Phone A Mommy Blog

August 22, 2019

Abdl Getting All Swaddled

George settled on top of the soft sheet that abdl Mommy Tawny had laid across the bed and stretched out, giggling around his paci when she tickled his belly while she reached across him for a corner of the sheet. She dragged it across him, tucking it underneath and making sure it didn’t tug on his abdl onesie too much.  […]
August 13, 2019

Diaper Girl Playtime!

How would you like to have a diaper girl of your very own to take care of and play with all day long? A sweet thing that wants nothing more than to play in her diapers with all the toys you get her, and splash in the tub when it’s bath time. If you decide to put her in double […]
August 3, 2019

Naughty Babysitter Setup

I’ve been thinking about doing something a little mean and set my adult baby boy up in an impossible situation. I’m going to go for a night out, leaving him in the care of a very pretty babysitter, with very clear instructions that he is not supposed to play with himself in his abdl diaper.  He’s been caught doing that […]
June 23, 2019

Mommy Jackie’s Favorite Diaper Patterns!

XOXO Mommy Jackie 888-430-2010 Click HERE to talk to a phone sex mommy #diaperdomina #adultbabydiaper #phonesex
June 3, 2019

Abdl Spanking With A Switch!

Mommy Brenda and I had a conversation earlier about having an adult baby go out to the tree to get their own switch whenever they’ve been very naughty. Neither one of us see a single thing wrong with that! I know the babies don’t like, of course, but most babies don’t like any apart of their abdl discipline. The long […]
May 29, 2019

Littlespace With Mommy Jackie!

XOXO Mommy Jackie 888-430-2010 Click HERE to talk to a phone sex mommy #littlespace #ageplaytriggers #phonechat #ageregressionkink