Phone A Mommy Blog

January 6, 2019

Reminiscing on a perfect Christmas

Christmas came early for Mommy Tammy this year. You see, I recently married my wonderful, handsome husband. He is loving, kind and caring. He, also, is very distant as he is busy with work and often leaves me lonely. Travel is a big part of his life and I am often left to tend to the emotional needs of his two adult children. I will admit it can be difficult caring for and being supportive to young adults, but his son is particularly needy – especially this time of year. His birth mother died when he was young so there are nights when he, a college sophomore, feels the need to wear comforting adult diapers. I enjoy the comfort of his warm body pressed next to mine, especially while my husband – his father – […]
March 27, 2009


Found the perfect EASTER BASKET for my special someone for that occasion now you know i can’t tell you who it is i know i am being alittle naughty not telling my secret but i do have to keep something a secret from you diapered bottoms.Laughing come and see who gets my basket i might just keep it for myself think i should? Minnie
March 6, 2009


I am always in awe of nature of what it brings into our lives the birds,bees small animals, insects of all kinds but i love the small butterflies that comes to drink the sweet nectar from my lilac bush that blooms these great big purple blooms every year so hopefully i can capture a pic of the butterflies as they surround the lilac bush this year. Minnie
January 3, 2009


Oh look i just got a new supply of diapers in for my nursery hope all you little diapered babies will come by so mommy Lorraine can try them on you i just thought they were so cute i had to purchase them for the babies.I know your bottoms will look adorable in these so if you get the chance stop by and check them out. Lorraine
December 12, 2008

Christmas Time

Yes my little diapered babies its that time of year and i sure hope you have been good babies too.Wouldn’t want you babies to wake up to empty stockings that would be a sad site to see now would it not so lets be good little babies.So you can get up Christmas morning and dive into all Christmas gifts under the Tree. MINNIE