Phone A Mommy Blog

November 22, 2020

Mommy Can’t Stop Lactating!

Oh my gosh, babies… This hot MILF of yours has been suffering so badly lately… Why, you ask? Well, Mommy’s big old titties have been oh so sore recently.. I was stumped at first, wondering what could make them ache so badly all of the sudden… I was so very confused and then I woke up the other morning and […]
July 15, 2020

Sucking Mangoes and Mommy’s Sweet Milk

  Baby, it’s time for you to suck on some sweet exotic mangoes then take your sticky mouth to suck out Mommy’s sweet and creamy milk. You are so famished and you need something sweet and creamy inside of your mouth,  in order for it to travel all the way down into your little tiny tummy. As I take you […]