Phone A Mommy Blog

July 17, 2024

John Gets a Surprise Photo Shoot! (part 3)

(part 2) Feeling emboldened, Johnny leaned forward slightly, letting the blanket slip off his shoulders. Sarah seized the opportunity, snapping photos. Towards the end of the shoot, Sarah proposed one final series of shots. “I want to capture the transition back to reality,” she explained, leading Johnny to a mirror propped against the wall. “Look at yourself, Johnny. See how beautiful you are in this moment.” Standing before the mirror, Johnny saw a reflection unlike any he had seen before. The onesie, the diaper, and the gentle expression on his face were all part of a strangely authentic persona. He turned to Sarah, his eyes questioning yet accepting. “Take a deep breath,” Sarah encouraged, her hand resting lightly on his shoulder. “Feel the weight of the experience. And then… let it go.” Johnny inhaled deeply, […]
July 1, 2024

Tony Gets Some Care After His Spanking! (part 2)

(first part) Tony hesitated momentarily before latching onto the nipple and sucking on it, slowly at first, but then with even harder pulls. He felt a little silly, even though this was something he’d wanted for a long time, but the sucking motion was very calming. He then snuggled against her chest as she sat in her rocking chair, gently patting his back as he drank his bottle. After he finished, Brenda got him into the bed and pulled the covers up around him and tucking them up lightly against his body. “It’s bedtime for babies,” she said, tucking the blankets around him. “I’ll see you in the morning.” He watched as she turned off the light and left the room, closing the door behind her. He was amazed at how quickly he fell asleep, […]
November 25, 2023

Joey Gets Some Abdl Hypnotism! (part 3)

  (part 2) It became routine for Joey to change from his adult clothes to his baby’s clothes whenever he got home from work. Each day, Brenda had an outfit ready for him. Some days, he had an adult onesie. Other days, he had a T-shirt. Sometimes, Brenda even prepared baby booties and mittens for him to wear. And every day, he had a clean, thick diaper ready for him. Brenda still had the photos and videos she took of Joey behaving like a baby while he was under hypnotism, and whenever he tried to run away from it or became difficult, Brenda blackmailed him with it. As time passed, Joey became less resistant to it, but despite it, Brenda sometimes still used trigger words to make him act as she wanted. Joey initially didn’t […]
May 16, 2023

Brenda is Sweet For Her Sweet Abdl!

Brenda quietly tiptoed into the nursery and peeked over the side of the crib, admiring the sight of her sweet baby boy sleeping soundly. Rodney was curled up in a little ball, his thumb in his mouth and his cheeks rosy from his nap. Brenda couldn’t resist the urge to gently stroke his hair and coo at him, making sure not to wake him up too suddenly. She knew that Rodney loved to be coddled and cared for, and she was happy to oblige. After a few moments of gentle cuddling, Brenda noticed a distinct odor emanating from the crib. She frowned and leaned in closer, realizing that Rodney had wet his diaper during his nap. She knew that he was prone to accidents like this, but she couldn’t help feeling a little disappointed that […]
February 20, 2023

Diapered For Mommy’s Pleasure

    Mommy just loves to diaper adult babies.  First Mommy Candy will strip you of all your big boy clothes.  Then mommy will lay your naked body down and start to slowly lather you up with baby lotion.  You giggle as mommy slides her cool hands over your writhing body. Mommy smiles down at you as you wiggle around.  Mommy spreads your legs and bends your knees as she tells you what a good baby you are.  Mommy tickles you, making you laugh.  Oh oh, mommy better stops before someone pees all over.  We have to wait until that diaper is in place. After lifting your legs into the air by your ankles, mommy slides a soft thick diaper under your elevated bottom.  Then mommy sprinkles baby powder on your little butt and around […]
December 26, 2022

From Snug to Soggy

    That diaper mommy put on you is meant to be used and filled. So, don’t hold it in; just relax and let it flow. No need to feel embarrassed; that’s what babies do. Eat, sleep, and potty. And mommy is here to change you, clean you, and re-diaper you. Mommy likes to watch that diaper get fatter and saggier as it gets fuller and fuller. So, be a good adult baby, and fill your diaper up for mommy. Squat and push; make a stink. Mommy enjoys changing those poopy diapers. And mommy can definitely find you—just sniff the air and follow the smell. All mommy has to do is glance in your direction and tell how wet you are just by the droopiness of your diaper. And watching as that diaper darkens, the […]
December 18, 2022

Show Mommy That Diaper

    Show Mommy That Diaper: Mommy just loves it when you show off that diaper. Strike a pose and show mommy your diaper from all angles. Be a good adult baby and wiggle that diapered bottom for mommy. You know how much mommy loves to see you in your diaper. Mommy’s little show-off And mommy definitely loves it when you use that diaper. The fuller, the better. When your diaper gets heavy and squishy and starts drooping from between your thighs, mommy can’t help but reach out and squeeze that fat diaper. Mommy thinks that’s the best part of diapers. And diapers are meant to be used and filled. And are perfect for all of the baby’s messes. Peepee, poopy, and sticky gummies Once you fill that diaper up, mommy will lay you down […]
December 12, 2022

Someone Is In The Christmas Spirit

    Someone Is In The Christmas Spirit: Mommy just loves to see her diapered little ones get excited for Christmas. And you look so cute decorated in sparkling lights. Twinkle, twinkle, tinkle, tinkle. Silly adult baby, all aglow and squishy in your wet diaper. Makes mommy smile to hear you giggle and see you playing around the tree. No better way to get into the holiday spirit than to get lit up like the Christmas tree.  Mommy’s festive adult baby diaper lover And this year your niceness outweighs any naughtiness, so that means Santa will be bringing you lots of presents and good cheer. Toys, pacifiers, cute clothes, and lots of diapers are some of the things Santa will be dropping off this year. When you wake up on Christmas morning, all the beautifully […]
October 23, 2022

Sexy Night Out

  Sexy Night Out: There are so many ideas for Halloween costumes. From cute to scary to sexy, anything your imagination can come up with The possibilities are endless. So many to choose from, and the one constant with any of my choices is a diaper, of course. Maybe incorporate a little sexy with my scary this year. Sadly, there is no diaper with this costume, but I think I can fix that. Anything can be made into an ABD themed outfit; you just have to add a diaper. And goodness knows, I have plenty of diapers. Would you give me candy, or would you give me something more fitting to my costume? If I have been a naughty girl, will I get punished? And how will you punish me? Will I cry in pain […]