Calling All Cuties
June 12, 2022
abdl in white and pink socks
Brenda’s AB/DL Needs A Clean Diaper
June 19, 2022
Calling All Cuties
June 12, 2022
abdl in white and pink socks
Brenda’s AB/DL Needs A Clean Diaper
June 19, 2022



Summer Time Love Fest: Now that it’s finally gotten nice and warm outside, we can have all sorts of fun. Let’s invite all your friends over and have a summer love fest to start the season off right. Ddlgs, Abdls, and everyone else who wants to have a good time are all invited. Come one, come all!

We will have a blast. running around in our diapers, playing in water, and tons of dancing It’s so warm out that we don’t need to wear much as we party hard. And there will be plenty of snacks and refreshments, not to mention loads of diapers.

Diapers everywhere, for all of those squishy diaper changes. And there’s definitely no shortage of people ready to help change some saggy diapers. And once the excitement starts to die down and the sun starts to set, then it will be time for the love fest to begin.

Everyone will snuggle up around the fire pit in their fresh diapers. There’s nothing better than a cuddle by a warm fire. There were lots of tuckered-out little ones, ready to relax and enjoy the pleasant evening. And nothing helps you relax better than a little diaper play.

Soon hands start disappearing inside diapers, and low moans fill the air. After a fun day, it’s time for a little fun play. It’s time to fill all those diapers with sticky messes. It’s time to cut loose and get wild. Summertime is the best for unwinding and cutting loose.

Looking out over the yard full of adult babies grinding on each other makes mommy smile so big. Mommy just loves the sound of whimpering little ones as they get closer and closer to cumming in their diapers. We should have an ABC party every month.

A yard full of waddling diaper babies, the grass covered with writhing little ones as they play with one another. The air was filled with the sounds of adult babies approaching orgasmic release. Guttural moans that can be heard throughout the neighborhood.

The echoes of satisfied sighs drifting on the breeze. Looking out at the yard, one sees humping diapers everywhere. Mommy just loves when her little ones squirt uncontrollably.  The pleasure of being aroused causes numerous cream-filled diapers.

So, come join the party and let’s get wet and wild in every way possible. Let’s have unlimited fun as we come up with all sorts of ways to cool off on a hot summer day. Mommy never gets tired of playing with her cute abies. And mommy knows how horny you all get with your diapers rubbing non-stop against your sensitive bits. Phone Mommy now and let her help.

Mommy’s favorite part is when those diapers expand with warm wetness from overly excited little ones. The groans and sighs that float through the air are music to mommy’s ears. And causes mommy’s pus to get very wet as well.

So, again, cum one, cum all, and come join the fun this summer with Mommy Candy. Summer won’t be the only thing getting you all hot and bothered. Click Here

Mommy Candy
