Phone A Mommy Blog

August 13, 2023

Mommy’s Little Sex Slave

Mommy snaps her fingers and you come running.  What mommy says goes and you know what’s expected of you.  No ifs, ands or buts, you do exactly what mommy tells you. Now get on your knees and crawl over to mommy.  That’s a good little slave.  Start at mommy’s toes and kiss your way up to mommy’s pussy.  Slowly, don’t […]
July 30, 2023

Mommy Catches You Being A Dirty Diaper Boy

Mommy sends you to your room to play until nap time.  Mommy gets a bottle ready for you and then heads to the nursery.  As mommy steps into the room, mommy gets a surprise.  Someone has decided to be a dirty little baby.  Mommy catches you using a dirty diaper to masturbate with. As soon as you see mommy, you […]
June 18, 2023

Shhh… Don’t Tell Daddy

    Daddy will be going away for work this coming up weekend, and mommy has been busy planning a fun filled few days for us.  Just remember everything we do during this time has to stay just between us.  Our special little secret.  Shhh…. We will have the whole house to ourselves.  We can do anything we want. anywhere […]
May 28, 2023

Mommy Has a Gift For You

    Mommy went shopping today and found something that we will all enjoy.  They are perfect for anyone and everyone.  From mommy to sissy, these pretty pink panties will look good on all.  So let’s have some fun, shall we? A little modelling show for mommy, parade around in your new panties and show them off to mommy.  Let […]
May 22, 2023

That Tiny Peepee Belongs In a Diaper

    That’s not a cock, that’s a tiny little baby peepee.  You can’t satisfy a woman with that, she would laugh at you as soon as she saw your pathetic excuse of a dick.  Something that little belongs in one place only, and that place is not a warm wet pussy, but rather a squishy warm diaper. Just lay […]
May 14, 2023

Lock You Up and Throw Away the Key

    Oh I have something special planned for our date tonight.  I’ve seen how you get turned on every time we watch crime shows and handcuffs appear.  I also know that your cock gets hard, I’ve seen you fidgeting out of the corner of my eye.  So tonight after we get home from dinner, I will be seeing how […]