Phone A Mommy Blog

July 12, 2024

Jack Has a Fun Day at the Park! (part 1)

The sun was peeking over the horizon as Aunt Brenda’s car pulled up to the park. The early morning air was crisp, and the scent of dew-covered grass filled the car as the wind blew in. Jake, a 25-year-old adult baby, felt excitement and nervousness; this was the first time he was going to the park as an adult baby! “Ready for some fun, Jake?” Aunt Brenda asked, her voice warm and encouraging. She glanced at him from behind the steering wheel, her eyes twinkling with mischief. Jake nodded, his heart racing. “Yeah, Aunt Brenda. I can’t wait!” They got out of the car, and Aunt Brenda led him to a secluded area of the park. It was a small playground, mostly empty this early morning, though a few more people were starting to show […]
July 1, 2024

Tony Gets Some Care After His Spanking! (part 2)

(first part) Tony hesitated momentarily before latching onto the nipple and sucking on it, slowly at first, but then with even harder pulls. He felt a little silly, even though this was something he’d wanted for a long time, but the sucking motion was very calming. He then snuggled against her chest as she sat in her rocking chair, gently patting his back as he drank his bottle. After he finished, Brenda got him into the bed and pulled the covers up around him and tucking them up lightly against his body. “It’s bedtime for babies,” she said, tucking the blankets around him. “I’ll see you in the morning.” He watched as she turned off the light and left the room, closing the door behind her. He was amazed at how quickly he fell asleep, […]
May 31, 2024

Sean Needs Mommy’s Loving Care!

Brenda’s heart dropped as she heard Sean’s muffled cries through the monitor. Rushing to his room, she found him tossing and turning, his face flushed red with fever. She sighed, her maternal instincts kicking into high gear. “Oh, sweetie, what’s wrong?” she cooed, sitting on the edge of the bed, resting her hand against his forehead and then his cheek to feel how hot he was. Sean whimpered softly, his voice barely audible over the pounding of his head. “I don’t feel good, Mommy,” he groaned, turning his face into the palm of her hand. She frowned with worry at his words. “It’s okay, baby boy,” she murmured, kissing his forehead gently. “Mommy’s here to take care of you.” She gently brushed her knuckles against his cheek, wanting to comfort him. “Let’s see if we […]
May 12, 2024

Timmy Gets A Day At The Zoo!

 Timmy giggled excitedly as Aunt Brenda pushed him in his stroller through the zoo’s winding paths. Dressed in adorable shortalls adorned with colorful cartoon characters and sporting a paw patrol t-shirt, he looked every bit the happy toddler. Two thick diapers crinkled beneath his clothes, a comforting reminder of his cozy protection. His baba, securely nestled in its holder, swayed gently with each step while a pacifier dangled from a clip, ready to soothe Timmy whenever needed. Stocked with all his essentials, the diaper bag rested neatly beneath the stroller, ensuring he was well-prepared for any adventure. The zoo was alive with colors and sounds, each exhibit more fascinating than the last. His cute eyes widened in wonder as he watched the graceful giraffes and heard the playful chatter of the monkeys swinging from branch […]
April 23, 2024

Tony Gets Spanked In The Store!

Tony slipped into his local abdl store, looking around furtively before he was greeted by Brenda, one of the regular clerks. He smiled politely and told her he was just there to brоwse. She returոeԁ the smile wаrmly аnd iոstruсteԁ him tօ fiոd her іf Tony ոeeded аnу assistanсe. Heaԁiոg straight for tһe diaper sectіοn, Tony felt a rush of excіtement mіxed wіth nervousness․ He carefullу browseԁ tһrօugh the vаrious optioոs, taking longer than usual as he waited for Brenda to have to walk away. She soon did step away to help another customer‚ and he attempted to sneak а smаll package under his baggy shirt‚ һopiոg to avoid any аtteոtion. However, his attempts were in νаin as Brenda, ever watchful, саme around the corner just in time to catch him in the act. Without […]
February 19, 2024

Diaper Changes For All The Abdl’s!

  As the mommies sat in a circle with their adult babies sitting with them, they couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for what was about to happen. Brenda laid her baby down and began to undress him, making slow movements so that everyone could see what she was doing. She looked down at John with a sweetly condescending smile as she untaped his diaper. “How does it feel to get changed in front of everyone, sweetie?” She continued with her purposefully slow movements… “Look at my little baby, all messy and stinky,” she teased, causing her abdl John to blush even deeper. She then sprinkled baby powder all over his bottom and between his legs, making sure to rub it in thoroughly. The babies whimpered and tried to cover themselves, […]
February 15, 2024

Brenda Lactates For Her Baby!

Brenda lay in bed, her blouse and bra discarded on the floor. She had been taking the medication for weeks now, hoping to induce lactation for John, her adult baby love, and finally, it seemed to be working! John’s eyes lit up with excitement as he saw tiny droplets of milk forming at Brenda’s nipples. “It’s happening!” he exclaimed, crawling over to her. She gasped as John gently cupped one breast and took her nipple in his mouth. The warm sensation sent bumps through her body. “Does it feel good, baby?” she asked, her voice soothed. Her baby moved his head in response, his mouth still attached to her breast. He could feel the warm liquid trickling into his mouth, driving him wild with pleasure. Brenda moaned, feeling a deep connection with her love as […]
February 11, 2024

Brenda Takes Care of Her Sick Baby! (part 2)

(part 1) She also brought him a sippy cup filled with juice, knowing he needed to stay hydrated. “Here you go, sweetie,” Brenda said as she handed him the sippy cup. “You drink this while I make a late breakfast for you, okay?” Her baby nodded and took a sip of his juice, his eyes never leaving the TV screen; she smiled and headed to the kitchen to make some oatmeal for them. As the day went on, Brenda cared for his loving every need. She ensured he always had a dry diaper, even though he was sick, and changed him frequently to prevent discomfort. She also ensured he had plenty of fluids, whether water, juice, or warm broth. Brenda also kept him comfortable by bringing him blankets, rubbing his back, or massaging his head […]
February 11, 2024

Brenda Takes Care of Her Sick Baby! (part 1)

  Brenda woke up with a jerk to the sound of her baby crying harshly through the monitor. She glanced at the clock to see it was still an hour or so until dawn. Quickly sitting up, she threw her blankets off and walked down the hallway to her baby’s room. As she entered the room, she could see Robert, her adult baby, lying in his crib with tears streaming down his face. Brenda hurriedly pulled the side of the crib down to reach out to her upset baby. “Shh, shh, baby, it’s okay,” Brenda cooed as she ran her hands across his forehead and cheeks, feeling for a fever. She clicked her tongue worryingly over the heat she felt against her palm. “What’s wrong, love? Are you feeling sick?” Robert slowly nodded, his face […]