Phone A Mommy Blog

July 18, 2024

Alex Wins His First Abdl Pageant!

The auditorium was a sea of pastel colors and the soft murmur of excited voices. At the center of it all, standing nervously on stage, was Alex. He adjusted the collar of his baby blue onesie, feeling both out of place and utterly exposed. He had wanted to join the pageant when Aunt Brenda suggested it, but Alex was getting very nervous now. “Next up, we have Alex!” The emcee’s voice boomed over the microphone, causing Alex to jump slightly. He took a deep breath and stepped forward, the spotlight enveloping him in a warm, blinding glow. The audience fell silent, their eyes fixed on him. “Hi, everyone,” Alex managed to squeak, his voice cracking under the pressure. He cleared his throat and tried again, this time with more confidence. “I’m Alex, and I’m… weally […]
July 17, 2024

John Gets a Surprise Photo Shoot! (part 1)

Johnny woke up to his phone buzzing insistently on the nightstand. Groggily, he reached over and fumbled for it, squinting at the screen through sleep-blurred eyes. The text message was from an unknown number, reading: “Good morning! Your 10 am appointment is confirmed. Looking forward to seeing you there!” Confused, Johnny rubbed his eyes and sat up in bed. He had no recollection of scheduling any appointments today. Frowning, he typed back a reply, “Who is this? I don’t remember setting up any appointments.” The response came almost instantly: “Oh, sorry for the confusion! This is Sarah from Creative Concepts. Ms. Brenda arranged a special photoshoot. We’re excited to have you!” Johnny’s brow furrowed deeper. Photoshoot? Special? He racked his brain but couldn’t recall agreeing to anything like that. Curiosity piqued despite his confusion, and […]
May 31, 2024

Sean Needs Mommy’s Loving Care!

Brenda’s heart dropped as she heard Sean’s muffled cries through the monitor. Rushing to his room, she found him tossing and turning, his face flushed red with fever. She sighed, her maternal instincts kicking into high gear. “Oh, sweetie, what’s wrong?” she cooed, sitting on the edge of the bed, resting her hand against his forehead and then his cheek to feel how hot he was. Sean whimpered softly, his voice barely audible over the pounding of his head. “I don’t feel good, Mommy,” he groaned, turning his face into the palm of her hand. She frowned with worry at his words. “It’s okay, baby boy,” she murmured, kissing his forehead gently. “Mommy’s here to take care of you.” She gently brushed her knuckles against his cheek, wanting to comfort him. “Let’s see if we […]
February 9, 2024

Jeff Has Some Naughty Fun With Brenda! (part 2)

(first part) She said nothing, but her body language told Jeff she wanted more. Feeling bold, he moved his mouth down to her other breast, sucking and licking her nipple while his fingers continued to pleasure her. Brenda’s hips were moving in rhythm with his hand, and Jeff could feel her getting closer and closer to the edge…” Hmm.” Just when he felt her body tense up, he stopped and pulled his hand away. She let out a frustrated groan, and he couldn’t help but chuckle. “Did I wake you up, Mommy?” he asked cheekily, enjoying their playful dynamic. Brenda just smiled and pulled him up for a kiss. Their lips met in a passionate embrace, and he could taste the desire and need on her tongue; he knew without a doubt that she wanted […]
December 23, 2023

Robert Misbehaves and Gets A Spanking!

It had been a long week for Brenda, but the weekend was finally around the corner, and she felt terrific. The day started perfectly for her and her adult baby, Robert. However, soon after waking up, Robert began acting differently. He didn’t want to eat, even though Brenda made his favorite breakfast, ham and cheese toastie with hot chocolate. He pecked at his food but barely ate two mouthfuls. Brenda couldn’t understand why he was behaving like this. When he woke up, he was in good spirits and gave her a big cuddle, but his mood turned sour minutes later. Robert was barely replying to Brenda when she kept asking him what was wrong or if he needed anything. Seeing that he wouldn’t eat anything else nor answer her questions correctly, Brenda told him to […]
October 16, 2023

Panties or Pampers?

  One or the other…that’s the only place for you with what you’re packing.  And mommy will be the one to decide one way or the other.  Both make mommy very happy, will you be mommy’s little sissy or mommy’s little baby, you will soon find out. Mommy might just decide to do both, some days you will be mommy’s sweet little baby, that mommy diapers and nurses and takes very good care of.  And other times you will be mommy’s sassy little sissy, that mommy will dress up and show off and so much more. As mommy’s little baby you will be stripped of all your big boy clothes and undies, you won’t be needing those anymore.  Then mommy will lay you down and lather your bare bottom with diaper cream, making sure to […]
August 27, 2023

End Of Summer Fun

Last weekend of the summer before September starts.  Soon it will be back to school time and no more summer fun for the year.  So we are going to have one last blast.  A party where everything goes, nothing is off limits.  Do anything and everything you want one last time. That means you can dress in any outfit, wear any type of costume or choose to wear nothing at all.  Some will be in bathing suits, some dressed as little babies in just a diaper and everyone will be living in the moment.  And no one will judge you for your choices. Everyone is going to be having the time of their life.  It will be a wild weekend of wetness.  Either wet from water games, the pool or a peepee diaper.  And lots […]
July 30, 2023

Mommy Catches You Being A Dirty Diaper Boy

Mommy sends you to your room to play until nap time.  Mommy gets a bottle ready for you and then heads to the nursery.  As mommy steps into the room, mommy gets a surprise.  Someone has decided to be a dirty little baby.  Mommy catches you using a dirty diaper to masturbate with. As soon as you see mommy, you freeze in mid stroke.  Your eyes open wide and your mouth drops open, but that hand and diaper never leave your hard peepee.  Mommy can see your body start to tremble, could be from fear of getting caught being naughty or because you are so close to making stickies. Mommy slowly walks towards you, her eyes never leaving you.  Mommy stops when she’s just inches from you and your diaper wrapped peepee.  Mommy watches as […]
July 30, 2023

Boys Will Be Boys

    Mommy notices that it has gotten a little too quiet in the other room.  Mommy peeks out from the kitchen and notices the living room is empty.  Now, where did those naughty little diaper boys go?  Mommy makes her way down the hall to the nursery. Mommy peeks in and sees two very naughty little boys have decided to open up their diapers and play.  And not just any type of play, but piss play.  They are peeing on each other and in each other’s diapers.  Mommy should know better than leave you two unattended even if for only a minute. Neither of you have noticed mommy standing in the doorway watching you both.  Mommy clears her throat making you both jump, causing pee to spray on the floor.  Bad Boys!  You know […]