Phone A Mommy Blog

June 24, 2024

Brandon Has Some Submissive Fun! (part 3)

(second part) He lost track of time as he pleasured her, his jaw starting to ache from the intensity, but he kept going, determined to make her cum. She was close, he could tell. Her breathing was becoming more ragged, her moans louder. Brandon could feel her body tensing, her hips thrusting towards his mouth and fingers, and he knew she was about to cum. He focused all of his attention on her, flicking his tongue against her clit while his fingers worked her entrance. “Mmmm…ohh..” Her low moans filled his ears, spurring him on. Finally, Brenda’s grip on his head tightened, and she let out a loud and throaty moan, her body shaking with pleasure as her cum gushed out of her pussy. Brandon’s face was covered by her juices and his sweat…he couldn’t […]
June 24, 2024

Brandon Has Some Submissive Fun! (part 2)

(first part) “My name is Brenda,” she said, her voice husky. “And I have a little game I like to play at these parties occasionally when I meet someone particularly interesting…” Brandon could feel his heart pounding as he tried to focus on what she was saying, his face flushing and body growing warmer from her attention. He couldn’t ignore the feel of her hand still applying firm pressure on his shoulder, her fingers caressing his skin, sending shivers and bumps down his spine, his cock getting noticeably harder in the tiny speedo they made all the waiters wear. “And what kind of game is that?” he asked, trying to keep his voice steady. Brenda’s smile turned into a wicked grin. “It’s called ‘Make me cum in front of everyone.’ And I think you’re going […]
June 24, 2024

Brandon Has Some Submissive Fun! (part 1)

Brandon knew something was very different about this party as he walked through the door, his jaw dropping as he took everything in. The women were taller, muscular, and confident, while the men were smaller, shorter, and more submissive. He had been hired as a server for the party, wearing nothing but a bowtie and a tight pair of briefs that did very little to hide his assets. As he weaved through the crowd with a tray of drinks in one hand, he couldn’t help but notice that he and the other men in the room were being treated differently than he was used to. Even with his smaller stature, he wasn’t used to being so much shorter than the women around him and wasn’t used to feeling like a sexual object(though he didn’t mind […]
July 5, 2023

Robert Becomes Brenda’s Sexy Sissy!

Robert and Brenda were in the living room; both were talking about their relationship and remembering the beautiful moments of their marriage; they both loved the immense trust they had between them. In between a couple of confessions about things they had wanted to tell each other for a long time, Robert felt it was time to tell Brenda his deepest fetish. He liked wearing women’s underwear, which was his biggest fetish. Brenda looked at Robert, she knew her husband had some fetishes that were somewhat new to her, but this was a 360-degree turn for her, but the idea didn’t disgust her. Instead, she was also very turned on by the idea of seeing her husband wearing women’s clothes while they fucked. Robert asked Brenda what she thought, and she just got up; Robert […]
June 10, 2023

Brenda Turns Man Into Her Diaper Lovin’ Baby!(part 1)

  Simon entered the dimly lit tavern, scanning the room for his preferred company for the evening. He had always been drawn to older women, their maturity and experience capturing his imagination. He was determined to hook up with a stunning older woman tonight. Simon quietly studied the diners while avoiding the younger crowd. His attention was drawn to the experienced women. His heart raced as he witnessed their grace, confidence, and attractiveness. He ignored the women his age; there was something irresistibly attractive about an older woman that piqued his interest. His glance darted around the room until it settled on a figure that made his breath catch in his throat. A gorgeous woman with auburn hair cascading over her shoulders sat at the bar. Her exquisite posture highlighted her ample hips and lovely […]
May 8, 2023

Naughty Nephew Gets Caught! (Part 2)

 (First part) This was the perfect opportunity to unleash his desires. Rodney finished putting on the red satin panties, and his penis was quite pressed against the fabric, for it was very erect and hard. Rodney checked the result in a large mirror his aunt kept. He was not prepared for that. What he saw had pleased him to the highest degree. Rodney began to dance around the bedroom and had even laid down on his aunt’s bed to frolic and rest his turgid cock on the mattress. Rodney got up and went to the dressing table mirror again. He, this time, was all about posing, looking at himself from every angle, not losing sight of anything. His cock was tight, as were his balls, but not so tight as to be uncomfortable. Rodney felt […]
March 10, 2023

Auntie Gives a Spanking and Gets a Lickin’! (Part 2)

(First part) I pushed his face into the puddle of cum to lick it clean as I spanked his bare bottom with my hand. “It’s time to get up, Rodney!” I barked. “You need to clean up this mess you made!” I felt his warm body pressing against mine as he moved closer, his erection pressing against my thighs through my silk house robe and nightie. I could feel his desire for me pressing against my thighs, and I knew I had to do something about it. I hadn’t been spanking him for more than twenty seconds when I felt his body quiver, and he released all over my thighs. Damn! I cursed. I was determined to teach him a lesson about self-control. I pushed him down to his knees and scolded him for making […]
March 9, 2023

Auntie Gives a Spanking and Gets a Lickin’! (Part 1)

I let out a big yawn as I walked down the hallway toward my nephew Rodney’s bedroom. It was early morning, and I knew he wouldn’t be thrilled about being woken up for school. But I had to do it. As the adult in the house, I was responsible for ensuring he got to school on time. I opened the door to Rodney’s room and was immediately hit with the unpleasant smell of teenage sweat and stale sheets, creating an almost tangible cloud. As I stepped inside, my eyes had to adjust to the dim light filtering in through the curtains. I took in the room slowly, feeling like a detective at a crime scene. Piles of clothes scattered about, some on the floor, others on the bed. A poster of a rock band hung […]
March 5, 2023

Phillip Becomes Brenda’s Sissy Toy! (Part 2)

(First part) He cleaned the room, dusted the furniture, and vacuumed the floor, all while wearing high heels. As I stood there, stunned by the sight before me, Robert turned around and gasped in surprise. He quickly hid behind the vacuum cleaner, but it was too late. I had already seen him in his maid’s outfit. “I… I didn’t know you were coming,” he stammered, clearly embarrassed and caught off guard. “Yes, I know,” I replied, amused by the sight before me. “Oh, Robert,” I said, my voice dripping with amusement. “I had no idea you had such… unique interests.” Robert’s face turned bright red as he tried to explain himself. “I just thought it would be fun to try something different,” he said, barely above a whisper. I couldn’t help but laugh at his feeble […]