Phone A Mommy Blog

June 5, 2024

Paul is Turned Into A Baby! (part 2)

(part 1) Paul was a bit apprehensive, but he trusted her; he had always trusted her, so he sat back and allowed himself to drop his worry and enjoy how he felt being transformed into a baby. The transformation happened gradually. At first, it was just physical changes. Paul’s body shrank until he was the size of a newborn baby. His clothes became too big, and Brenda brought out some baby clothes for him to wear. She giggled as she dressed him in a cute onesie and a pair of tiny socks. As the physical transformation continued, he also began to feel different on the inside. His thoughts and emotions started to change, becoming simpler and more innocent. He felt a sense of wonder and curiosity that he hadn’t felt since childhood. Brenda was delighted […]
January 18, 2024

Brenda Takes Care Of Her Special Baby

  Brenda opened her eyes to the soft morning light filtering through the curtains that cast a warm glow over the room. She stretched her arms above her head and let out a contented sigh, feeling well-rested and at peace. She turned to her side, facing the crib beside her bed, and smiled at seeing her adult baby sleeping soundly. He looked peaceful and innocent, his face relaxed and breathing deep and even. Brenda couldn’t help but feel a surge of love and tenderness for him, as she did every time she saw him like this. With a gentle push, Brenda sat up and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. She took a moment to stretch and yawn before standing up and padding over to the crib. She looked down at her […]
September 25, 2023

Brandon Gets Spanked in Front of Everyone!

Brandon woke up super excited since he was having a party with other abdl’s just like him, a little meet-up later that day! Brandon had all his toys waiting in his toy boxes in his nursery, and he couldn’t wait for his friends to arrive. He waddled quickly behind Aunt Brenda when she started letting everyone in as they came one after the other, and while Brandon showed his friends his things, Brenda and her friends sat in the dining room having tea. Brandon already knew some of the other babies from previous meet-ups and quickly befriended the ones he didn’t know by sharing his toys. However, Robert was also there, and even though they mostly ignored each other, Robert, after some time, started approaching Brandon to play with the toys he had. Brandon never […]
May 13, 2023

Cheating Husband Becomes Brenda’s Adoring Baby!

Brenda’s heart was pounding as she glared angrily at her cheating husband Robert. When she learned that he had cheated on her, her entire life had fallen apart. After hours of argument, he was threatening to leave her while packed his luggage. Brenda, however, had other ideas. Plans that called for Robert to never leave her side once more. Robert picked up his luggage off the floor and looked away from Brenda. He moved in the direction of the door when an odd sensation started to go through him. Suddenly, his surroundings appeared larger than they were before. He noticed that his shoes were too big for him when he looked down at his feet. Before he knew it, his clothing was slipping off his body as he felt them begin to relax. Robert lurched […]
March 19, 2023

Brenda’s Boyfriend Turns into a Baby! (Part 2)

(Part 1) Brenda didn’t know what to do! She had never seen anything like this before. Was this some strange magic trick? She looked around the room for any clues but found nothing out of the ordinary. Looking down at the crying baby Simon that used to be her boyfriend, she knew she had to do something. She adjusted him so that he was lying against her chest, with one hand under his bottom and the other patting his back as Brenda tried to calm him; his cries were so shrill! But nothing seemed to work. Brenda was starting to panic. How could she explain this to anyone? What would happen if Simon didn’t change back? She knew she had to do something but didn’t know what. Brenda’s heart raced as she held Simon and […]
September 12, 2022

Brenda Desires Incest Sex With Son! (part 1)

Brenda Desires Incest Sex With Son! (part 1): To those who think they know me, would say I am a simple housewife, mother of three & member of the church. But they don’t know me. If they knew the truth, the truth of the hot incest sex I was having with my son. Some would call me a monster, others would understand. There are plenty of mothers & sons having hot MILF sex, you probably have met a few, you just don’t know it! Forced to hide our secret from the world. I love my son & he loves me. Deeply! I didn’t see much of my son in his early years, I had him young & he was raised by his grandparents on his father’s side. His father has since passed. Once I was […]
April 12, 2022

Auntie Brenda Gives Her Boy A Creamy Treat!

Auntie Brenda Gives Her Boy A Creamy Treat!: Johnny tiptoed down the hallway, trying to miss all the squeaky boards; he didn’t want Mom to hear him as he got closer and closer to her room. He couldn’t look away from the crack in her door, the light spilling out across the floor, as he started to hear her moans become louder and his breathing getting harder and harder. It had started twitching before he even got out of bed, because he knew exactly what he would see when he peeked into his mom’s bedroom. And there she was, stretched out on her bed with her thighs spread apart and her fingers sliding in and out of her pussy. He could hear it squelching from there; she was just that wet! Her nightie was bunched […]
February 28, 2021

Aunt Brenda’s Dirtiest Babies!

I would say that it’s fairly well-known that babies of all sizes, from the littlest to the biggest, can get more than a bit messy at times. Adult babies can get to be worse than others when it comes to messes, though, that is for sure! Little babies make messes because they don’t know any better, while adult babies make them even though they are being naughty. The misbehaving, mess-making babies enjoy being bad babies, even though they know that a spanking is usually going to follow their dirty fun. But did you know that there are some that like to go that extra mile, that like to get even filthier than most babies? Covering themselves with permanent marker or deciding to dig in all the house plant containers for treasure is not enough for […]
February 12, 2020

Mommy’s Milk In The Morning

It’s morning time, dear, time to wake up! I really need your help right now, my breasts are so full and swollen with milk that they’re starting to ache… you wouldn’t mind sucking on them, would you? I’ll get you out of your crib and take you back to bed with me so we can be more comfortable. We will lay facing each other, you scooched down just far enough for you to suck my nipples one at a time into your mouth and draw my milk into your eager little mouth.  There aren’t too many things better than a tummy full of mommy’s warm milk first thing in the morning for an abdl, now is there? I will keep my arms wrapped around you while you snuggle up to me and we’ll both feel […]