June 21, 2021You Will Become Mommy’s Sweet Little Baby
June 24, 2021Gina was such a good baby girl. She always listened to me when I spoke with her and she never tried to challenge me at all. There are a lot of babies out there that love to push the limits to see what they can get away with and that can get quite annoying at times. So many babies have gotten themselves caught up in time out and corner time because of misbehavior. But Gina was the baby that everyone wish that they had.
I can go to sleep and then in the middle of the night, I will feel a pair of hands on my feet and when I open up my eyes, it is no one else but my baby girl Gina. Age regression had always been a fantasy of hers for a long time and she always kept it inside because she thought that wanting to be a part of the world of abdl age regression was some sort of an abomination. Religion had done a job on her and she had all of these ideals in her head that messed her up and caused her to be sexually repressed for years.
After she started spending time with me and we began to explore different parts of her sexuality she was able to open to me about things that she thought about and she wanted to try. I told her that she should not hold back her feelings or her fantasies as that is how she could really be free. If she had to suppress her feelings for sexual things that she wanted to try she was just being a pawn for those who make the rules that they don’t bother to follow themselves.
She agreed with what I said made sense and that is how she was initially convinced to be my sweet baby girl. I did not have to try forced age regression because being a baby was something that she was willing to do and she did without any reservations. She always let me diaper her in the morning, noon and night. I told her that a baby girl needs to be in fresh diapers as often as possible so that there will be no chance of her getting a diaper rash.
That is the last thing that I would want her to experience because it would not be fun at all. It would burn her and the pain would not be one that she would want to experience at all. So when she has to let it all out, she does it with such pride because she knows that as a baby girl this is the way she has to relieve herself. Step mommy will always be there for her to clean her up and make her feel as the fresh and clean baby that she is and was always meant to be.
I love to see her so happy and putting her in her play pen to have fun with her toys makes me so happy to see her in her glee. I will sing her songs and watch her dance with me as she enjoys her sweet time as an abdl baby. Would you like to find out what it is like to be an age regressed baby as well? Then give me a call right now and let us play.