Phone A Mommy Blog

October 16, 2023

Panties or Pampers?

  One or the other…that’s the only place for you with what you’re packing.  And mommy will be the one to decide one way or the other.  Both make mommy very happy, will you be mommy’s little sissy or mommy’s little baby, you will soon find out. Mommy might just decide to do both, some days you will be mommy’s sweet little baby, that mommy diapers and nurses and takes very good care of.  And other times you will be mommy’s sassy little sissy, that mommy will dress up and show off and so much more. As mommy’s little baby you will be stripped of all your big boy clothes and undies, you won’t be needing those anymore.  Then mommy will lay you down and lather your bare bottom with diaper cream, making sure to […]
August 27, 2023

End Of Summer Fun

Last weekend of the summer before September starts.  Soon it will be back to school time and no more summer fun for the year.  So we are going to have one last blast.  A party where everything goes, nothing is off limits.  Do anything and everything you want one last time. That means you can dress in any outfit, wear any type of costume or choose to wear nothing at all.  Some will be in bathing suits, some dressed as little babies in just a diaper and everyone will be living in the moment.  And no one will judge you for your choices. Everyone is going to be having the time of their life.  It will be a wild weekend of wetness.  Either wet from water games, the pool or a peepee diaper.  And lots […]
August 20, 2023

A Surprise Awaits You… Part 2

1…2…3… You turn the knob and push the door open.  I stop you just as you step over the threshold.  Now time for part of your surprise.  I will untie the scarf and let it fall from your face so you can see what the surprise is.  Keep your eyes close until I tell you to open them. I remove the scarf and tell you to go ahead and open your eyes.  I step aside out of the way so you can see the whole room and what has been done to it as one part of a surprise for you.  The room has been converted to an adult size nursery. I smile as you look around, your eyes wide and your mouth slightly agape.  All of this is for you.  I thought you needed […]
August 20, 2023

A Surprise Awaits You… Part 1

I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately.  A special surprise just for you, well actually it’s something for both of us to enjoy.  I went out and picked up everything needed for it to happen.  I made a list so as not to forget anything.  Filled the whole back of the minivan up with stuff to surprise you with. While you are out, I get started on rearranging one of the rooms.  I’m giving it a complete makeover.  It will be transformed into a completely different room from the guest bedroom it was.  I have everything needed to transform it into a lovely nursery. And not just any nursery, but one that is specifically for you.  And everything necessary to make you into my sweet little diapered adult baby.  You have been working so […]
July 30, 2023

Mommy Catches You Being A Dirty Diaper Boy

Mommy sends you to your room to play until nap time.  Mommy gets a bottle ready for you and then heads to the nursery.  As mommy steps into the room, mommy gets a surprise.  Someone has decided to be a dirty little baby.  Mommy catches you using a dirty diaper to masturbate with. As soon as you see mommy, you freeze in mid stroke.  Your eyes open wide and your mouth drops open, but that hand and diaper never leave your hard peepee.  Mommy can see your body start to tremble, could be from fear of getting caught being naughty or because you are so close to making stickies. Mommy slowly walks towards you, her eyes never leaving you.  Mommy stops when she’s just inches from you and your diaper wrapped peepee.  Mommy watches as […]
July 30, 2023

Boys Will Be Boys

    Mommy notices that it has gotten a little too quiet in the other room.  Mommy peeks out from the kitchen and notices the living room is empty.  Now, where did those naughty little diaper boys go?  Mommy makes her way down the hall to the nursery. Mommy peeks in and sees two very naughty little boys have decided to open up their diapers and play.  And not just any type of play, but piss play.  They are peeing on each other and in each other’s diapers.  Mommy should know better than leave you two unattended even if for only a minute. Neither of you have noticed mommy standing in the doorway watching you both.  Mommy clears her throat making you both jump, causing pee to spray on the floor.  Bad Boys!  You know […]
July 23, 2023

That Pretty Little Pussy

    Mommy takes Stacey’s hand and leads her to the bathroom, it’s time to get you all cleaned up and ready for your diaper.  It’s best to have a nice smooth pussy inside that diaper.  Makes clean up and adult diaper changes a whole lot easier and less messy.  And makes that pussy look just the way it should for a diaper baby. Mommy will get you in a nice warm bath, then after mommy has washed you, mommy will get you out of the bath and dry you off with a soft fluffy towel,  Now it’s time to get that pretty little pussy ready.  Mommy lays down a towel and then lays you on top of it.   Mommy tells you to be a good girl and spread your legs for mommy and […]
July 9, 2023

Ok Ok, Mommy Sees

    Well that’s one way to get mommy’s attention.  You could have just told mommy you needed your diaper changed or cried for mommy.  Instead mommy hears a commotion coming from your nursery.  When mommy comes in you are jumping up and down in your crib with your pajama bottoms pulled half way down, showing off that soggy diaper. Mommy laughs at your silliness and asks, “does someone need a new diaper?”  You turn and grin at mommy, nodding your head up and down as you giggle.  Looks like some little adult baby had a good night, and judging by that diaper, a wet one as well. Mommy tells you to lay down and put your feet in the air, so mommy can pull your pajamas off and get to that squishy diaper.  That’s […]
June 10, 2023

Brenda Turns Man Into Her Diaper Lovin’ Baby!(part 1)

  Simon entered the dimly lit tavern, scanning the room for his preferred company for the evening. He had always been drawn to older women, their maturity and experience capturing his imagination. He was determined to hook up with a stunning older woman tonight. Simon quietly studied the diners while avoiding the younger crowd. His attention was drawn to the experienced women. His heart raced as he witnessed their grace, confidence, and attractiveness. He ignored the women his age; there was something irresistibly attractive about an older woman that piqued his interest. His glance darted around the room until it settled on a figure that made his breath catch in his throat. A gorgeous woman with auburn hair cascading over her shoulders sat at the bar. Her exquisite posture highlighted her ample hips and lovely […]