Phone A Mommy Blog

June 24, 2024

Brandon Has Some Submissive Fun! (part 2)

(first part) “My name is Brenda,” she said, her voice husky. “And I have a little game I like to play at these parties occasionally when I meet someone particularly interesting…” Brandon could feel his heart pounding as he tried to focus on what she was saying, his face flushing and body growing warmer from her attention. He couldn’t ignore […]
June 24, 2024

Brandon Has Some Submissive Fun! (part 1)

Brandon knew something was very different about this party as he walked through the door, his jaw dropping as he took everything in. The women were taller, muscular, and confident, while the men were smaller, shorter, and more submissive. He had been hired as a server for the party, wearing nothing but a bowtie and a tight pair of briefs […]
June 21, 2024

Paul Becomes Paula for the Day!

Paul stared at the clothes spread across his bed while Karen gestured at them like she was showing him a prize on Wheel of Fortune, a massive smirk on her face. It was bad enough that he lost a bet to her, but he really couldn’t believe she wanted him to go through with what she wanted him to do. […]
June 20, 2024

Daniel Takes A Naughty Peek At His Aunt Brenda!

Daniel was feeling restless in his room, the sound of his stomach growling as he lay in bed. He knew he wasn’t supposed to leave his room after bedtime, but the thought of a delicious snack from the kitchen was too tempting to say no to… As quietly as he could, he crept out of his room and tip-toed down […]
June 5, 2024

Paul is Turned Into A Baby! (part 2)

(part 1) Paul was a bit apprehensive, but he trusted her; he had always trusted her, so he sat back and allowed himself to drop his worry and enjoy how he felt being transformed into a baby. The transformation happened gradually. At first, it was just physical changes. Paul’s body shrank until he was the size of a newborn baby. […]
June 5, 2024

Paul is Turned Into A Baby! (part 1)

Brenda had always been the one to take care of Paul in their relationship. Some people saw it as odd, how she was more of a mother than anything to him, but it worked wonderfully for the both of them. It was no surprise then that when she heard about the new pill that could turn adults into babies for […]