Phone A Mommy Blog

July 14, 2024

Peters’ New Live Begins (part 2)

(part 1) A soft humming filtered softly through Peter’s dreams, causing his sleepy time to end as he slowly stirred. His eyes fluttered open to find Aunt Brenda smiling down at him, her expression filled with warmth and affection. “Good morning, my little sunshine,” she cooed, her voice soft and melodic. “Did you sleep well?” Peter blinked up at her, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him. He couldn’t remember much of his former life, but it felt distant and unimportant. All that mattered was the here and now, the safety and love that enveloped him like a warm blanket. Aunt Brenda lifted him from the crib, cradling him close as she carried him to the changing table. “Let’s get you changed and fresh for the day,” she said, her hands gentle as she […]
July 14, 2024

Peter’s New Life Begins (part 1)

  Peter’s felt a little funny as he went to bed that night, but he figured it was just indigestion and fell asleep with little issue. When he opened his eyes the following day, though, the world had transformed. Instead of the soft glow of daylight filtering past his blackout curtains, it was coming through some baby blue ones with ruffles along the edges. The mattress beneath him felt strangely firm, and when he tried to stretch out, his limbs felt wobbly and uncoordinated. Once he blinked the sleep from his eyes, he was shocked to see they were short and chubby! Panic set in as Peter tried to sit up; all he could do was rock back and forth and wave his arms and legs around. His throat tightened, and a whimper escaped him. […]
June 5, 2024

Paul is Turned Into A Baby! (part 2)

(part 1) Paul was a bit apprehensive, but he trusted her; he had always trusted her, so he sat back and allowed himself to drop his worry and enjoy how he felt being transformed into a baby. The transformation happened gradually. At first, it was just physical changes. Paul’s body shrank until he was the size of a newborn baby. His clothes became too big, and Brenda brought out some baby clothes for him to wear. She giggled as she dressed him in a cute onesie and a pair of tiny socks. As the physical transformation continued, he also began to feel different on the inside. His thoughts and emotions started to change, becoming simpler and more innocent. He felt a sense of wonder and curiosity that he hadn’t felt since childhood. Brenda was delighted […]
June 5, 2024

Paul is Turned Into A Baby! (part 1)

Brenda had always been the one to take care of Paul in their relationship. Some people saw it as odd, how she was more of a mother than anything to him, but it worked wonderfully for the both of them. It was no surprise then that when she heard about the new pill that could turn adults into babies for a day, she immediately thought of trying it on him. “It’s supposed to help adults relax and let go of their responsibilities,” she explained excitedly to him as they sat on the couch in their small apartment. “You’ve been so stressed lately, I thought it might be just the thing for you.” Paul raised an eyebrow skeptically. He had always been wary of new and untested treatments. “I don’t know, Brenda. Turning into a baby […]
November 2, 2023

Joey Gets Some Abdl Hypnotism! (part 1)

Joey had been a smoker for years, and since he married Brenda, she always encouraged him to stop smoking because it was terrible for his health. Joey tried all kinds of treatment, using vapes, patches, and even gum, but no matter what, he would return to his addiction. One day, Brenda suggested he try a hypnotist. After much persuasion for this alternative method, Joey agreed to it. Brenda booked his first appointment with Jessica at a clinic nearby. In the beginning, Joey went to the sessions very suspicious, completely belittling hypnotists and anyone who believed in it. However, as time passed, he started noticing that he didn’t crave a cigarette as often, nor did he have to get one if he was stressed or anxious. Little by little, Joey began believing in the therapy, and […]
October 23, 2023

Robert Gets Turned Into A Little Baby! (part 2)

(part 1)Robert’s whole life somersaulted. He became a six-month-old baby and was imprisoned with Vanessa and Theresa as a highly dependent being. At that point in his life, Robert hated them the most. Even though he wanted to despise them, being held by them meant he was put against their bouncy chests, which almost made it worth it. And he was so coddled! The first couple of days, while Vanessa and Theresa got all the supplies needed, Robert slept between them at night and took naps on their laps during the day. He couldn’t lie to himself when he admitted that having their big boobs and thick thighs at his service was the best thing about the situation. Once Robert’s room was fully baby-proofed and ready with all the supplies needed, he started sleeping in […]
October 23, 2023

Robert Gets Turned Into A Little Baby! (part 1)

Robert and Theresa had broken up just a bit ago, and he had been putting off going to get some things he left at her place but decided he wanted to get it over with. Even though they had agreed on it, she wasn’t there when Robert got to Theresa’s home. Instead, he was met by her mother, Vanessa. Vanessa was an older duplicate of Theresa; their body type was similar. Both had thick thighs and hips with big boobs, but neither was fat. Vanessa and Theresa were six feet tall; they could easily be called sisters if they walked together outside. Robert couldn’t help but stare at Vanessa’s big bouncy boobs before he could bring his eyes up to her face and listen to her. “You know her, she probably lost track of time. […]
August 20, 2023

A Surprise Awaits You… Part 2

1…2…3… You turn the knob and push the door open.  I stop you just as you step over the threshold.  Now time for part of your surprise.  I will untie the scarf and let it fall from your face so you can see what the surprise is.  Keep your eyes close until I tell you to open them. I remove the scarf and tell you to go ahead and open your eyes.  I step aside out of the way so you can see the whole room and what has been done to it as one part of a surprise for you.  The room has been converted to an adult size nursery. I smile as you look around, your eyes wide and your mouth slightly agape.  All of this is for you.  I thought you needed […]
August 20, 2023

A Surprise Awaits You… Part 1

I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately.  A special surprise just for you, well actually it’s something for both of us to enjoy.  I went out and picked up everything needed for it to happen.  I made a list so as not to forget anything.  Filled the whole back of the minivan up with stuff to surprise you with. While you are out, I get started on rearranging one of the rooms.  I’m giving it a complete makeover.  It will be transformed into a completely different room from the guest bedroom it was.  I have everything needed to transform it into a lovely nursery. And not just any nursery, but one that is specifically for you.  And everything necessary to make you into my sweet little diapered adult baby.  You have been working so […]