Phone A Mommy Blog

July 23, 2024

Derek’s Diaper Delight

“Oh, Derek, my sweet baby, come here,” Mommy Brianna cooed softly, her voice a gentle lullaby in the dimly lit bedroom. She patted the plush comforter beside her, inviting him closer. The room was bathed in the soft glow of a bedside lamp, casting warm shadows across her lovely features. With his cheeks flushed and eyes filled with excitement, Derek crawled towards her on all fours. He wore only a fluffy diaper, which crinkled with every move. As he settled between her spread legs, Brianna’s hands reached out to cup his face, guiding him toward her chest. Her breasts were full and lush, nipples erect and flushed a dark, inviting pink. “That’s it, baby, come drink from Mommy,” she whispered, her fingers gently brushing through his hair. Derek leaned in, his mouth eagerly seeking her […]
July 17, 2024

John Gets a Surprise Photo Shoot! (part 1)

Johnny woke up to his phone buzzing insistently on the nightstand. Groggily, he reached over and fumbled for it, squinting at the screen through sleep-blurred eyes. The text message was from an unknown number, reading: “Good morning! Your 10 am appointment is confirmed. Looking forward to seeing you there!” Confused, Johnny rubbed his eyes and sat up in bed. He had no recollection of scheduling any appointments today. Frowning, he typed back a reply, “Who is this? I don’t remember setting up any appointments.” The response came almost instantly: “Oh, sorry for the confusion! This is Sarah from Creative Concepts. Ms. Brenda arranged a special photoshoot. We’re excited to have you!” Johnny’s brow furrowed deeper. Photoshoot? Special? He racked his brain but couldn’t recall agreeing to anything like that. Curiosity piqued despite his confusion, and […]
January 2, 2024

Amanda Has Some Kinky Diaper Fun!

Amanda had always been a little different from the other young ladies she knew, a little secret she had mostly kept to herself. She was popular; she had large breasts, long blonde hair, and a bubbly personality that drew people to her. But something else set her apart: she loved wearing diapers. Initially, Amanda had been too embarrassed to share her secret with anyone. She would spend hours sitting in her diaper, feeling the soft fabric against her skin and the comforting weight of the absorbent material between her legs. She had experimented with other things, like rubbing against her mattress or a pillow between her thighs, but she longed for something more. One night, Amanda snuck into her Aunt Brenda’s bedroom, moving as stealthily as possible. She had noticed Aunt Brenda using a vibrating […]
December 3, 2023

Turns Out Greg Has A Thing For Humiliation!

Greg couldn’t believe his luck when he woke up with a wet and stinky mess in his diaper. Ever since discovering his secret passion for wearing diapers, he had been waiting for this moment for weeks. There was something about the sensation of wetness against his skin and the smell of his urine that turned him on in a way he couldn’t explain. At first, Greg had been too embarrassed to explore his newfound fetish. But as he became more and more addicted to the feeling, he started to experiment with different ways of indulging his desires. That’s when he came up with his latest plan: to wear a diaper in public and see if anyone noticed. Greg knew it was risky but was determined to push his boundaries. He spent hours trying on different […]
July 14, 2023

Amanda Has Kinky Fun With Another Diaper Girl!

Amanda and Judy had heard about each other a lot, and they had seen each other through video calls but never had the opportunity to meet face-to-face until Amanda’s aunt, Brenda, arranged for a playdate. When her and Judy’s mother, Alice, schedules aligned, the two adult babies were finally able to meet. Amanda couldn’t hide her enthusiasm when Judy walked through the door! Alice removed Judy’s shorts and let her comfortably walk in her nappy and t-shirt, which matched Amanda’s attire. Amanda waved shyly at Alice, and once allowed, she grabbed Judy’s hand, and they waddled off together to the playroom. The playroom was fully babyproofed and equipped with some big baby-sized furniture, so Amanda and Judy would be very comfortable no matter what they did. Once inside the room, Amanda and Judy got on […]
July 10, 2023

Mommy Smells A Stinky Baby

    P U, did someone make a poopy?  Mommy smells a dirty diaper for sure.  No use hiding, mommy will find.  Besides the smell, mommy can hear your giggles and the sound of you running.  All mommy has to do is sniff the air and listen closely and mommy will find you… “Gotcha!” Mommy catches you hiding in the play room.  Not the best place to hide from a diaper change, all mommy has to do if you get too rambunctious is tie you to the headboard if needed.  And makes mommy’s job easier, the diaper bag is right here, ready for mommy. Mommy lifts you on to the bed and lays you down, be a good girl and be still for mommy, this won’t take too long, depending how full that diaper is […]
July 9, 2023

Ok Ok, Mommy Sees

    Well that’s one way to get mommy’s attention.  You could have just told mommy you needed your diaper changed or cried for mommy.  Instead mommy hears a commotion coming from your nursery.  When mommy comes in you are jumping up and down in your crib with your pajama bottoms pulled half way down, showing off that soggy diaper. Mommy laughs at your silliness and asks, “does someone need a new diaper?”  You turn and grin at mommy, nodding your head up and down as you giggle.  Looks like some little adult baby had a good night, and judging by that diaper, a wet one as well. Mommy tells you to lay down and put your feet in the air, so mommy can pull your pajamas off and get to that squishy diaper.  That’s […]
June 10, 2023

Brenda Turns Man Into Her Diaper Lovin’ Baby!(part 2)

(first part) “If you don’t want to do it, fine. Feel free to get out, and never show your face. However, you would keep contemplating your entire life whether you had missed something you shouldn’t have.”  After a moment of contemplation, Simon recognized the situation he was in. She had given him a clear choice, and he wasn’t the kind of man to miss out on experiences. “Alright, if that’s what gives you pleasure, so be it. I hope you are as amazing as you say!” He said, with excitement building up in his voice.  In the intimate confines of Brenda’s bedroom, a charged energy filled the air as Simon’s heart raced with anticipation. With tender hands and a tempting smile, Brenda skillfully undid the buttons of Simon’s shirt, revealing his chest with a mix […]
May 22, 2023

Let’s Get Super Freaky

    Hi, my name is Candy, and I like anything and everything kinky.  Sex is my passion and I am very open minded to all fetishes.  I am very curious and I have lots of experience with many fetishes.  Nothing is off limits or taboo when it comes to playing. So, let’s get freaky and have a wild time.  Tell me your desires, your secrets, your naughtiest fantasies.  Let’s get nasty and dirty and make a big wet sticky mess.  Don’t be shy, don’t be nervous, I won’t judge you.  I will join you in delicious fun and we will have an orgasmic experience. Any and all fetishes, don’t hold back.  Make me squirt as you cum.  We will explode together.  And when I say all fetishes, that is exactly what I mean.  From […]