Diaper love
October 18, 2007
Hello Everyone in Blogger World lol
October 19, 2007
Diaper love
October 18, 2007
Hello Everyone in Blogger World lol
October 19, 2007
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Hello Everyone in Blogger World lol


Mandy here.  I really don’t have too much to say at the moment.

I am dead tired. I think I will be going nite nite after this. Well, How has everyone been? I am your all doing well. So I want to give everyone a good laugh. not too good. I want you all to know that however dumb this may sound I am not a dumb person, I just had a dumb moment lol.  I was on my way home from the store and my car has a digital compass kinda thingy in it. Well I look up and it says NE the first thought that popped in my head was …….”thats not possible I am not driving sideways.” I had to ask myself out loud,”what the hell was that about Mandy, dumby.” lol it was sad but funny. And again I am not a dumb person I had a 4.0 GPA all through school including college. However, we are all intitled to our blonde moments.  Ok well now that I made most of you laugh (and some of you just shake your head) I am going to go to bed now.

Nighty nite,
