Amanda Gets Some Encouragement to Use Her Diapers!
Amanda Gets Some Encouragement to Use Her Diapers!
December 20, 2022
Brenda Sees Something Teeny Tiny!
December 25, 2022
Amanda Gets Some Encouragement to Use Her Diapers!
Amanda Gets Some Encouragement to Use Her Diapers!
December 20, 2022
Brenda Sees Something Teeny Tiny!
December 25, 2022

Brenda Finds Out Jeff’s Diaper Secret! (part 1): Jeff rocked back and forth in his chair, trying to get a feel for how wet his diaper might be. It was thick enough that he wouldn’t be comfortable walking to the bathroom. Still, it would be so much worse if his diaper started leaking at his desk… he waited till it looked like everyone was sitting down or somewhere else, then hurried to the bathroom with his discreet diaper bag as quickly as he could.
He would have liked to use the men’s bathroom since the handicapped stall was so large, but the unisex one was so much closer that there wasn’t a choice; he didn’t want to leave a trail of piss puddles as he shuffled around the place!
He felt another rush, and it was squelchy and uncomfortable. Jeff imagined for a second how the pee smell could spread through the whole office and how everyone would be disgusted with it. The embarrassment he felt just thinking about it brought a hot blush to his cheeks!
He looked about and around him, trying not to draw any attention, but he was positive he saw someone from nearly every angle looking at him, making him even more nervous. He took the chance, though, since his coworker Brenda was nowhere to be seen, and he was pretty sure she had been paying extra attention to his bottom half a lot more lately, and he could tell it wasn’t because she was checking him out. He didn’t have a clue how she would react if she found out about his diapers and incontinence, but he didn’t want to find out. Jeff tried to rush through the halls without looking like he was rushing until he was able to get inside the bathroom; his relief was palpable as he locked the door (he was so distracted that he didn’t hear the odd lack of click as the door lock didn’t latch) and started pulling out everything he would need for a diaper change. Brenda was on her way from her coffee break and still not nearly ready enough to sit back at her desk. She took a detour so she wouldn’t walk past the open office and decided to take a quick trip to the bathroom to play with her phone when she turned a corner and saw the unisex one there. A short jerk of the handle proved it wasn’t locked, so she pulled the door open to see her coworker Jeff standing there half-naked with a very yellow, soaked diaper in between his thighs. One hand was pressed against the diaper, with the other pulling the last sticky tab up, but he jerked in shock at her opening the door, and the diaper slipped from his fingers and hit the tile floor with an echoing smack.
Brenda stood there frozen for a moment before she wagged a finger at Jeff and excitedly whispered, “I knew it!”. She actually bounced on her toes a bit, all excited, before she quickly slid into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. What do you think Brenda might do? Click Here

Aunt Brenda
