Paul is Turned Into A Baby! (part 1)
June 5, 2024
Daniel Takes A Naughty Peek At His Aunt Brenda!
June 20, 2024
Paul is Turned Into A Baby! (part 1)
June 5, 2024
Daniel Takes A Naughty Peek At His Aunt Brenda!
June 20, 2024

(part 1) Paul was a bit apprehensive, but he trusted her; he had always trusted her, so he sat back and allowed himself to drop his worry and enjoy how he felt being transformed into a baby. The transformation happened gradually. At first, it was just physical changes. Paul’s body shrank until he was the size of a newborn baby. His clothes became too big, and Brenda brought out some baby clothes for him to wear. She giggled as she dressed him in a cute onesie and a pair of tiny socks. As the physical transformation continued, he also began to feel different on the inside. His thoughts and emotions started to change, becoming simpler and more innocent. He felt a sense of wonder and curiosity that he hadn’t felt since childhood. Brenda was delighted by his transformation. She had always been a bit of a motherly figure, and now she had a real baby to take care of! She cooed and tickled him, watching him giggling and kicking his feet excitedly. As the day went on, however, Paul became more and more like a baby. He could no longer speak, only babble and gurgle. He couldn’t control his motor skills, so Brenda had to feed him and change his diaper, but Paul didn’t mind. He found it very comforting to be taken care of by his girlfriend. However, as time passed, Paul’s thoughts and memories of his adult life began to fade away. He could no longer remember his job, friends, or name. All he knew was that he was a baby and Brenda was his mommy. Brenda couldn’t believe how much she was enjoying taking care of Paul. But, as the day drew to a close, she realized that she didn’t want Paul to return to being an adult. She wanted to keep him as her baby forever. She had always dreamed of having a child, but it was never the right time. But now, with Paul as her baby, she could fulfill that dream. So, when Paul’s cries for the antidote became more insistent, Brenda rocked him back and forth and sang him a lullaby. She knew she should give him the antidote but couldn’t bring herself to do it. She loved him as a baby and wanted to keep him that way. Eventually, Paul drifted off to sleep, the last traces of his adult thoughts slipping away; Brenda leaned over him with a sweet and loving smile. And the last thing he thought before he fell into a deep sleep was, “This might not be so bad… Mommy!” The next morning, he just woke up in a crib, dressed in a cute pair of pajamas. He couldn’t remember anything from the day before, but he didn’t mind. He felt happy and content as if he were exactly where he was supposed to be. Wouldn’t you like to be transformed and cared for, just like Paul? You should call and tell me all about your fantasies, I want to know!

Aunt Brenda


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