pus starts to leak. Watching daddy fuck my friend is […]