Phone A Mommy Blog

June 21, 2024

Paul Becomes Paula for the Day!

Paul stared at the clothes spread across his bed while Karen gestured at them like she was showing him a prize on Wheel of Fortune, a massive smirk on her face. It was bad enough that he lost a bet to her, but he really couldn’t believe she wanted him to go through with what she wanted him to do. He stared between her and the highly feminine clothes on the bed with a mixture of disbelief and resignation. “You’ve got to be kidding me!!” “Nope, no kidding. You lost fair and square, Paul,” Karen replied, her smirk becoming a full-fledged grin. “But… but dressing like a woman for a day? That’s ridiculous!” He protested, his voice rising with incredulity. Karen shrugged back nonchalantly. “You agreed to the terms, Paul. And now you have to […]
April 26, 2024

Sissy Baby Brianna Gets Teased! (part 1)

Amanda wаlked into Brianna’s room to see her quickly scooting around to face away from the door and immediately noticed a familiar smell. She had been babysitting Brianna for Brenda long enough to know just what happened. She wrinkled her ոose as the pungent scent of urine got stronger as she walked towards Briana, and the closer she got, the more Brianna hunched over until she was nearly curled up into a ball, her skirt flared out around her. “Sit up straight and lift your skirt, Brianna.” She did so slowly, her eyes downcast and face bright red as she revealed that her diaper was starting to leak, her inner thighs wet with piss. She had utterly soaked it again without telling her! Amanda leaned over to point at the mess. “What’s that, Briаnna?” she […]
March 9, 2024

Sissy Charlotte Has A Party! (part 2)

  (part 1) “Brenda, your pretty sissy is leaking like a faucet!” one of the ladies exclaimed, causing a round of laughter from the others. Brenda, the host of the party and also Charlotte’s mistress, came over with a smile and patted her head affectionately. “That’s because she’s such a slutty little sissy. She can’t help herself.”  “Look at her squirm; she’s so desperate to be touched!”  “She’s such a slutty little thing, always leaking like that.”  “Don’t you know you shouldn’t be getting this excited? Hard and aching in a pretty dress and heels? You are very naughty.” The women’s playful teasing escalated as they explored her tanned body, their fingers delicately tracing the contours of her purplish cage, slipping into the slits to feel the warmth within. Her senses were on fire, her clittie […]
March 9, 2024

Sissy Charlotte Has A Party! (part 1)

Sissy Charlotte couldn’t contain her excitement as she pranced around Auntie Brenda’s house, her flirty dress swishing around her thighs with every step. She couldn’t believe she was finally at her very own sissy party, surrounded by other sissies and dominant women! She just felt so happy, like her chest should burst out with how good she felt, and Charlotte couldn’t help but twirl, her lovely hair flaring out behind her. Her spontaneity caught some nearby sissies’ attention, and they laughed and twirled with her. She felt so pretty and feminine, surrounded by the other sissies who were all dressed in their gorgeous outfits. Charlotte thought they all looked like lovely butterflies flitting around in all the different colors and just as delicate and light. As she made her way through the crowded room, she […]
March 5, 2024

Sissy Charlotte Has Fun at The Salon! (part 2)

(part 1) “Um, something cute and… pixieish?” she replied, her voice slightly shaky. “Great choice. I have just the thing in mind,” the woman said with a smile before turning to Auntie Brenda. “Is it okay if I add some highlights to give her hair more dimension?” “Of course, go ahead,” Auntie Brenda consented with a smile. The hairstylist began working on her hair, chatting about different hair care tips and products. She found herself relaxing under Sarah’s gentle touch, and soon, she was lost in her thoughts, feeling a tingling warmth spreading through her body, her most intimate parts responding eagerly beneath her now soaking panties. “Looks like someone is enjoying herself,” the hairstylist teased, causing the other women to giggle. She blushed furiously, feeling humiliated and horny at the same time. She tried […]
March 5, 2024

Sissy Charlotte Has Fun at The Salon! (part 1)

As the morning sun shone brightly through the windows, Auntie Brenda entered Sissy Charlotte’s room with a smile on her face, dressed in a lovely sundress, long hair cascading down her back. She couldn’t help but feel a little envious of her aunt’s effortless beauty. “Good morning, my dear,” Brenda chirped, walking over to her bed. “Are you ready for your big day?” Charlotte sat up, excitement and nervousness bubbling in her stomach. “Yes, Auntie! I can’t wait to see what you have planned for me!” Brenda chuckled and patted her head. “Well, get dressed and meet me downstairs. We have a full day ahead of us.” She quickly got out of bed and went about her room, getting out a short pink dress and matching panties. She slipped them on with a pair of […]
February 9, 2024

Karen Rewards Her Sissy Well! (part 2)

(part 1) However, Karen wasn’t quite ready to give Sadie what she wanted yet because she wanted to tease her a little more first, so she continued to tease her through the day, dragging her fingers across her tiny clittie, playing with her short skirt, and giving her light smacks on her round ass. She could see the desire and need building in her eyes, and she knew it wouldn’t be long before she would give in to her demands. Finally, as the day ended, the woman decided it was time to give Sadie what she had been waiting for; she grabbed her long hair and pinned her down on her knees. “Prepare yourself like you usually do, my naughty girl,” she told her in her left ear, with her hand handing her a bottle […]
February 9, 2024

Karen Rewards Her Sissy Well! (part 1)

Karen walked into the kitchen, her heels clicking against the marble tiles. She wore a sleek black pencil skirt, a crisp white blouse, and a fitted blazer. Her hair was perfectly coiffed, and her makeup flawlessly applied, exuding an air of elegance and power as she entered the room. Her eyes fell upon her sissy princess Sadie, who was diligently wiping down the granite island. Sadie was dressed in a ruffled lavender dress, the skirt barely reaching mid-thigh. She could see the frilly hem of her panties peeking out from underneath the short skirt. On her feet were a pair of cream-colored thigh-high stockings held up by delicate garter belts. And to complete the look, Sadie wore sky-high stiletto heels, making her appear more feminine and submissive. Karen made a dramatic show of looking around […]
December 27, 2023

Sissy Jessica Has A Party! (part 1)

Jessica had always been a silly sissy, a completely girly girl who loved nothing more than playing with dolls, wearing dresses, and giggling like a schoolgirl. Her Aunt Brenda had always seen something special in her that needed to be nurtured and developed. Aunt Brenda had started by getting her pretty panties and short dresses, thigh-high stockings with garter belts, and all kinds of heels. Jessica had been hesitant at first, but as she began to wear these items, she felt a sense of liberation that she had never experienced before. She loved how the lace panties felt against her skin, the way the stockings hugged her legs, and how the heels made her walk. Aunt Brenda had also taught Jessica how to walk and talk more femininely. She had been patient and gentle, helping […]