Timmy Has to Wear His Diapers! (part 2)
May 4, 2024
Johnny Works Out In His Diapers!
May 16, 2024
Timmy Has to Wear His Diapers! (part 2)
May 4, 2024
Johnny Works Out In His Diapers!
May 16, 2024

 Timmy giggled excitedly as Aunt Brenda pushed him in his stroller through the zoo’s winding paths. Dressed in adorable shortalls adorned with colorful cartoon characters and sporting a paw patrol t-shirt, he looked every bit the happy toddler. Two thick diapers crinkled beneath his clothes, a comforting reminder of his cozy protection. His baba, securely nestled in its holder, swayed gently with each step while a pacifier dangled from a clip, ready to soothe Timmy whenever needed. Stocked with all his essentials, the diaper bag rested neatly beneath the stroller, ensuring he was well-prepared for any adventure. The zoo was alive with colors and sounds, each exhibit more fascinating than the last. His cute eyes widened in wonder as he watched the graceful giraffes and heard the playful chatter of the monkeys swinging from branch to branch.

“Look, Timmy! It’s the lions,” Auntie Brenda exclaimed, pointing towards the majestic creatures lounging in the sun. Timmy’s eyes lit up with delight, and he waved his stuffed teddy bear excitedly, his pacifier bobbing with each enthusiastic movement. Passersby couldn’t help but admire the adorable sight. “Oh my, isn’t he just the cutest little thing?” they’d coo, pinching his rosy cheeks and bopping his nose affectionately, and the little one would respond with a sweet smile, his pacifier muffling any words, but his eyes sparkling with joy. “ He sure is, Brenda replied with a warm smile, patting his head fondly. Timmy’s diaper began to feel heavy as they wandered the zoo, and Aunt Brenda knew it was time for a change. She found a bench tucked away in a quiet corner, specially designed for moments like these, and gently lifted Timmy onto it. “Okay, sweetie, time for a diaper change, she spoke softly, laying out a changing mat and gathering the necessary supplies from the diaper bag tucked underneath the stroller. With practiced ease, she found a bench designated for such occasions and lovingly attended to her little one’s needs. Timmy lay there contentedly, playing with his fingers and babbling happily as she cleaned him up, her tender touch conveying all the love in the world.

“There we go, sweetie, she cooed, gently wiping Timmy clean with a warm wipe. He giggled and babbled incoherently, his eyes sparkling with adoration for his doting auntie. Refreshed and snug in a fresh diaper, his energy waned as the day continued. She sensed his fatigue and decided it was time to head home. With Timmy securely buckled into his car seat, she drove them home, the soothing hum of the engine lulling him into a peaceful slumber. As the car glided through the streets, his eyelids grew heavy, his pacifier still clutched in his mouth. Aunt Brenda glanced at him fondly, her heart swelling with love for her precious little charge. Today was filled with laughter, adventure, and endless love, and as they journeyed homeward bound, she knew that the memories they’d made would be cherished for years to come! Have your abdl fantasies you’d like to talk about? Call me for exactly what you need!

Aunt Brenda


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