Phone A Mommy Blog

July 12, 2024

Jack Has a Fun Day at the Park! (part 4)

(part 3) Obediently, Jake did as he was told, allowing his other senses to take over. He could hear Aunt Brenda and Amanda’s soft murmurs, feel their hands’ alternating touches, and smell the oil’s enticing fragrance. It was as if he had been transported to another world where only pleasure existed. As Jake surrendered to the sensations, Amanda felt a surge of boldness. Inspired by Aunt Brenda’s guidance, she leaned forward, her lips brushing lightly against Jake’s ear. “Tell me what you want,” she whispered, her breath warm against his skin. Jake’s response was immediate and visceral, his voice cracking slightly as he confessed, “I want… I want you both.” Aunt Brenda smiled, pleased by Jake’s candidness. She exchanged a glance with Amanda, who nodded, her expression determined. Together, they shifted their positions, creating a […]
July 12, 2024

Jack Has a Fun Day at the Park! (part 3)

(part 2) As Aunt Brenda cleaned him, he couldn’t shake the memory of his earlier diaper change, and the tingles he felt before were so much stronger with Amanda near. Aunt Brenda noticed the change immediately. “Hmm, looks like someone’s thinking naughty thoughts,” she teased, her fingers tracing gentle circles around his erection. Jake bit his lip, struggling to contain his reactions. He glanced at Amanda, who was watching them avidly. “Is this how your diaper changes always go?” Amanda asked, a coy expression on her face. Aunt Brenda looked up, a sly smile playing on her lips. “Just giving Jake a little special treatment, that’s all.” As Aunt Brenda’s fingers continued their gentle dance around Jake’s erection, Amanda watched intently, her curiosity piqued by the intimate scene unfolding before her. Her initial hesitation gave […]
July 12, 2024

Jack Has a Fun Day at the Park! (part 1)

The sun was peeking over the horizon as Aunt Brenda’s car pulled up to the park. The early morning air was crisp, and the scent of dew-covered grass filled the car as the wind blew in. Jake, a 25-year-old adult baby, felt excitement and nervousness; this was the first time he was going to the park as an adult baby! “Ready for some fun, Jake?” Aunt Brenda asked, her voice warm and encouraging. She glanced at him from behind the steering wheel, her eyes twinkling with mischief. Jake nodded, his heart racing. “Yeah, Aunt Brenda. I can’t wait!” They got out of the car, and Aunt Brenda led him to a secluded area of the park. It was a small playground, mostly empty this early morning, though a few more people were starting to show […]
June 24, 2024

Brandon Has Some Submissive Fun! (part 3)

(second part) He lost track of time as he pleasured her, his jaw starting to ache from the intensity, but he kept going, determined to make her cum. She was close, he could tell. Her breathing was becoming more ragged, her moans louder. Brandon could feel her body tensing, her hips thrusting towards his mouth and fingers, and he knew she was about to cum. He focused all of his attention on her, flicking his tongue against her clit while his fingers worked her entrance. “Mmmm…ohh..” Her low moans filled his ears, spurring him on. Finally, Brenda’s grip on his head tightened, and she let out a loud and throaty moan, her body shaking with pleasure as her cum gushed out of her pussy. Brandon’s face was covered by her juices and his sweat…he couldn’t […]
June 24, 2024

Brandon Has Some Submissive Fun! (part 2)

(first part) “My name is Brenda,” she said, her voice husky. “And I have a little game I like to play at these parties occasionally when I meet someone particularly interesting…” Brandon could feel his heart pounding as he tried to focus on what she was saying, his face flushing and body growing warmer from her attention. He couldn’t ignore the feel of her hand still applying firm pressure on his shoulder, her fingers caressing his skin, sending shivers and bumps down his spine, his cock getting noticeably harder in the tiny speedo they made all the waiters wear. “And what kind of game is that?” he asked, trying to keep his voice steady. Brenda’s smile turned into a wicked grin. “It’s called ‘Make me cum in front of everyone.’ And I think you’re going […]
June 24, 2024

Brandon Has Some Submissive Fun! (part 1)

Brandon knew something was very different about this party as he walked through the door, his jaw dropping as he took everything in. The women were taller, muscular, and confident, while the men were smaller, shorter, and more submissive. He had been hired as a server for the party, wearing nothing but a bowtie and a tight pair of briefs that did very little to hide his assets. As he weaved through the crowd with a tray of drinks in one hand, he couldn’t help but notice that he and the other men in the room were being treated differently than he was used to. Even with his smaller stature, he wasn’t used to being so much shorter than the women around him and wasn’t used to feeling like a sexual object(though he didn’t mind […]
June 20, 2024

Daniel Takes A Naughty Peek At His Aunt Brenda!

Daniel was feeling restless in his room, the sound of his stomach growling as he lay in bed. He knew he wasn’t supposed to leave his room after bedtime, but the thought of a delicious snack from the kitchen was too tempting to say no to… As quietly as he could, he crept out of his room and tip-toed down the hallway. He could hear the faint sound of music coming from Aunt Brenda’s room and wondered if she was still awake. Curiosity getting the better of him, he slowly opened the door to her room and peeked inside. To his surprise, he saw her lying on her bed, her hand between her legs, her eyes closed in pleasure… His first instinct was to run away, embarrassed at catching her in such a private moment. […]
November 23, 2023

Mike Gets Caught Being Naughty! (part 4)

(third part) After giving in to temptation, Brenda couldn’t stop herself anymore from watching Mike. Every day she was gone from the house, she would get a notice from the camera, and as soon as Brenda could, she would look at the recording to watch Mike jack off in her panties. Whether he stroked his cock with them wrapped on or sniffed them while he jacked off, Brenda got turned on. For the first few days, she tried to act normally, but soon enough, whenever Mike looked at her with lust, she started to look right back. Sometimes Brenda even heard Mike jerking off in his room while saying her name, and that made her even hornier for him. The sexual tension between the two continued to increase to a stage where it was almost […]
November 23, 2023

Mike Gets Caught Being Naughty! (part 3)

(second part) After that first time, when Brenda set up her nephew Mike as he jerked off to her dirty panties and she spanked him, and he came from it, Brenda didn’t say anything about it as if it never happened. Brenda never removed the camera from her room, and it was still set to alert her whenever there was movement in her room. There was nothing for around two weeks, then one day, the app dinged while she was out. She knew there was very little chance that Mike was in her bedroom for any other reason besides getting into her dirty clothes again. Brenda still felt guilty, ashamed, and absurdly thrilled about everything that happened, from how Mike came in her dirty panties to how she came in the panties she had been […]