Timmy Gets A Day At The Zoo!
May 12, 2024
Keith Has to Go Shopping For Diapers!
May 17, 2024
Timmy Gets A Day At The Zoo!
May 12, 2024
Keith Has to Go Shopping For Diapers!
May 17, 2024

Johnny fidgeted in the back seat as his Aunt Brenda drove him to the gym, a sense of dread knotting in his stomach. She had given him strict instructions before they left the house, instructions that made his cheeks burn with embarrassment. “Come on, do I have to wear this?” Johnny pleaded, poking at the diaper she had put him in before they left the house. But Aunt Brenda just shot him a look, one that meant business. She always gave him the same look when he was on the brink of trouble. She dressed him in shorts that covered his diaper but were snug enough to make him acutely aware of its presence; every crinkle and bulge felt like a neon sign announcing his embarrassment to the world… “You know the rules, Johnny,” she said firmly. “You were naughty this morning, and this is your punishment.” Johnny slumped in his seat, knowing better than to argue further. He had indeed been misbehaving, talking back, and refusing to listen, and that woman was not one to tolerate such behavior. As they drove towards the gym, his heart beat even faster when she suddenly announced that she would join him for his workout. “Oh, just in case, I’m coming inside with you.” “You’re coming in with me?!” Johnny asked, his voice tinged with disbelief. His auntie nodded, a smirk playing on her lips. “That’s right. I want to make sure you do as you’re told and don’t try to hide in the bathroom the whole time.” Then, her expression softened slightly, but only slightly. “You should’ve thought about that before you decided to be naughty this morning,” she scolded; she knew she had outsmarted him once again. Time passed, and as they drove to the gym, Johnny’s anxiety grew with each passing minute. He knew Brenda wasn’t joking about going in with him and making sure he didn’t try to hide in the bathroom the whole time… Once inside, as he started his workout, he couldn’t shake the feeling of embarrassment. Every crinkle of the diaper and every telltale bulge under his shorts felt like a shining sign broadcasting his humiliation to the whole gym. He tried to focus on his kettlebell swings, but he couldn’t shake the feeling of his diaper starting to fill up. The feeling of moisture spreading in his diaper increased with each rep; he felt it swell, the clear signs of his accident becoming increasingly obvious! Eventually, by the time he finished his reps, his diaper was soaked and visibly swollen. Aunt Brenda led him out of the gym, her grip firm on his arm. But despite his discomfort, Johnny soldiered on, determined to prove to Aunt Brenda that he could handle her punishment. Finally, as they left the gym, she couldn’t resist a final jab. “Ohh, and did you see how everyone was staring at your shorts? Ahaha,” she remarked casually. “Embarrassing, isn’t it?” The big boy flushed crimson, vowing never to cross Aunt Brenda again. “Behave yourself, Johnny,” she said sternly. “Because next time, it’ll be even worse.” And he knew better than to doubt her. Would you behave yourself? Call and tell me what you would do! 

Aunt Brenda


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