A women giving the hard butt spanking with her daughter in hand
Firm Yet Fair
March 28, 2016
A lovely young lady stood along the wall.
Auntie Liz
April 3, 2016
A women giving the hard butt spanking with her daughter in hand
Firm Yet Fair
March 28, 2016
A lovely young lady stood along the wall.
Auntie Liz
April 3, 2016

Hello my little ABDLs! Welcome back to Nanny Ella’s Nursery Tales. I wonder what Nanny Ella told little Pammy…I bet we’ll find out!

Before Pammy went to work that day, she followed Nanny Ella’s instructions. She put on the thinnest pair of disposable diapers she could find but that still had a bit of a crinkle noise, and then put on a baby doll style dress and white tights and mary jane style shoes. She looked at herself in the mirror. Okay, she could do this. Yes, her outfit was a bit “younger” than she normally wore, but it still looked professional enough that she could get away with it. And her diaper wasn’t visible under the dress, though if someone were to brush up against her, they would feel and hear it…which, she new, was the point.

*Don’t forget, sweet ones, Nanny Ella can make up a story all about you, and roleplay the type of scenes that I describe online! Give me a call…and put yourself in my bABies position!*

~Nanny Ella~

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