Phone A Mommy Blog

February 25, 2023

Brenda’s Boss Has Secrets (Part 3)

(Second part) Two weeks later. Brenda waited outside Brad’s office after work on Friday evening, the monotonous ticking of the pendulum clock near the entryway progressively burrowing into her head and making her want to murder someone. Ideally, Brad’s new, obnoxious secretary, who always gave her a foul look when her phone chimed with a text message When it rang […]
February 23, 2023

Brenda’s Boss Has Secrets! (Part 2)

(first part) Brenda left very early for work the following morning. When she held up her keycard to the sensor, the lock on the front door clicked open, allowing her entry into the empty office building. She stepped out of the elevator on the 49th floor, savoring the lonesome echo of her high heels on the marble floor as she […]
February 23, 2023

Brenda’s Boss Has Secrets! (Part 1)

After she came home from work that evening, Brenda entered the bathroom and took a cold shower. She entered her lavender-tinged bedroom, wearing a white cotton robe, her black hair wet and glistening under the dull purple light. She’d left her phone on the nightstand, and four new text notifications from her boss, Brad, were displayed on the top right […]
February 21, 2023

Amanda Plays With Her New Neighbor!! (Part 2)

(first part) Amanda couldn’t help but laugh a bit at the face Robert made after he came in his diaper for the first time. The fact that it was also the first time she had put him in a diaper probably doubled his humiliation, and it took less than five minutes to triple it! He tried to defend himself, saying […]
February 20, 2023

Amanda Plays With Her New Neighbor

Oooh wow! She couldn’t help but gush at her new neighbor as the man’s muscles rippled under the tight-fitted sweatshirt. Watching him from the cracked opening of the Venetian blinds, she ran her eyes hungrily over his glistening tanned skin. She could almost imagine how he smelled, all sweat, musk, and heat. Thoughts of the big man as a cute […]
February 20, 2023

Diapered For Mommy’s Pleasure

    Mommy just loves to diaper adult babies.  First Mommy Candy will strip you of all your big boy clothes.  Then mommy will lay your naked body down and start to slowly lather you up with baby lotion.  You giggle as mommy slides her cool hands over your writhing body. Mommy smiles down at you as you wiggle around.  […]