Phone A Mommy Blog

June 20, 2024

Daniel Takes A Naughty Peek At His Aunt Brenda!

Daniel was feeling restless in his room, the sound of his stomach growling as he lay in bed. He knew he wasn’t supposed to leave his room after bedtime, but the thought of a delicious snack from the kitchen was too tempting to say no to… As quietly as he could, he crept out of his room and tip-toed down the hallway. He could hear the faint sound of music coming from Aunt Brenda’s room and wondered if she was still awake. Curiosity getting the better of him, he slowly opened the door to her room and peeked inside. To his surprise, he saw her lying on her bed, her hand between her legs, her eyes closed in pleasure… His first instinct was to run away, embarrassed at catching her in such a private moment. […]
November 23, 2023

Mike Gets Caught Being Naughty! (part 3)

(second part) After that first time, when Brenda set up her nephew Mike as he jerked off to her dirty panties and she spanked him, and he came from it, Brenda didn’t say anything about it as if it never happened. Brenda never removed the camera from her room, and it was still set to alert her whenever there was movement in her room. There was nothing for around two weeks, then one day, the app dinged while she was out. She knew there was very little chance that Mike was in her bedroom for any other reason besides getting into her dirty clothes again. Brenda still felt guilty, ashamed, and absurdly thrilled about everything that happened, from how Mike came in her dirty panties to how she came in the panties she had been […]
November 17, 2023

Mike Gets Caught Being Naughty! (Part 2)

(part 1) That day, Brenda got home and tried to act normal around Mike. However, Mike didn’t act differently, and she realized that he had done it so long that he didn’t have a problem acting like he hadn’t done a thing. She got through the rest of the day and went to sleep, thinking about what she planned to do to Mike. Two days later, the purple panties he had used were tucked towards the bottom of her panty drawer when she looked through it. She wore them like normal, and then at night, before she went to sleep, once Mike was in his room, she masturbated several times with her panties on, making sure they soaked well in her juices. The following day, like usual, Brenda took a shower and told Mike she […]
November 17, 2023

Mike Gets Caught Being Naughty!! (Part 1)

For a few weeks, Brenda wondered if she was losing it a bit. At first, she thought she was forgetting things that she’d done, but oddly enough, it was only about her panties. She’d remember putting them in the dirty clothes hamper but wouldn’t remember washing or putting them away when they would suddenly appear in her panty drawer. Brenda started paying more attention, checking the dirty clothes the next morning, and the panties would still be there. When she returned that afternoon, they wouldn’t always be gone, but they would be every few days. The only that had changed recently was that her nephew Mike had moved in with her a few weeks ago, but her mind shied away from thinking that he had anything to do with it. Brenda felt terrible for being […]
June 18, 2023

Shhh… Don’t Tell Daddy

    Daddy will be going away for work this coming up weekend, and mommy has been busy planning a fun filled few days for us.  Just remember everything we do during this time has to stay just between us.  Our special little secret.  Shhh…. We will have the whole house to ourselves.  We can do anything we want. anywhere we want.  A weekend of no clothes, just us in our birthday suits having a wild party of non-stop orgasms.  Mommy is so excited for the weekend to begin.  And mommy knows you are as well, if that tent in the front of your pants is any sign. As soon as the front door closes and your dad drives away, mommy will strip you of all your clothes and inhibitions.  Then you can do the […]
June 4, 2023

Come Fuck Mommy, Now!

    Daddy is gone and mommy needs to be fucked so bad.  Mommy is so horny, that there definitely was no chance of concentrating at work, so mommy decided to leave early and head home.  Mommy noticed that her oldest son’s car was parked in the driveway. Mommy walked into the house completely unprepared for what she was about to see and experience.  Sitting on the couch with his dick in his hand and a porno on the TV was her son, Jeremy.  Mommy gasped, startling Jeremy and causing him to hurriedly try to cover up. Jeremy looked wide eyed at his mom, his dick tenting the shirt he tried to cover up his erection with.  Mommy couldn’t take her eyes off the shirt as she licked her lips.  Jeremy started to stutter an […]
May 16, 2023

Naughty Nephew Gets Caught! (part 3)

(second part) As if that wasn’t enough, his moans came out one after another to his aunt’s stunned and horrified gaze. Rodney moaned and moaned; his cries filled the room. That’s how intense his orgasm had been! His aunt kept looking at him in shock at the situation; she was so surprised by what had happened that she stood there, her jaw dropping as she watched. When it was all over, Rodney, his face burning, looked at his aunt. There was a tense moment where they both looked at each other, his aunt looking at him as if she couldn’t believe her eyes. Rodney had never felt so humiliated, but it had made him come. It was useless to ignore this fact. They were both shocked, and Rodney ran to his room, not thinking about […]
May 8, 2023

Naughty Nephew Gets Caught! (Part 1)

Rodney was taken to his Aunt Brenda’s house that summer, where he would spend that season. She was a loving woman in appearance, could be sweet and loving, but she could be very strict. Rodney was aware of that, but the day he was left alone in that house, he couldn’t help but do some things and go into places that were not his place. In the first instance, Rodney’s aunt had made it clear to him: “Rodney, I’m going out for a moment. Stay out of trouble”, she had said, and Rodney had merely nodded. Deep down inside Rodney, however, he knew he would explore the entire house. As much as he wanted to, he wouldn’t be able to avoid it. From his bedroom window, Rodney caught a glimpse of his Aunt Brenda coming […]
March 10, 2023

Auntie Gives a Spanking and Gets a Lickin’! (Part 2)

(First part) I pushed his face into the puddle of cum to lick it clean as I spanked his bare bottom with my hand. “It’s time to get up, Rodney!” I barked. “You need to clean up this mess you made!” I felt his warm body pressing against mine as he moved closer, his erection pressing against my thighs through my silk house robe and nightie. I could feel his desire for me pressing against my thighs, and I knew I had to do something about it. I hadn’t been spanking him for more than twenty seconds when I felt his body quiver, and he released all over my thighs. Damn! I cursed. I was determined to teach him a lesson about self-control. I pushed him down to his knees and scolded him for making […]