Phone A Mommy Blog

December 27, 2019

Abdl Needs Encouragement for Messy Diaper

Brandon listened to Auntie Brenda’s soft voice, her gentle instructions to get down on all fours like a baby should. He slightly spread his legs, his abdl diaper hanging between his thighs, ready to be used. He needed to poop so bad, so he did as he was told and started to push a little, feeling the first bit pop […]
December 22, 2019

Tiny Dicks Are Put Into Diapers

It really is amusing to tease the abdl boys here that have nearly nothing at all tucked behind their diapers. Seems for the best to my way of thinking, though. If you’re walking around like a grown man, women expect you to have a man’s dick. But what little they have to work with is the perfect size to be […]
December 19, 2019

Bed Time For My Abdl

It’s getting close to bedtime right now, and you know just what that means, don’t you? You’ve had your dinner, had some time to play with your abdl toys, and now it’s time for your bath! It’s time for the bubbles, the bath toys, and me scrubbing you down with a warm soapy rag. Then I’ll rinse you down, dry […]
December 14, 2019

Sissy Babies Are Silly Babies!

Sissy babies sure are some silly babies, aren’t they? Now, there are some out there that feel just like a baby girl when they get put in their dresses and bonnets and pink princess diapers. They feel pretty and girly and wonderful in their baby girl clothes!  Some, though, put on those same dresses and doodads and diapers feeling absolutely […]
December 12, 2019

Fun in the Snow for an Abdl!

It’s snowing outside! Do you want Mommy to get you all dressed and ready in your winter clothes so you can play in the snow? It’s the perfect weather for a silly abdl like you to make a snow angel.  Let’s check that diaper first to make sure you don’t go out in the cold air with a wet diaper, […]
December 8, 2019

It’s Time For A Diaper Change Whether You Like It Or Not!

What am I smelling? Smells like a stinky abdl to me! That means that there is a messy diaper for me to change, and don’t even try to tell me that it’s not. The last time I got busy and didn’t change your diaper that exact minute you had un-taped that nasty thing and was playing in the mess you […]