Phone A Mommy Blog

July 1, 2024

Tony Gets Some Care After His Spanking! (part 1)

After the spanking at the restaurant, Brenda takes Tony to her place, hoping to change him for the better. “You are absolutely out of line, Tony,” Aunt Brenda scolded, her voice low but stern. “I cannot believe you would behave in such a manner.” Tony sunk into his seat, his face flushed with shame. He knew he had crossed a line but couldn’t control his emotions; the humiliation and excitement all curled up in his belly. All he could think about was how she had humiliated him in public. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled, his head hanging low. “I’m afraid ‘Sorry’ doesn’t cut it, Tony,” she spoke, her tone softening slightly. “You know better than to make a scene in public. You’re thirty-two years old, for goodness sake.” He knew she was right. He was always […]
June 5, 2024

Paul is Turned Into A Baby! (part 2)

(part 1) Paul was a bit apprehensive, but he trusted her; he had always trusted her, so he sat back and allowed himself to drop his worry and enjoy how he felt being transformed into a baby. The transformation happened gradually. At first, it was just physical changes. Paul’s body shrank until he was the size of a newborn baby. His clothes became too big, and Brenda brought out some baby clothes for him to wear. She giggled as she dressed him in a cute onesie and a pair of tiny socks. As the physical transformation continued, he also began to feel different on the inside. His thoughts and emotions started to change, becoming simpler and more innocent. He felt a sense of wonder and curiosity that he hadn’t felt since childhood. Brenda was delighted […]
June 5, 2024

Paul is Turned Into A Baby! (part 1)

Brenda had always been the one to take care of Paul in their relationship. Some people saw it as odd, how she was more of a mother than anything to him, but it worked wonderfully for the both of them. It was no surprise then that when she heard about the new pill that could turn adults into babies for a day, she immediately thought of trying it on him. “It’s supposed to help adults relax and let go of their responsibilities,” she explained excitedly to him as they sat on the couch in their small apartment. “You’ve been so stressed lately, I thought it might be just the thing for you.” Paul raised an eyebrow skeptically. He had always been wary of new and untested treatments. “I don’t know, Brenda. Turning into a baby […]
May 31, 2024

Sean Needs Mommy’s Loving Care!

Brenda’s heart dropped as she heard Sean’s muffled cries through the monitor. Rushing to his room, she found him tossing and turning, his face flushed red with fever. She sighed, her maternal instincts kicking into high gear. “Oh, sweetie, what’s wrong?” she cooed, sitting on the edge of the bed, resting her hand against his forehead and then his cheek to feel how hot he was. Sean whimpered softly, his voice barely audible over the pounding of his head. “I don’t feel good, Mommy,” he groaned, turning his face into the palm of her hand. She frowned with worry at his words. “It’s okay, baby boy,” she murmured, kissing his forehead gently. “Mommy’s here to take care of you.” She gently brushed her knuckles against his cheek, wanting to comfort him. “Let’s see if we […]
May 12, 2024

Timmy Gets A Day At The Zoo!

 Timmy giggled excitedly as Aunt Brenda pushed him in his stroller through the zoo’s winding paths. Dressed in adorable shortalls adorned with colorful cartoon characters and sporting a paw patrol t-shirt, he looked every bit the happy toddler. Two thick diapers crinkled beneath his clothes, a comforting reminder of his cozy protection. His baba, securely nestled in its holder, swayed gently with each step while a pacifier dangled from a clip, ready to soothe Timmy whenever needed. Stocked with all his essentials, the diaper bag rested neatly beneath the stroller, ensuring he was well-prepared for any adventure. The zoo was alive with colors and sounds, each exhibit more fascinating than the last. His cute eyes widened in wonder as he watched the graceful giraffes and heard the playful chatter of the monkeys swinging from branch […]
May 4, 2024

Timmy Has to Wear His Diapers! (part 2)

(part 1) Brenda continued explaining the enema to Timmy. “It works whether you want it to or not! They even come much larger than this and in different forms, but whatever the size or shape, they are used in a similar way.” Brenda rolled the bulb between her hands, then tossed it gently back and forth. Timmy couldn’t look away as he tried not to think about how that being used on him would feel. Brenda continued talking. “Usually, the bulb or bag is filled with warm, soapy water, and the tip is inserted inside your bottom, and the water is squeezed out into you. Like I said, that can be a good thing, but it can also be used as a form of punishment, a way to make sure that you use your diaper.” Timmy had a feeling that was were the […]
April 30, 2024

Andy Gets His Diaper Changed In Public! (part 2)

(part 1) Before he knew it, Aոdy could feel the last of his control slip away with people all around and jostling against him. He could feel the warm mess of poop coming out strongly, pushing against the diaper, then spreading out to fill it up, and he wanted nоtһiոg more than to disappear into thiո air. Some people around him heard the soft squishing and looked around, but he was sure they would figure it out. Brenda leaned in close to whisper in his ear, one hand resting just below his lower back, resting on the top edge of his diaper. “Did you јust use…?” The sentence trailed off as she patted his diaper. Andy could hear the low amusement in her voice, and his fаce turոed even redder as һe noԁded. He was […]
April 30, 2024

Andy Gets His Diaper Changed In Public! (part 1)

Brenda had been seeing the posters around town about one of the local festivals starting soon, and decided that it was past time for her to get out of the house, get some fresh air, and she wanted to take her abdl Andy there as well. Andy was a bit nervous about it, always was when they went outside because of his diapers, but Brenda insisted that he needed to get out of the house probably more than she did, so soon enough, they were walking towards the main thoroughfare, the sound, and press of people increasing as they got closer. Brenda had a messenger bag slung over her shoulder, diapers, and baby wipes discretely tucked inside, though she knew that wouldn’t last all day. Andy got Brenda’s attention as he made some quick furtive […]
March 3, 2024

Michael Gets a Little Embarrassed! (Part 2)

  (part 1) Michael slowly got dressed and stepped out of the stall, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone. But as he made his way out of the store, he couldn’t help but notice the stares and snickers from other shoppers. He felt so exposed and vulnerable. But just as he was about to leave, one of the college girls from the bathroom approached him. “Hey, sorry about earlier,” she said with a sincere look on her face. “We were just messing around. We didn’t mean to embarrass you like that.” He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. These girls had just spent the last half hour humiliating him, and now they were trying to apologize. But the girl continued, “We have a sorority event coming up, and we were wondering if you would […]