Diaper Girl Stacey
June 5, 2022
sexy older woman
Brenda’s Adult Baby Girl Allisa Wants to Play
June 6, 2022
Diaper Girl Stacey
June 5, 2022
sexy older woman
Brenda’s Adult Baby Girl Allisa Wants to Play
June 6, 2022

Princess Diapers For SissyBrenda’s ABDL Morris Shits Himself On The Ferry: Morris is my adult baby diaper lover, and he loves diaper sex, scat sex, and diaper bondage. This was something that he hid from many people for years. He was in multiple relationships for a long time, and he would have to sneak and hide this part of his life from his lovers.

One day, one of his girlfriends, who was doing some cleaning, found some of the diapers that he had made in the bottom of his closet and questioned him about them; he shrugged them off, saying they were for his dad, who was having bladder issues. She believed him and never brought it up again.

But when I met him for the first time on a ferry, I saw immediately that there was a bulge in his pants that just happened to be a diaper. When I first saw it, I made sure to stare into his eyes, and then I would make him look at my eyes as they traveled downwards to his crotch. That was when I asked the question that only diaper lovers would know, “Rearz, Bambino, or Crinklz?”

His eyes widened when I asked that question, and he started to shake in both shock and embarrassment. He then looked around him to make sure that there was no one else in earshot of our conversation to hear it, and he whispered to me that he was wearing Rearz, and it was the pink one with the princesses on it along with the ponies. I told him to sit closer to me so that I could feel it with my hands, and as soon as he did, I took it upon myself to rub the crotch of his pants, and I clearly felt the diaper.

I told him that I could tell by the thickness of it that he had already pissed in it, and he said that he did. I told him that there was still room for more piss, and he should let it all out. He obeyed and pissed a river’s worth of urine into this diaper, and when he thought that he was done, that is when I told him to spit in it. He begged and pleaded with me not to make him spit himself out in public, as he said that he is an avid meat eater and the stench would be horrific.

As a woman of very little empathy and practically no mercy, I told him that I don’t care and all he needed to do was follow my instructions and release the shit, and he reluctantly obeyed. To my surprise, he came when he messed his diaper with the shit, and as strangers passed by, they held their noses as it was obvious that the smell was coming from Morris.

I laughed at how embarrassed he was, and to add insult to injury, I yelled out, “Oh no, did you just shit yourself, Morris?” That was when there was a loud gasp of shocked people on the ferry, and Morris was mortified, and as he placed his head down in shame, I laughed.

Call me now so I can laugh at you like I laughed at Morris. Click Here

