Johnny Works Out In His Diapers!
May 16, 2024
Tony Gets A Well-Deserved Spanking!
May 28, 2024
Johnny Works Out In His Diapers!
May 16, 2024
Tony Gets A Well-Deserved Spanking!
May 28, 2024

Keith sat on the edge of the bed, his face flushed with embarrassment as he glanced down at the wet patch on his pants. It had happened again, despite his best efforts to control it. He sighed heavily, feeling utterly defeated… His wife, Sara, entered the room, her expression a mix of concern and frustration. “Keith, not again..” she said, her voice tinged with exasperation. Keith hung his head, unable to meet her gaze. “I’m sorry, Sara. I can’t help it.” She sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. “We’ve been through this before, sweetie. It’s time we do something about it.” He felt a wave of dread wash over him. He knew what his wife was implying, and he dreaded the thought of it. “You can’t be serious,” he said in a whisper-like voice. Sara nodded her head hard.

“I am serious, Keith. This isn’t something we can ignore anymore. You need help; you have to put an adult diaper on.” Keith swallowed hard, his throat feeling tight. “But diapers, Sara? I can’t…” She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry, trust me. I don’t like the idea more than you do, but we must do something.” Reluctantly, her husband nodded, knowing that she was indeed correct. He hated the idea of wearing diapers, but he hated the idea of constantly wetting himself even more. The next day, Sara drove him to the medical supply store, where a friendly sales associate greeted them. “How can I help you today?” the associate asked with a smile. Sara cleared her throat, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “My husband… he’s been having some… incontinence issues,” she said, struggling to find the right words. The associate nodded understandingly.

“Ah, I see. Well, you’ve come to the right place. We have plenty of options for incontinence products.” Keith felt his face burn with shame as the associate led them to the store section dedicated to adult diapers. He couldn’t believe this was happening to him, couldn’t bear the thought of stripping in front of strangers… Once inside the fitting room, Sara wasted no time removing his outer clothing. He wanted to protest, to cover himself up, but he knew it was futile. The sales associate took out a measuring tape and began to take his waist and leg measurements with clinical precision. The man gritted his teeth, trying to block out the utter feeling of exposure and vulnerability. “Looks like we’ll need to try a few different sizes to find the best fit,” the sales associate chirped, oblivious to Keith’s discomfort. Sara nodded in agreement, her expression determined. “Whatever it takes to make him comfortable.” But Keith was not happy about it, so he clenched his fists at his sides as the sales associate fetched an assortment of diapers from the shelves.

Each one seemed more humiliating than the last, with names like “Maxi LeakGuard” and “Ultra Absorbency Plus” emblazoned on the packaging. And, as they moved from one brand to the next, he also couldn’t help but wonder what the other customers must think, seeing him in the fitting room, struggling to find a diaper that would fit properly. He imagined their whispers and stares, their judgment hanging heavy in the air like a thick fog…But worst of all was the feeling of helplessness, of being utterly at the mercy of some stranger! They browsed the different brands and sizes while he couldn’t shake off the feeling of humiliation that washed over him. He felt like a child being paraded around in search of the perfect diaper. He tried to focus on the task at hand, on finding a solution to his incontinence problem, but the humiliation was all-consuming. With each new brand they tried, Keith felt like he was being stripped of his dignity, reduced to nothing more than a helpless infant who needed an absorbing and comfy diaper. Once they had everything they needed, Sara thanked the associate and then made their way to the checkout counter while Keith kept his eyes trained on the floor, unable to meet anyone’s gaze. It was all too much for him; he had just been publicly humiliated, and as they left the store, he couldn’t shake the shame that weighed heavily on him. He knew that wearing diapers was the right thing to do, but that didn’t make it any easier to accept…

Mommy Sara


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