Phone A Mommy Blog

July 23, 2024

Derek’s Diaper Delight

“Oh, Derek, my sweet baby, come here,” Mommy Brianna cooed softly, her voice a gentle lullaby in the dimly lit bedroom. She patted the plush comforter beside her, inviting him closer. The room was bathed in the soft glow of a bedside lamp, casting warm shadows across her lovely features. With his cheeks flushed and eyes filled with excitement, Derek crawled towards her on all fours. He wore only a fluffy diaper, which crinkled with every move. As he settled between her spread legs, Brianna’s hands reached out to cup his face, guiding him toward her chest. Her breasts were full and lush, nipples erect and flushed a dark, inviting pink. “That’s it, baby, come drink from Mommy,” she whispered, her fingers gently brushing through his hair. Derek leaned in, his mouth eagerly seeking her […]
July 18, 2024

Alex Wins His First Abdl Pageant!

The auditorium was a sea of pastel colors and the soft murmur of excited voices. At the center of it all, standing nervously on stage, was Alex. He adjusted the collar of his baby blue onesie, feeling both out of place and utterly exposed. He had wanted to join the pageant when Aunt Brenda suggested it, but Alex was getting very nervous now. “Next up, we have Alex!” The emcee’s voice boomed over the microphone, causing Alex to jump slightly. He took a deep breath and stepped forward, the spotlight enveloping him in a warm, blinding glow. The audience fell silent, their eyes fixed on him. “Hi, everyone,” Alex managed to squeak, his voice cracking under the pressure. He cleared his throat and tried again, this time with more confidence. “I’m Alex, and I’m… weally […]
July 17, 2024

John Gets a Surprise Photo Shoot! (part 3)

(part 2) Feeling emboldened, Johnny leaned forward slightly, letting the blanket slip off his shoulders. Sarah seized the opportunity, snapping photos. Towards the end of the shoot, Sarah proposed one final series of shots. “I want to capture the transition back to reality,” she explained, leading Johnny to a mirror propped against the wall. “Look at yourself, Johnny. See how beautiful you are in this moment.” Standing before the mirror, Johnny saw a reflection unlike any he had seen before. The onesie, the diaper, and the gentle expression on his face were all part of a strangely authentic persona. He turned to Sarah, his eyes questioning yet accepting. “Take a deep breath,” Sarah encouraged, her hand resting lightly on his shoulder. “Feel the weight of the experience. And then… let it go.” Johnny inhaled deeply, […]
July 17, 2024

John Gets a Surprise Photo Shoot! (part 1)

Johnny woke up to his phone buzzing insistently on the nightstand. Groggily, he reached over and fumbled for it, squinting at the screen through sleep-blurred eyes. The text message was from an unknown number, reading: “Good morning! Your 10 am appointment is confirmed. Looking forward to seeing you there!” Confused, Johnny rubbed his eyes and sat up in bed. He had no recollection of scheduling any appointments today. Frowning, he typed back a reply, “Who is this? I don’t remember setting up any appointments.” The response came almost instantly: “Oh, sorry for the confusion! This is Sarah from Creative Concepts. Ms. Brenda arranged a special photoshoot. We’re excited to have you!” Johnny’s brow furrowed deeper. Photoshoot? Special? He racked his brain but couldn’t recall agreeing to anything like that. Curiosity piqued despite his confusion, and […]
July 14, 2024

Peters’ New Live Begins (part 2)

(part 1) A soft humming filtered softly through Peter’s dreams, causing his sleepy time to end as he slowly stirred. His eyes fluttered open to find Aunt Brenda smiling down at him, her expression filled with warmth and affection. “Good morning, my little sunshine,” she cooed, her voice soft and melodic. “Did you sleep well?” Peter blinked up at her, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him. He couldn’t remember much of his former life, but it felt distant and unimportant. All that mattered was the here and now, the safety and love that enveloped him like a warm blanket. Aunt Brenda lifted him from the crib, cradling him close as she carried him to the changing table. “Let’s get you changed and fresh for the day,” she said, her hands gentle as she […]
July 12, 2024

Jack Has a Fun Day at the Park! (part 4)

(part 3) Obediently, Jake did as he was told, allowing his other senses to take over. He could hear Aunt Brenda and Amanda’s soft murmurs, feel their hands’ alternating touches, and smell the oil’s enticing fragrance. It was as if he had been transported to another world where only pleasure existed. As Jake surrendered to the sensations, Amanda felt a surge of boldness. Inspired by Aunt Brenda’s guidance, she leaned forward, her lips brushing lightly against Jake’s ear. “Tell me what you want,” she whispered, her breath warm against his skin. Jake’s response was immediate and visceral, his voice cracking slightly as he confessed, “I want… I want you both.” Aunt Brenda smiled, pleased by Jake’s candidness. She exchanged a glance with Amanda, who nodded, her expression determined. Together, they shifted their positions, creating a […]
July 12, 2024

Jack Has a Fun Day at the Park! (part 3)

(part 2) As Aunt Brenda cleaned him, he couldn’t shake the memory of his earlier diaper change, and the tingles he felt before were so much stronger with Amanda near. Aunt Brenda noticed the change immediately. “Hmm, looks like someone’s thinking naughty thoughts,” she teased, her fingers tracing gentle circles around his erection. Jake bit his lip, struggling to contain his reactions. He glanced at Amanda, who was watching them avidly. “Is this how your diaper changes always go?” Amanda asked, a coy expression on her face. Aunt Brenda looked up, a sly smile playing on her lips. “Just giving Jake a little special treatment, that’s all.” As Aunt Brenda’s fingers continued their gentle dance around Jake’s erection, Amanda watched intently, her curiosity piqued by the intimate scene unfolding before her. Her initial hesitation gave […]
July 12, 2024

Jack Has a Fun Day at the Park! (part 2)

(part 1) Jake stood up, feeling a mix of embarrassment and exhilaration. He returned to the group of friends, trying to act normal despite the lingering sensations. As Jake rejoined the group, he noticed a new face. A young woman with bright blue eyes and a playful smile introduced herself as Amanda. She seemed to be around his age, and there was an immediate spark of attraction between them. “Hey, I’m Jake,” he said, offering his hand. Amanda took it, her grip firm and her skin soft. “Nice to meet you, Jake. I saw you getting your diaper change just now. It seemed like you really enjoyed it.” She gave him a mischievous wink, and Jake couldn’t have stopped blushing if Aunt Brenda had ordered him to. “Yeah, my aunt is really good at them…” […]
July 12, 2024

Jack Has a Fun Day at the Park! (part 1)

The sun was peeking over the horizon as Aunt Brenda’s car pulled up to the park. The early morning air was crisp, and the scent of dew-covered grass filled the car as the wind blew in. Jake, a 25-year-old adult baby, felt excitement and nervousness; this was the first time he was going to the park as an adult baby! “Ready for some fun, Jake?” Aunt Brenda asked, her voice warm and encouraging. She glanced at him from behind the steering wheel, her eyes twinkling with mischief. Jake nodded, his heart racing. “Yeah, Aunt Brenda. I can’t wait!” They got out of the car, and Aunt Brenda led him to a secluded area of the park. It was a small playground, mostly empty this early morning, though a few more people were starting to show […]