Call Mommy Candy for a Good Time
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June 6, 2022Diaper Girl Stacey: Age regression is so much fun. Becoming a diaper baby at mommy’s will Mommy decides what’s best for her babies. I can be a little girl, running around in my diaper, with mommy taking care of all my needs. Mommy knows what is best for me, and like a good girl, I do as mommy says.
There’s nothing better than lying back, relaxing, and letting mommy diaper you. Abdl age regression is my favorite. Mommy knows just what to do and how to take care of me perfectly. Mommy diapers me, dresses me up in cute outfits, nurses me, and lets me play with all my toys when I’m a good girl.
And for those times when needed, mommy enforces forced age regression, whether I want to be a good diaper baby or not. What mommy says goes, and I have no choice in the matter. Mommy knows exactly what is best for me. A diaper is one of those things.
Wearing a diaper and being an adult baby means I don’t have to be a big girl, and I don’t have to use the big potty. I just go right into my diaper, no matter where I am. I don’t have to stop playing with my toys or watching TV to get up and go to the bathroom; even when cuddling with mommy, all I have to do is let it go right in my diaper.
Mommy will lay me down, clean me up, and change me into a fresh diaper. And when it’s nap time, mommy cradles me in her arms and nurses me. Mommy’s milk tastes so good and is warm and sweet, just like I like it. Mommy rocks me and sings to me as I suck on her nipple.
As I begin to fall asleep in mommy’s lap, she kisses the tip of my nose and places me in my nice soft bed.Mommy tucks the blanket around me and gives me my stuffie to snuggle with. Then she gives me another kiss on my forehead and tells me to have sweet dreams before she tiptoes out of the room, leaving the nightlight on.
Mommy is the best! She always knows what I need before I do. No fussing, no whining, and no crying are necessary. Mommy is always ready. I could tell you so many fun stories about me and mommy. Maybe you would like to come over and have a play date with me, and mommy can take care of both of us.
Mommy will prepare snacks and juice for us, and she will check our diapers and change them when they are full.Mommy will give us baths if we get too messy and tease us for being naughty. And when Mommy leaves us alone in the nursery to play, we can squeeze each other’s diapers.
Mommy will know when we have been naughty as soon as she changes our diaper and sees the stickies. But it’s ok; mommy will just laugh at us and call us silly babies. Click Here