Phone A Mommy Blog

July 23, 2024

Derek’s Diaper Delight

“Oh, Derek, my sweet baby, come here,” Mommy Brianna cooed softly, her voice a gentle lullaby in the dimly lit bedroom. She patted the plush comforter beside her, inviting him closer. The room was bathed in the soft glow of a bedside lamp, casting warm shadows across her lovely features. With his cheeks flushed and eyes filled with excitement, Derek crawled towards her on all fours. He wore only a fluffy diaper, which crinkled with every move. As he settled between her spread legs, Brianna’s hands reached out to cup his face, guiding him toward her chest. Her breasts were full and lush, nipples erect and flushed a dark, inviting pink. “That’s it, baby, come drink from Mommy,” she whispered, her fingers gently brushing through his hair. Derek leaned in, his mouth eagerly seeking her […]
February 25, 2024

Hazel Loves To Breast Feed!

Michael woke up with a sense of contentment and comfort, as he always did when sleeping next to Hazel, his pregnant mommy. It was a feeling that he couldn’t quite describe, but it was one that he cherished every morning. He opened his eyes and found himself already pressed against Hazel’s warm body, nuzzling instinctively, searching for her nipple. His lips slid across her warm skin until he felt the soft peak of her nipple and latched on with a quiet sigh of satisfaction. Hazel stirred slightly and smiled down at him, her fingers running through his messy hair. “Good morning, my little one,” she whispered, her voice filled with love and affection. Her baby couldn’t help but smile back at her before continuing to nurse, his mouth working rhythmically against her nipple as he […]
March 19, 2023

Brenda’s Boyfriend Turns into a Baby! (Part 2)

(Part 1) Brenda didn’t know what to do! She had never seen anything like this before. Was this some strange magic trick? She looked around the room for any clues but found nothing out of the ordinary. Looking down at the crying baby Simon that used to be her boyfriend, she knew she had to do something. She adjusted him so that he was lying against her chest, with one hand under his bottom and the other patting his back as Brenda tried to calm him; his cries were so shrill! But nothing seemed to work. Brenda was starting to panic. How could she explain this to anyone? What would happen if Simon didn’t change back? She knew she had to do something but didn’t know what. Brenda’s heart raced as she held Simon and […]
February 21, 2023

Amanda Plays With Her New Neighbor!! (Part 2)

(first part) Amanda couldn’t help but laugh a bit at the face Robert made after he came in his diaper for the first time. The fact that it was also the first time she had put him in a diaper probably doubled his humiliation, and it took less than five minutes to triple it! He tried to defend himself, saying it would never have happened if she didn’t have her hand on the front of his diaper. Amanda giggled harder and pointed out that he shouldn’t have gotten excited like that; that’s what naughty babies did. Robert knew that Mommy knew best, so he knew she had to be right about that, but… cummies felt so good! He might have to be a naughty baby if that’s the case. Some of his thoughts must have […]
October 10, 2022

Amanda’s Neighbor is now Her Baby Boy!!

  Amanda’s Neighbor is now Her Baby Boy!!: Andrew had always thought that his neighbor Amanda in the apartment across from his was a very pretty woman, and her husband Tom was a very lucky man. What’s not to like about a pretty face, long blonde hair, big tits, and a plump ass? There’s nothing in his book; he could tell you that. There’s definitely nothing wrong with Tom’s, since he got her pregnant before their first anniversary. Andrew got to see her getting a little bit bigger over the first few months of pregnancy (and boy, did he love that!), but he had to go on a long business trip that kept him out of town until a few weeks after she’d already given birth. He wasn’t really expecting anything, but when he first […]
May 24, 2020

Call For All Your Stress Relief!

Aunt Brenda 1-888-430-2010 Click Here to chat with a phone sex mommy! #sexline #abdl #kinkyphonesex #anythinggoes #notaboo
April 16, 2020

Breakfast Time for an Abdl!

A great breakfast is the best way to start the day, any good mommy will tell you that, and it’s especially true for abdl’s! It’s important to give them that first boost of energy in the morning, through an excellent breakfast. Whether it’s bowl of cereal or cream of wheat or a jar of pureed yummy things, everything tastes better when you are sitting in a highchair. I’ve been told that quite often so I know it must be true! Or maybe not everything… I don’t know of any baby that would say those things (even if they’re sitting in a highchair) are better than a warm tummy full of Mommy’s milk! Sitting in your abdl mommy’s lap or laying down next to her while you suck at her nipples like a good baby should […]
March 10, 2020

Abdl’s Do Love Their Breastfeeding!

Did I tell you that if you behaved yourself all day today I would let you rest your little head in my lap and breastfeed, let you suck on my nipples so that your mouth nearly overflows with my warm breast milk before you swallow? I do know how much you love to do that, because of how happy and excited you get! Your whole face just lights up, making you the cutest abdl boy ever! And it’s very obvious just how excited you are when your cock starts to get hard and press up against your diaper. To tell you the truth, I might love breastfeeding you more than you do. My pussy gets so wet when you start to suck on my nipples, and don’t think I don’t see that tiny little smirk […]
February 12, 2020

Mommy’s Milk In The Morning

It’s morning time, dear, time to wake up! I really need your help right now, my breasts are so full and swollen with milk that they’re starting to ache… you wouldn’t mind sucking on them, would you? I’ll get you out of your crib and take you back to bed with me so we can be more comfortable. We will lay facing each other, you scooched down just far enough for you to suck my nipples one at a time into your mouth and draw my milk into your eager little mouth.  There aren’t too many things better than a tummy full of mommy’s warm milk first thing in the morning for an abdl, now is there? I will keep my arms wrapped around you while you snuggle up to me and we’ll both feel […]