Phone A Mommy Blog

July 17, 2024

John Gets a Surprise Photo Shoot! (part 1)

Johnny woke up to his phone buzzing insistently on the nightstand. Groggily, he reached over and fumbled for it, squinting at the screen through sleep-blurred eyes. The text message was from an unknown number, reading: “Good morning! Your 10 am appointment is confirmed. Looking forward to seeing you there!” Confused, Johnny rubbed his eyes and sat up in bed. He had no recollection of scheduling any appointments today. Frowning, he typed back a reply, “Who is this? I don’t remember setting up any appointments.” The response came almost instantly: “Oh, sorry for the confusion! This is Sarah from Creative Concepts. Ms. Brenda arranged a special photoshoot. We’re excited to have you!” Johnny’s brow furrowed deeper. Photoshoot? Special? He racked his brain but couldn’t recall agreeing to anything like that. Curiosity piqued despite his confusion, and […]
July 12, 2024

Jack Has a Fun Day at the Park! (part 3)

(part 2) As Aunt Brenda cleaned him, he couldn’t shake the memory of his earlier diaper change, and the tingles he felt before were so much stronger with Amanda near. Aunt Brenda noticed the change immediately. “Hmm, looks like someone’s thinking naughty thoughts,” she teased, her fingers tracing gentle circles around his erection. Jake bit his lip, struggling to contain his reactions. He glanced at Amanda, who was watching them avidly. “Is this how your diaper changes always go?” Amanda asked, a coy expression on her face. Aunt Brenda looked up, a sly smile playing on her lips. “Just giving Jake a little special treatment, that’s all.” As Aunt Brenda’s fingers continued their gentle dance around Jake’s erection, Amanda watched intently, her curiosity piqued by the intimate scene unfolding before her. Her initial hesitation gave […]
July 1, 2024

Tony Gets Some Care After His Spanking! (part 2)

(first part) Tony hesitated momentarily before latching onto the nipple and sucking on it, slowly at first, but then with even harder pulls. He felt a little silly, even though this was something he’d wanted for a long time, but the sucking motion was very calming. He then snuggled against her chest as she sat in her rocking chair, gently patting his back as he drank his bottle. After he finished, Brenda got him into the bed and pulled the covers up around him and tucking them up lightly against his body. “It’s bedtime for babies,” she said, tucking the blankets around him. “I’ll see you in the morning.” He watched as she turned off the light and left the room, closing the door behind her. He was amazed at how quickly he fell asleep, […]
June 5, 2024

Paul is Turned Into A Baby! (part 2)

(part 1) Paul was a bit apprehensive, but he trusted her; he had always trusted her, so he sat back and allowed himself to drop his worry and enjoy how he felt being transformed into a baby. The transformation happened gradually. At first, it was just physical changes. Paul’s body shrank until he was the size of a newborn baby. His clothes became too big, and Brenda brought out some baby clothes for him to wear. She giggled as she dressed him in a cute onesie and a pair of tiny socks. As the physical transformation continued, he also began to feel different on the inside. His thoughts and emotions started to change, becoming simpler and more innocent. He felt a sense of wonder and curiosity that he hadn’t felt since childhood. Brenda was delighted […]
May 17, 2024

Keith Has to Go Shopping For Diapers!

Keith sat on the edge of the bed, his face flushed with embarrassment as he glanced down at the wet patch on his pants. It had happened again, despite his best efforts to control it. He sighed heavily, feeling utterly defeated… His wife, Sara, entered the room, her expression a mix of concern and frustration. “Keith, not again..” she said, her voice tinged with exasperation. Keith hung his head, unable to meet her gaze. “I’m sorry, Sara. I can’t help it.” She sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. “We’ve been through this before, sweetie. It’s time we do something about it.” He felt a wave of dread wash over him. He knew what his wife was implying, and he dreaded the thought of it. “You can’t be serious,” he said in a whisper-like voice. […]
May 4, 2024

Timmy Has to Wear His Diapers! (part 2)

(part 1) Brenda continued explaining the enema to Timmy. “It works whether you want it to or not! They even come much larger than this and in different forms, but whatever the size or shape, they are used in a similar way.” Brenda rolled the bulb between her hands, then tossed it gently back and forth. Timmy couldn’t look away as he tried not to think about how that being used on him would feel. Brenda continued talking. “Usually, the bulb or bag is filled with warm, soapy water, and the tip is inserted inside your bottom, and the water is squeezed out into you. Like I said, that can be a good thing, but it can also be used as a form of punishment, a way to make sure that you use your diaper.” Timmy had a feeling that was were the […]
May 4, 2024

Timmy Has to Wear His Diapers! (part 1)

Brenԁa loоked down at Tіmmy with a ԁisаpprovіng frown, hands resting on her hips and one foot tapping against the floor. He was sitting cross-legged in front of her‚ his hands fidgetiոg with the һem of his shirt, trying unsuccessfully to hide what he’s done аnd his face wаs flushed with embarrassment. She could tell he wаs trуiոg tо avoid her gaze, and she could also tell why since it was undeniable that he wasn’t wearing a diaper underneath his shorts. “Nοw, Timmy,” Brenda said sternly, “why are you being so dіfficult about wearing your diаpers?” Timmy sһіfted uոcomfortably, hіs cheeks growing even redԁer. “I-I’m nоt a baby,” he stammered․ “I shouldn’t һаve to wear diapers like a silly bаby.” He seemed to gain a bit of bravery then, looking up at Brenda with a […]
April 30, 2024

Andy Gets His Diaper Changed In Public! (part 2)

(part 1) Before he knew it, Aոdy could feel the last of his control slip away with people all around and jostling against him. He could feel the warm mess of poop coming out strongly, pushing against the diaper, then spreading out to fill it up, and he wanted nоtһiոg more than to disappear into thiո air. Some people around him heard the soft squishing and looked around, but he was sure they would figure it out. Brenda leaned in close to whisper in his ear, one hand resting just below his lower back, resting on the top edge of his diaper. “Did you јust use…?” The sentence trailed off as she patted his diaper. Andy could hear the low amusement in her voice, and his fаce turոed even redder as һe noԁded. He was […]
April 30, 2024

Andy Gets His Diaper Changed In Public! (part 1)

Brenda had been seeing the posters around town about one of the local festivals starting soon, and decided that it was past time for her to get out of the house, get some fresh air, and she wanted to take her abdl Andy there as well. Andy was a bit nervous about it, always was when they went outside because of his diapers, but Brenda insisted that he needed to get out of the house probably more than she did, so soon enough, they were walking towards the main thoroughfare, the sound, and press of people increasing as they got closer. Brenda had a messenger bag slung over her shoulder, diapers, and baby wipes discretely tucked inside, though she knew that wouldn’t last all day. Andy got Brenda’s attention as he made some quick furtive […]