Phone A Mommy Blog

July 14, 2024

Peter’s New Life Begins (part 1)

  Peter’s felt a little funny as he went to bed that night, but he figured it was just indigestion and fell asleep with little issue. When he opened his eyes the following day, though, the world had transformed. Instead of the soft glow of daylight filtering past his blackout curtains, it was coming through some baby blue ones with ruffles along the edges. The mattress beneath him felt strangely firm, and when he tried to stretch out, his limbs felt wobbly and uncoordinated. Once he blinked the sleep from his eyes, he was shocked to see they were short and chubby! Panic set in as Peter tried to sit up; all he could do was rock back and forth and wave his arms and legs around. His throat tightened, and a whimper escaped him. […]
May 16, 2024

Johnny Works Out In His Diapers!

Johnny fidgeted in the back seat as his Aunt Brenda drove him to the gym, a sense of dread knotting in his stomach. She had given him strict instructions before they left the house, instructions that made his cheeks burn with embarrassment. “Come on, do I have to wear this?” Johnny pleaded, poking at the diaper she had put him in before they left the house. But Aunt Brenda just shot him a look, one that meant business. She always gave him the same look when he was on the brink of trouble. She dressed him in shorts that covered his diaper but were snug enough to make him acutely aware of its presence; every crinkle and bulge felt like a neon sign announcing his embarrassment to the world… “You know the rules, Johnny,” she […]
May 4, 2024

Timmy Has to Wear His Diapers! (part 2)

(part 1) Brenda continued explaining the enema to Timmy. “It works whether you want it to or not! They even come much larger than this and in different forms, but whatever the size or shape, they are used in a similar way.” Brenda rolled the bulb between her hands, then tossed it gently back and forth. Timmy couldn’t look away as he tried not to think about how that being used on him would feel. Brenda continued talking. “Usually, the bulb or bag is filled with warm, soapy water, and the tip is inserted inside your bottom, and the water is squeezed out into you. Like I said, that can be a good thing, but it can also be used as a form of punishment, a way to make sure that you use your diaper.” Timmy had a feeling that was were the […]
May 4, 2024

Timmy Has to Wear His Diapers! (part 1)

Brenԁa loоked down at Tіmmy with a ԁisаpprovіng frown, hands resting on her hips and one foot tapping against the floor. He was sitting cross-legged in front of her‚ his hands fidgetiոg with the һem of his shirt, trying unsuccessfully to hide what he’s done аnd his face wаs flushed with embarrassment. She could tell he wаs trуiոg tо avoid her gaze, and she could also tell why since it was undeniable that he wasn’t wearing a diaper underneath his shorts. “Nοw, Timmy,” Brenda said sternly, “why are you being so dіfficult about wearing your diаpers?” Timmy sһіfted uոcomfortably, hіs cheeks growing even redԁer. “I-I’m nоt a baby,” he stammered․ “I shouldn’t һаve to wear diapers like a silly bаby.” He seemed to gain a bit of bravery then, looking up at Brenda with a […]
March 9, 2024

Sissy Charlotte Has A Party! (part 1)

Sissy Charlotte couldn’t contain her excitement as she pranced around Auntie Brenda’s house, her flirty dress swishing around her thighs with every step. She couldn’t believe she was finally at her very own sissy party, surrounded by other sissies and dominant women! She just felt so happy, like her chest should burst out with how good she felt, and Charlotte couldn’t help but twirl, her lovely hair flaring out behind her. Her spontaneity caught some nearby sissies’ attention, and they laughed and twirled with her. She felt so pretty and feminine, surrounded by the other sissies who were all dressed in their gorgeous outfits. Charlotte thought they all looked like lovely butterflies flitting around in all the different colors and just as delicate and light. As she made her way through the crowded room, she […]
March 5, 2024

Sissy Charlotte Has Fun at The Salon! (part 2)

(part 1) “Um, something cute and… pixieish?” she replied, her voice slightly shaky. “Great choice. I have just the thing in mind,” the woman said with a smile before turning to Auntie Brenda. “Is it okay if I add some highlights to give her hair more dimension?” “Of course, go ahead,” Auntie Brenda consented with a smile. The hairstylist began working on her hair, chatting about different hair care tips and products. She found herself relaxing under Sarah’s gentle touch, and soon, she was lost in her thoughts, feeling a tingling warmth spreading through her body, her most intimate parts responding eagerly beneath her now soaking panties. “Looks like someone is enjoying herself,” the hairstylist teased, causing the other women to giggle. She blushed furiously, feeling humiliated and horny at the same time. She tried […]
February 19, 2024

Diaper Changes For All The Abdl’s!

  As the mommies sat in a circle with their adult babies sitting with them, they couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for what was about to happen. Brenda laid her baby down and began to undress him, making slow movements so that everyone could see what she was doing. She looked down at John with a sweetly condescending smile as she untaped his diaper. “How does it feel to get changed in front of everyone, sweetie?” She continued with her purposefully slow movements… “Look at my little baby, all messy and stinky,” she teased, causing her abdl John to blush even deeper. She then sprinkled baby powder all over his bottom and between his legs, making sure to rub it in thoroughly. The babies whimpered and tried to cover themselves, […]
February 9, 2024

Karen Rewards Her Sissy Well! (part 1)

Karen walked into the kitchen, her heels clicking against the marble tiles. She wore a sleek black pencil skirt, a crisp white blouse, and a fitted blazer. Her hair was perfectly coiffed, and her makeup flawlessly applied, exuding an air of elegance and power as she entered the room. Her eyes fell upon her sissy princess Sadie, who was diligently wiping down the granite island. Sadie was dressed in a ruffled lavender dress, the skirt barely reaching mid-thigh. She could see the frilly hem of her panties peeking out from underneath the short skirt. On her feet were a pair of cream-colored thigh-high stockings held up by delicate garter belts. And to complete the look, Sadie wore sky-high stiletto heels, making her appear more feminine and submissive. Karen made a dramatic show of looking around […]
December 27, 2023

Sissy Jessica Has A Party! (part 1)

Jessica had always been a silly sissy, a completely girly girl who loved nothing more than playing with dolls, wearing dresses, and giggling like a schoolgirl. Her Aunt Brenda had always seen something special in her that needed to be nurtured and developed. Aunt Brenda had started by getting her pretty panties and short dresses, thigh-high stockings with garter belts, and all kinds of heels. Jessica had been hesitant at first, but as she began to wear these items, she felt a sense of liberation that she had never experienced before. She loved how the lace panties felt against her skin, the way the stockings hugged her legs, and how the heels made her walk. Aunt Brenda had also taught Jessica how to walk and talk more femininely. She had been patient and gentle, helping […]