Brenda Has an Abdl Party!
December 16, 2023
Mike Enjoys His New Life as a Little Man!
December 22, 2023
Brenda Has an Abdl Party!
December 16, 2023
Mike Enjoys His New Life as a Little Man!
December 22, 2023

adult baby discipline abdl mommy

Cale, a reserved man seeking a unique self-discovery, had enrolled in an adult baby training facility. In this place, individuals could explore and embrace their desires to regress into a childlike state. This specialized institution offered assistance, diaper changes, food, toys, and training, allowing participants to be adopted upon completing their program. Intrigued by the prospect, Cale found himself in the facility’s heart, surrounded by a bustling nursery. The nursery buzzed with activity as boy and girl adult babies engaged in various activities. Some played together, sharing toys and laughter, while others played solitary. Watchful caretakers monitored the scene, intervening promptly to settle disputes over coveted toys and ensuring the seamless flow of diaper checks and changes. Amid this lively atmosphere, Johnny, a spirited baby boy, entered the nursery fashionably late. His delay resulted from a mandatory doctor’s examination, and he swiftly made his way to a group of babies who possessed his favorite stuffed toy—a cuddly sheep. Though the other babies shared the toy amicably, Johnny had different ideas. With a vehement shout, he targeted the baby currently clutching the sheep, delivering a swift hit to the arm. It wasn’t Johnny’s first offense, and the caretakers promptly responded. A male nurse escorted Johnny to a designated wall, where he gently sat him down. Johnny’s diaper was pulled down to his thighs, and he was laid over the nurse’s lap without hesitation. The nursery hushed as the nurse’s bare hand administered a series of firm spanks, creating a sharp echo in the room. The nursery’s occupants, a mix of adult babies engrossed in their activities, were now captivated by the unfolding drama. Whispers and murmurs spread like ripples as eyes darted between Johnny and the nurse administering the spanking. Cale’s eyes met those of another adult baby, and they shared a moment of silent acknowledgment, a sentiment of relief that the disciplinary spotlight wasn’t on them this time. As the spanking continued, Cale couldn’t help but feel a sense of gratitude that he hadn’t been the one in Johnny’s position. *BAM! *SPANK! “Uaah!” Johnny’s protests and cries echoed in the nursery, the redness of his bottom soon showing everyone the severity of the spanking. Cale couldn’t help but feel relief and sympathy, glad the consequence wasn’t befalling him this time. He’d been naughty a few times, and getting spanked in front of everyone was embarrassing! Eventually, the spanking ceased, and Johnny’s diaper was restored. Nurse: “Johnny, we’ve talked about this before. You must learn to share and use your words, not your hands.” Johnny, still sniffling, nodded solemnly, his sheepish eyes avoiding direct contact with the nurse. Nurse: “Now, sit in the corner and think about how we treat our friends, okay?” Johnny obeyed, shuffling toward the corner, and took a seat with a pout on his face. His discipline kept him quiet for the rest of the day, and Cale hoped that would last much longer! Do you have your own abdl fantasy you’d like to talk about? Call me anytime!

Aunt Brenda
