Phone A Mommy Blog

May 15, 2009

Little Red Wagon

I bet this little sissy had a little red Wagon that she loves to be pulled in thru the park and up the sidewalks and she loves to put her dollies and stuff animals inside of it and pull it along behind her bet she looks so cute with that diapered bottom showing as she walks come and stroll along my sidewalk so i can watch and smile. Minnie
March 27, 2009


Found the perfect EASTER BASKET for my special someone for that occasion now you know i can’t tell you who it is i know i am being alittle naughty not telling my secret but i do have to keep something a secret from you diapered bottoms.Laughing come and see who gets my basket i might just keep it for myself think i should? Minnie
March 13, 2009


Sometimes i like to take a nice stroll along the park and just walk and see everything that nature is bringing into life in the spring i enjoy it most when a friend comes along to enjoy the nice warm day that makes it even more fun so come along and take a nice long walk with me.Lets see where it takes us.Looking forward to Spring Minnie
December 4, 2008

Flowers for Mommies

Don’t you just love those bouquets of flowers that abies pick for their mommies? Some do buy flowers, but hand picked wild flowers always melt my heart. I can be a bit sentimental, and I save dried flowers from special bouquets. Its kind of flower scrap booking. I like to look back over them, and see the variety, and the kindness that went into it. Mommy Scarlet