Phone A Mommy Blog

June 29, 2024

Mimi Has Some Kinky Fun Outside!

Mimi looked out her window to see her boyfriend, Riley, leaning against the fence and chatting with their elderly neighbor, Jack. Even with all the windows and doors closed, she could hear Riley since Jack was hard of hearing. Mimi bit her lip, her mind racing with naughty thoughts. She’d been wet and horny all day long, but they’d both been busy, so she was past ready to get a little frisky. She walked to the front of the house, sneaked out the front door, and headed towards the fence, getting close enough to brush the wood with her shoulder before tiptoeing to Riley. Her small height was coming in real handy, keeping Jack from catching sight of her. When she got close enough, Riley did turn to look at her, but she put a […]
June 21, 2024

Paul Becomes Paula for the Day!

Paul stared at the clothes spread across his bed while Karen gestured at them like she was showing him a prize on Wheel of Fortune, a massive smirk on her face. It was bad enough that he lost a bet to her, but he really couldn’t believe she wanted him to go through with what she wanted him to do. He stared between her and the highly feminine clothes on the bed with a mixture of disbelief and resignation. “You’ve got to be kidding me!!” “Nope, no kidding. You lost fair and square, Paul,” Karen replied, her smirk becoming a full-fledged grin. “But… but dressing like a woman for a day? That’s ridiculous!” He protested, his voice rising with incredulity. Karen shrugged back nonchalantly. “You agreed to the terms, Paul. And now you have to […]
February 9, 2024

Jeff Has Some Naughty Fun With Brenda! (part 2)

(first part) She said nothing, but her body language told Jeff she wanted more. Feeling bold, he moved his mouth down to her other breast, sucking and licking her nipple while his fingers continued to pleasure her. Brenda’s hips were moving in rhythm with his hand, and Jeff could feel her getting closer and closer to the edge…” Hmm.” Just when he felt her body tense up, he stopped and pulled his hand away. She let out a frustrated groan, and he couldn’t help but chuckle. “Did I wake you up, Mommy?” he asked cheekily, enjoying their playful dynamic. Brenda just smiled and pulled him up for a kiss. Their lips met in a passionate embrace, and he could taste the desire and need on her tongue; he knew without a doubt that she wanted […]
October 16, 2023

Panties or Pampers?

  One or the other…that’s the only place for you with what you’re packing.  And mommy will be the one to decide one way or the other.  Both make mommy very happy, will you be mommy’s little sissy or mommy’s little baby, you will soon find out. Mommy might just decide to do both, some days you will be mommy’s sweet little baby, that mommy diapers and nurses and takes very good care of.  And other times you will be mommy’s sassy little sissy, that mommy will dress up and show off and so much more. As mommy’s little baby you will be stripped of all your big boy clothes and undies, you won’t be needing those anymore.  Then mommy will lay you down and lather your bare bottom with diaper cream, making sure to […]
October 1, 2023

Mommy’s Little Pet

Mommy Candy is going to make her little submissive sissy into a well trained little pet.  You will crawl around all your hands and knees and be at mommy’s beck and call.  Mommy will have a special collar made just for you.  Letting everyone know who you are, what you are and who you belong to. That way when we go out mommy can attach your leash to your cute little collar.  Mommy will also have special butt plugs made for you, ones with bushy tails attached.  That way mommy can choose which animal pet you will be.  Maybe an adorable puppy or a cuddly kitty cat, or something else completely. Mommy just loves to see you wag that tail, shaking your cute little butt.  Sit up and beg and show mommy what a good […]
August 27, 2023

End Of Summer Fun

Last weekend of the summer before September starts.  Soon it will be back to school time and no more summer fun for the year.  So we are going to have one last blast.  A party where everything goes, nothing is off limits.  Do anything and everything you want one last time. That means you can dress in any outfit, wear any type of costume or choose to wear nothing at all.  Some will be in bathing suits, some dressed as little babies in just a diaper and everyone will be living in the moment.  And no one will judge you for your choices. Everyone is going to be having the time of their life.  It will be a wild weekend of wetness.  Either wet from water games, the pool or a peepee diaper.  And lots […]
August 20, 2023

A Surprise Awaits You… Part 2

1…2…3… You turn the knob and push the door open.  I stop you just as you step over the threshold.  Now time for part of your surprise.  I will untie the scarf and let it fall from your face so you can see what the surprise is.  Keep your eyes close until I tell you to open them. I remove the scarf and tell you to go ahead and open your eyes.  I step aside out of the way so you can see the whole room and what has been done to it as one part of a surprise for you.  The room has been converted to an adult size nursery. I smile as you look around, your eyes wide and your mouth slightly agape.  All of this is for you.  I thought you needed […]
August 20, 2023

A Surprise Awaits You… Part 1

I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately.  A special surprise just for you, well actually it’s something for both of us to enjoy.  I went out and picked up everything needed for it to happen.  I made a list so as not to forget anything.  Filled the whole back of the minivan up with stuff to surprise you with. While you are out, I get started on rearranging one of the rooms.  I’m giving it a complete makeover.  It will be transformed into a completely different room from the guest bedroom it was.  I have everything needed to transform it into a lovely nursery. And not just any nursery, but one that is specifically for you.  And everything necessary to make you into my sweet little diapered adult baby.  You have been working so […]
August 13, 2023

Mommy’s Little Sex Slave

Mommy snaps her fingers and you come running.  What mommy says goes and you know what’s expected of you.  No ifs, ands or buts, you do exactly what mommy tells you. Now get on your knees and crawl over to mommy.  That’s a good little slave.  Start at mommy’s toes and kiss your way up to mommy’s pussy.  Slowly, don’t rush.  Mommy wants to feel your lips touching every part of mommy’s body.  Steadily working your way up the inside of mommy’s legs and thighs. Mommy spreads her legs and leans back so you can continue kissing your way to that very wet pussy.  As mommy feels your head between her thighs, mommy puts her hand on the back of your head and tells you to stop, but don’t move your head away. Now it’s […]