Momma Rosa

Woman With Very Large Breasts And Shows them
Big Tits Busty Girls Lying Down On The Floor
Woman Holding Her Big Breasts, View from Above
Hot woman lives showing Her huge Boobs With dress

My Bio: 

    Momma Rosa is here for all her little babies and she'll make sure every single baby is taken care of the way they should be. Mommy Rosa will feed you, give you your bath, change your diapers, all while you boss her around like the spoiled little brat you are, demanding she do more and more and more.....

    No matter what you do to Momma Rosa is always there to be your personal mommy who you can mistreat and abuse as much as you want. The last time you took her towel when she was showering and made her run out naked until she breastfed you the way you demanded was a perfect example of the mean things you do to Mommy Rosa. When ever you need your poopy diaper changed and you pooped in it on purpose just to make Mommy Rosa have to clean it up, really upset her but she loves you so much she will do anything for her babies.

    When shes spoon feeding you and you throw your food on the floor kicking and screaming and demand her to lick it up off the floor she will do it just for her baby. When she's down there and you pull out your whittle pee pee and make her suck out all your milk, shes filled with joy because she knows she's helping her little baby get ready for bed draining his little weenie.

  • This is the 1st item

  • This is the 2nd item

  • Black Momma

  • Breast Feeding

  • Smothering Soakings

  • Southern Hospitality


    Diaper Emergency call 1 (888) 430-2010

    July 23, 2024

    Derek’s Diaper Delight

    “Oh, Derek, my sweet baby, come here,” Mommy Brianna cooed softly, her voice a gentle lullaby in the dimly lit bedroom. She patted the plush comforter beside her, inviting him closer. The room was bathed in the soft glow of a bedside lamp, casting warm shadows across her lovely features. With his cheeks flushed and eyes filled with excitement, Derek crawled towards her on all fours. He wore only a fluffy diaper, which crinkled with every move. As he settled between her spread legs, Brianna’s hands reached out to cup his face, guiding him toward her chest. Her breasts were full and lush, nipples erect and flushed a dark, inviting pink. “That’s it, baby, come drink from Mommy,” she whispered, her fingers gently brushing through his hair. Derek leaned in, his mouth eagerly seeking her […]
    July 18, 2024

    Alex Wins His First Abdl Pageant!

    The auditorium was a sea of pastel colors and the soft murmur of excited voices. At the center of it all, standing nervously on stage, was Alex. He adjusted the collar of his baby blue onesie, feeling both out of place and utterly exposed. He had wanted to join the pageant when Aunt Brenda suggested it, but Alex was getting very nervous now. “Next up, we have Alex!” The emcee’s voice boomed over the microphone, causing Alex to jump slightly. He took a deep breath and stepped forward, the spotlight enveloping him in a warm, blinding glow. The audience fell silent, their eyes fixed on him. “Hi, everyone,” Alex managed to squeak, his voice cracking under the pressure. He cleared his throat and tried again, this time with more confidence. “I’m Alex, and I’m… weally […]