Favorite Memory

This place just for my special babies to come and let loose.

Favorite Memory

Post by MommieSara »

What is your first favorite memory of being a baby? Was it nursing and bonding with Mommy? Was it having her rock and sing to you? Diaper changes? Perhaps it was taking strolls with her? Having her read you stories? Going in the pool with Mommy? Maybe the little games she played with you? Hide n go seek, peek a boo, patty cake. Was it her baking? Maybe taking you to the beach or water park? I would love to hear your favorites.

I am not an AB, but I recall my mom when I was young not a baby because i dotn remember that far back, but I really loved when mom would rock and sing me to sleep. I also remember making tents in the living room while she baked homeade treats with my friends.
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Post by DaddyPaul »

One of my earliest memories of my babyhood (hey a new word lol) was getting a bath in the kitchen sink. Silly i know but one of my most cherished.
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Post by wkoldnewbornbabyboy »

i think i remember my (real ) mommy said she did the same thing with me that she did with my brother as a newborn put me in the sink for bath time and breast fed me
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Post by TheSitterStacie »

I think my favorite memory is of my grandmother (she raised me until I was 6) I was about 5 or so and she was singing to me in Dutch and making these really weird faces when she was doing it. I remember laughing and laughing. It wasn't until I was 13 and went to visit her and she sang the song again and then she translated it into English and it was the most lewd dirty song I have ever heard. lol

“And the National Rifle Association says that, "Guns don't kill people, people do,” but I think the gun helps, you know? I think it helps. I just think just standing there going, "Bang!" That's not going to kill too many people, is it?"
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Post by DommyMommyScarlet »

My favorite memory of being a baby was with my big brother. My oldest one wanted to teach me everything and I loved him reading to me and then playing school with me when I got a little older.
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Post by Mommy Star »

I'm always amazed when people say they remember being 2 or 3 or even 4....I dont remember anything before 5 and even those memories are just bits and pieces. I wish I had memories of being 1 or 2.
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Post by PhoneMomSue »

I have no memories of being a baby, none. I wonder if there is something wrong with me. lol

If I forgot to kiss you its definitely a bad day!
Cum play with me.

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Post by wkoldnewbornbabyboy »

i don't remember anything about being a baby but stories that were told about me though
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Post by Jenna »

What sort of stories? Please share one with us. *smiles*

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Post by wkoldnewbornbabyboy »

how every one was so an aw about me and that i was an adorable lil newborn baby only thing i do remember was when i was 5 years old i learned how to ride a bike
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Post by MommyShirley »

I don't remember being a baby. I remember being a little girl and I was told I always even from a young age loved to play outside. That makes sense b/c I still love to be outdoors.
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Post by Little Stinky Britches »

My memories begin at around age 2, before that I can't remember anything. It was around this time that my mom tried really hard to potty train me, but with no success. She ended up giving up around the age of 3 and just put me back in diapers untill I was around 5 when I finally was fully potty trained.

Anyway, so my first good memory of this time around the age of 2 was not of my mom, but a really sweet babysitter who became the mom I needed at the time. Unfortunately, I do not remember this woman's name or the name of her daughter who was always around and older then me. However, I can remember what she and her daughter looked like, and how well they treated me.

In fact, my first really good clear memory happened the first day my mom took me to this woman's house. I was around 2 and my mom had just put me back in cloth diapers and rubber pants because I kept on wetting and messing my training pants. (My mom called them "big boy pants") Anyway, I clearly remember my mom telling her that she had packed sevral pairs of training pants in my diaper bag, and she wanted her to try and take me to the potty when I had to go. I can remember clearly this woman telling my mom that I was not ready for potty training and I should stay in diapers. I could tell my mom was mad, but she had to go to work so I was left in the care of this woman and her daughter, who was around the age of 7 or 8 (I'm guessing, based on my memory.)

Anyway, I clearly remember pooping my pants at this woman's house, becuase her reaction was soooooo different then my mom's. I remember I was playing on the living room floor when I felt the need to poop. I remember going over to the woman who was sitting in a chair and telling her that I needed to go potty. I can't remember excatly what I said, or how I said it, but I clearly remember her pulling back my diaper and rubber pants and checking for poop.

One of the reasons I remember this so clearly is that woman thought I had already wet potty in my pants, but instead, I was trying to tell her that I needed to go potty, and was on the verge of a bowel movement. I remember that the woman then gave me a kiss, and said, "When you are all done I'll change you." In fact, I remember this so clearly, because there was another woman sitting on the couch (her friend? sister?) and her reaction was much different, more like my mom. I remember this woman cleary saying, "Aren't you going to take him to the potty?"

And I remember my babysitter's reaction: she said, "What for? He's in diapers for a reason. He's not ready for potty training. His mom's crazy, I'm not going to try to potty train a toddler who's not ready! When's he's all through filling his pants, I'll change him."

I remember what she said, and I remember intence feelings of embarrassment, because these two strange women were in the room and I needed to poop. I clearly remember toddling into a back bedroom of her house and hiding behind a door. I had just gotten behind the door when I lost control of my bowels and messed my pants (diapers). I remember clear-as-day hiding behind her door and pooping my pants. I also remember feeling scared and embarrassed. My mom always had a bad reaction when I pooped my pants.

