Phone A Mommy Blog

August 20, 2023

A Surprise Awaits You… Part 2

1…2…3… You turn the knob and push the door open.  I stop you just as you step over the threshold.  Now time for part of your surprise.  I will untie the scarf and let it fall from your face so you can see what the surprise is.  Keep your eyes close until I tell you to open them. I remove […]
May 28, 2023

I Noticed Something on my Picnic Date with Brad

    Brad moved into my building about 2 months ago.  He is attractive and very friendly.  One day I finally got the nerve up to ask Brad if he would like to hang out.  Since the weather is finally warm and it’s beautiful out, I asked him if he would like to join me for a picnic at the […]
May 22, 2023

That Tiny Peepee Belongs In a Diaper

    That’s not a cock, that’s a tiny little baby peepee.  You can’t satisfy a woman with that, she would laugh at you as soon as she saw your pathetic excuse of a dick.  Something that little belongs in one place only, and that place is not a warm wet pussy, but rather a squishy warm diaper. Just lay […]
October 23, 2022

Monster Fun with Me

  Monster Fun with Me: Halloween is coming up in a week, and I am so excited. I just love dressing up and having fun. Halloween is my most favorite holiday ever! And definitely the one time of the year where you can wear a diaper without any repercussions. This year I’m thinking of something like Frankenstein, but cuter and […]
September 4, 2022

You Belong In Diapers

  You Belong In Diapers: Mommy has seen that little, tiny baby peepee of yours, and you definitely belong in diapers. There’s no denying what’s between your legs. And the only thing a peep that size is good for is a diaper. A soft, crinkly pamper for your petite peepee. A mommy knows where a tiny “cock” like that belongs. […]
August 28, 2022

When Mommy’s Away

  When Mommy’s Away: I just can’t help myself; any time mommy leaves me unattended and alone for more than a few minutes at a time, my hands start to wander. My diapered pussy gets so excited and wet. I have no control. I start to squeeze and rub my diaper; I know Mommy wouldn’t approve, but I just can’t […]