Phone A Mommy Blog

July 26, 2024

Kevin’s Birthday Partysplosion!

Kevin woke up as the sun filtered through the curtains of his nursery, casting a warm glow over the room. Today was special—it was his birthday, and he couldn’t wait for his friends to arrive! He stretched his arms, feeling the soft fabric of his onesie tighten against his skin, and smiled as he heard Aunt Brenda’s footsteps coming down the hallway. “Kevin, sweetie, time to get up!” Aunt Brenda’s voice carried gently through the door. She walked in with a beaming smile. “Happy Birthday, my little man!” “Thank you, Aunt Brenda!” Kevin beamed, sitting up in his crib. She helped him out and guided him to the changing table. As she unfastened his onesie, revealing the crinkly padding beneath, she cooed, “Let’s make sure we have enough protection for all the fun we’re going […]
July 18, 2024

Alex Wins His First Abdl Pageant!

The auditorium was a sea of pastel colors and the soft murmur of excited voices. At the center of it all, standing nervously on stage, was Alex. He adjusted the collar of his baby blue onesie, feeling both out of place and utterly exposed. He had wanted to join the pageant when Aunt Brenda suggested it, but Alex was getting very nervous now. “Next up, we have Alex!” The emcee’s voice boomed over the microphone, causing Alex to jump slightly. He took a deep breath and stepped forward, the spotlight enveloping him in a warm, blinding glow. The audience fell silent, their eyes fixed on him. “Hi, everyone,” Alex managed to squeak, his voice cracking under the pressure. He cleared his throat and tried again, this time with more confidence. “I’m Alex, and I’m… weally […]
February 11, 2024

Brenda Takes Care of Her Sick Baby! (part 2)

(part 1) She also brought him a sippy cup filled with juice, knowing he needed to stay hydrated. “Here you go, sweetie,” Brenda said as she handed him the sippy cup. “You drink this while I make a late breakfast for you, okay?” Her baby nodded and took a sip of his juice, his eyes never leaving the TV screen; she smiled and headed to the kitchen to make some oatmeal for them. As the day went on, Brenda cared for his loving every need. She ensured he always had a dry diaper, even though he was sick, and changed him frequently to prevent discomfort. She also ensured he had plenty of fluids, whether water, juice, or warm broth. Brenda also kept him comfortable by bringing him blankets, rubbing his back, or massaging his head […]
August 27, 2023

End Of Summer Fun

Last weekend of the summer before September starts.  Soon it will be back to school time and no more summer fun for the year.  So we are going to have one last blast.  A party where everything goes, nothing is off limits.  Do anything and everything you want one last time. That means you can dress in any outfit, wear any type of costume or choose to wear nothing at all.  Some will be in bathing suits, some dressed as little babies in just a diaper and everyone will be living in the moment.  And no one will judge you for your choices. Everyone is going to be having the time of their life.  It will be a wild weekend of wetness.  Either wet from water games, the pool or a peepee diaper.  And lots […]
August 20, 2023

A Surprise Awaits You… Part 2

1…2…3… You turn the knob and push the door open.  I stop you just as you step over the threshold.  Now time for part of your surprise.  I will untie the scarf and let it fall from your face so you can see what the surprise is.  Keep your eyes close until I tell you to open them. I remove the scarf and tell you to go ahead and open your eyes.  I step aside out of the way so you can see the whole room and what has been done to it as one part of a surprise for you.  The room has been converted to an adult size nursery. I smile as you look around, your eyes wide and your mouth slightly agape.  All of this is for you.  I thought you needed […]
August 20, 2023

A Surprise Awaits You… Part 1

I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately.  A special surprise just for you, well actually it’s something for both of us to enjoy.  I went out and picked up everything needed for it to happen.  I made a list so as not to forget anything.  Filled the whole back of the minivan up with stuff to surprise you with. While you are out, I get started on rearranging one of the rooms.  I’m giving it a complete makeover.  It will be transformed into a completely different room from the guest bedroom it was.  I have everything needed to transform it into a lovely nursery. And not just any nursery, but one that is specifically for you.  And everything necessary to make you into my sweet little diapered adult baby.  You have been working so […]
July 30, 2023

Mommy Catches You Being A Dirty Diaper Boy

Mommy sends you to your room to play until nap time.  Mommy gets a bottle ready for you and then heads to the nursery.  As mommy steps into the room, mommy gets a surprise.  Someone has decided to be a dirty little baby.  Mommy catches you using a dirty diaper to masturbate with. As soon as you see mommy, you freeze in mid stroke.  Your eyes open wide and your mouth drops open, but that hand and diaper never leave your hard peepee.  Mommy can see your body start to tremble, could be from fear of getting caught being naughty or because you are so close to making stickies. Mommy slowly walks towards you, her eyes never leaving you.  Mommy stops when she’s just inches from you and your diaper wrapped peepee.  Mommy watches as […]
May 28, 2023

I Noticed Something on my Picnic Date with Brad

    Brad moved into my building about 2 months ago.  He is attractive and very friendly.  One day I finally got the nerve up to ask Brad if he would like to hang out.  Since the weather is finally warm and it’s beautiful out, I asked him if he would like to join me for a picnic at the nearby park. I told him I would bring everything needed, he just needed to bring himself and anything he needed for the afternoon.  I got there early to set up, so I could have everything ready for our date.  I laid out a big thick blanket and put the picnic basket down on one corner. I made some finger sandwiches, had a variety of chips to choose from and a home made apple pie.  On […]
October 23, 2022

Monster Fun with Me

  Monster Fun with Me: Halloween is coming up in a week, and I am so excited. I just love dressing up and having fun. Halloween is my most favorite holiday ever! And definitely the one time of the year where you can wear a diaper without any repercussions. This year I’m thinking of something like Frankenstein, but cuter and diapered. A pretty little diapered monster that will scare the pants off of you But no worries; I have lots of extra diapers if that happens. Being a diaper girl and a lover of the ABD lifestyle makes me prepared for all emergencies. Halloween is the perfect holiday for fetish lovers like me. And of course, all the candy I get for being a scary monster is an added bonus. I may not know for […]