Phone A Mommy Blog

May 16, 2024

Johnny Works Out In His Diapers!

Johnny fidgeted in the back seat as his Aunt Brenda drove him to the gym, a sense of dread knotting in his stomach. She had given him strict instructions before they left the house, instructions that made his cheeks burn with embarrassment. “Come on, do I have to wear this?” Johnny pleaded, poking at the diaper she had put him in before they left the house. But Aunt Brenda just shot him a look, one that meant business. She always gave him the same look when he was on the brink of trouble. She dressed him in shorts that covered his diaper but were snug enough to make him acutely aware of its presence; every crinkle and bulge felt like a neon sign announcing his embarrassment to the world… “You know the rules, Johnny,” she […]
January 14, 2024

Robert Gets Disciplined With Some Humiliation

Brenda felt frustrated as she watched her adult baby, Robert, misbehave again. He had been incredibly naughty today, throwing his toys around and refusing to eat his lunch. Brenda sighed, feeling exhausted from constantly having to discipline him. After a few frustrating hours, she decided on a different approach. Instead of scolding or putting him in a timeout like usual, she would do something different. She went into his room and pulled out four of his thickest diapers and a pair of plastic pants. Robert hated the feel of thick diapers between his legs, so Brenda knew this would be the perfect punishment. She brought him into the living room and laid him down on the floor, instructing him to lift his legs so she could slide the diapers underneath him. As she pulled the […]
December 16, 2023

A Spanking at the Abdl Nursery!

Cale, a reserved man seeking a unique self-discovery, had enrolled in an adult baby training facility. In this place, individuals could explore and embrace their desires to regress into a childlike state. This specialized institution offered assistance, diaper changes, food, toys, and training, allowing participants to be adopted upon completing their program. Intrigued by the prospect, Cale found himself in the facility’s heart, surrounded by a bustling nursery. The nursery buzzed with activity as boy and girl adult babies engaged in various activities. Some played together, sharing toys and laughter, while others played solitary. Watchful caretakers monitored the scene, intervening promptly to settle disputes over coveted toys and ensuring the seamless flow of diaper checks and changes. Amid this lively atmosphere, Johnny, a spirited baby boy, entered the nursery fashionably late. His delay resulted from […]
November 25, 2023

Joey Gets Some Abdl Hypnotism! (part 3)

  (part 2) It became routine for Joey to change from his adult clothes to his baby’s clothes whenever he got home from work. Each day, Brenda had an outfit ready for him. Some days, he had an adult onesie. Other days, he had a T-shirt. Sometimes, Brenda even prepared baby booties and mittens for him to wear. And every day, he had a clean, thick diaper ready for him. Brenda still had the photos and videos she took of Joey behaving like a baby while he was under hypnotism, and whenever he tried to run away from it or became difficult, Brenda blackmailed him with it. As time passed, Joey became less resistant to it, but despite it, Brenda sometimes still used trigger words to make him act as she wanted. Joey initially didn’t […]
November 2, 2023

Joey Gets Some Abdl Hypnotism! (part 2)

(first part) Brenda kept the list of the trigger words and phrases well-hidden so Joey wouldn’t ever find it. Every day, she looked at it, eager to put it to use, but before she could, there was a lot she had to prepare for. After all, taking care of a baby requires a lot of preparation. For the following few days, Brenda began stocking up on diapers, getting adult onesies and colorful pacifiers, and even got baby rash cream. The last supplies she had to get were baby bottles and baby formula. Once she had everything in their house hidden away, she got ready to put the list to good use. One afternoon, when Joey got home from work, Brenda, sitting on the sofa, told him to sit beside her. Joey, after taking off his […]
November 2, 2023

Joey Gets Some Abdl Hypnotism! (part 1)

Joey had been a smoker for years, and since he married Brenda, she always encouraged him to stop smoking because it was terrible for his health. Joey tried all kinds of treatment, using vapes, patches, and even gum, but no matter what, he would return to his addiction. One day, Brenda suggested he try a hypnotist. After much persuasion for this alternative method, Joey agreed to it. Brenda booked his first appointment with Jessica at a clinic nearby. In the beginning, Joey went to the sessions very suspicious, completely belittling hypnotists and anyone who believed in it. However, as time passed, he started noticing that he didn’t crave a cigarette as often, nor did he have to get one if he was stressed or anxious. Little by little, Joey began believing in the therapy, and […]
June 19, 2023

Robby Gets A Halloween Treat! (part 2)

(part 1)Gradually, his inhibitions waned, and he surrendered to his secret longings. With Brenda’s encouragement, Robby reluctantly found himself lying on her bed. She slowly undressed him, her hands gently caressing his thighs. Unbuckling his pants and sliding down his underwear revealed his semi-erect dick. She ran her hands around the base of his dick and smiled before reaching his chest and taking off his t-shirt. Robby was getting harder and harder with each passing minute. Brenda quickly grabbed a giant diaper and slowly put it on him. She grabbed his dick and gently tucked it inside his diaper. “Robby, my dear, this can wait; you can make all the dummies you want inside your diaper. I don’t want my bed to be spoiled by your naughty acts!”  He lay there, his body adorned with […]
June 19, 2023

Robby Gets A Halloween Treat! (part 1)

Robby had returned to his hometown for a short break from college, excited to celebrate Halloween and reconnect with old friends. Dressed as a lumberjack, complete with a plaid shirt, jeans, and a fake beard, he felt confident and ready for a night of festivities. Little did he know that this Halloween would take an unexpected turn when he encountered his attractive neighbor, Brenda. Brenda, a striking woman with an air of mystery, lived in a house just a few doors down from Robby’s childhood home. As he made his way through the neighborhood, he couldn’t help but notice her alluring presence. A mischievous idea sparked in his mind, and he decided to visit her, disguising his intentions as a simple trick-or-treater. Approaching Brenda’s house, Robby’s heart raced with anticipation. He hoped to charm his […]
May 16, 2023

Brenda Embarrasses A Silly Boy! (part 1)

Brenda arrived at Jennifer’s house on Friday evening, ready to start her babysitting duties for the weekend. Jennifer greeted her and told her to help with Kenny’s behavior. She found him sitting on the couch, playing a video game; he looked up at her walking into the room with a scowl. “Hey, Kenny,” Brenda said brightly. “I’m going to be looking after you for the next couple of days. I hear you’ve been having some trouble lately. Is that right?” Kenny rolled his eyes. “Yeah, whatever,” he muttered. Brenda took a deep breath and decided to try a different approach. “You know what?” she said, dropping onto the couch beside him. “I have a special surprise for you. Do you want to see it?” Kenny looked skeptical but curious. “What kind of surprise?” Brenda stood […]