To my shock and suprise however, this woman was nothing like my mom when it came to poopy diapers. When I came out of hiding, and toddled into the living room, expecting to be shamed and punished, I saw this woman sitting on the living room floor, my diaper bag was sitting next to her, and she had laid out fresh cloth diapers, baby powder and washcloths to change me. I can remember that she smiled at me, and beckened me to come closer. "Are you all through?" She asked, pulling back my diaper to see for herself.

Unlike my fantasies, I don't remember her "baby-talking" to me, or cooing about poopy diapers. She was very matter-of-fact about it, laying me down and changing me without a hint of dissaproval or shame. For some reason, I remember thinking that she was going to try to make me wear training pants (like my mom did) after she cleaned my poopy bottom. To my suprise, she powdered my bottom and diapered me, without trying to make me wear "big boy pants." I can see her in my minds-eye, holding 2 diaper pins in her mouth as I felt her pull the wings of the diaper snug around my thighs. I remember this, because I was expecting training pants, but was diapered instead.

And I remember when my mom picked me up that day, they had another "disscussion" about potty training when she handed my mom my poopy diaper that was in a plastic bag. (For those of you who don't know, in my time, mothers/babysitters "dunked" poopy diapers in the toliet and then put them in plastic bags to take home and wash.)

The only other memory I have of this woman which happened a few days or weeks after this first memory was about her daughter smelling poop. I don't remember pooping my pants that time, but I do remember her daughter holding her nose and saying, "Mom! He stinks! PU!"

And I can clearly remember this woman telling her daughter, "Yes honey it stinks. It gets a little stinky when babies poop their pants." The reason I remember this so clearly is that she refured to me as a "baby" even though I was actually a 2 year-old toddler, and my mom considered me a "big boy". That's why it made such a strong impression on me.

The other thing I remember is this woman babysitter had a "thing" about being "all through" when filling your pants. I clearly remember her always asking and checking my diaper, saying, "Are you all through? Are you done pooping your pants?" I even remember her daughter nagging her about changing me, and the woman telling her daughter, "He's not through yet, I'm waiting untill he's all through."

Anyway, that's my very first memory. It's strange, I can recall it like watching a movie, but I cannot remember their names, or what street they lived on.

Phew! Somebody needs a changing.
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I remember...

Post by naughtyboyutah »

I sure do remember, it was like a wonderful day, I was busy playing in the nursery and all of a sudden one after another, a few mommies would come over and check on me. One by one, the room started to get bigger. One mommy even brought in her very own spaceship, another brought in a submarine. The room got so crowded, one of the mommies blamed it all on me and gave me a spanking right there and then. We then had a good time laughing and joking, having them love on me as they decided on what diapers would look the best on me. Those are some of my favorite memories of being a little one taken care of by mommy. Oh yeah that happens every time I call phone a mommy. Thanks mommies for making this a special place to feel loved and taken care of.
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I love having my diaper changed

Post by phoneamommysbabycam »

I don't remember any memories of having my diaper changed. I don't have a memory that goes back that far. I was told by my mommy however that I rolled over when I was only three days old. I wonder if that is a record or something. I however have had my diaper changed as an adult. For me, I just like to wet in my diaper, not into messing my diaper. Is anyone the same? I love it when mommy kisses my bum after wiping it all off and cleaning it and I love mommy's touch as she puts a fresh diaper on me and smiles at me all proud of me. I love the nurturing and loving behind a diaper change. That is why I love calling phone a mommy because all the mommies are so good at changing me. Thanks. What do you like about diaper changes?
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Post by MommyMaggy »

Usually people don't remember much before going to school (something about having to remember things being taught), unless it impacted us a great deal.

I remember being 3 or 4 and going on vacation. I had made a wish in a wishing well and whispered to my mom that I had wished for a piano. That Christmas I had gotten a miniature baby grand piano, complete with bench.

I had known my mom was the reason behind me getting it, and I cherish that memory to this day.

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I was thinking about this the other day...

Post by pinkluvs »

I was thinking about this the other day, and I remember my mom changing my diaper, and the nursing me while I was cuddled in her lap.

I t is a very old memory, and sort of a "flash" of a memory. In other words, I just can't remember all of the details since I was so young at the time.

I Sort of remember the chair we sat in (It was a recliner, and it was brown), I remember being diapered, and I remember being nursed by my mom. It is a comforting memory.

I just remember her being very tender to me more than anything. It was a very intimate moment.

It is amazing what you remember when you just let your mind go, relax, and then some memories come back to you.
We can change the world...even if it's just one diaper at a time!

Post by Crissy »

I still have memories of curling up in Daddy's Lap and snuggling while we watch TV together!

It felt so safe, being wrapped in his arms!
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Post by Sugar bum »

I remember nursing at Mommy's big breast, wanting nothing else but that nipple in my mouth;pure euphoria!

Post by MommieSara »

yummmy memory!
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