Phone A Mommy Blog

February 19, 2024

Diaper Changes For All The Abdl’s!

  As the mommies sat in a circle with their adult babies sitting with them, they couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for what was about to happen. Brenda laid her baby down and began to undress him, making slow movements so that everyone could see what she was doing. She looked down at John with a sweetly condescending smile as she untaped his diaper. “How does it feel to get changed in front of everyone, sweetie?” She continued with her purposefully slow movements… “Look at my little baby, all messy and stinky,” she teased, causing her abdl John to blush even deeper. She then sprinkled baby powder all over his bottom and between his legs, making sure to rub it in thoroughly. The babies whimpered and tried to cover themselves, […]
February 11, 2024

Brenda Takes Care of Her Sick Baby! (part 1)

  Brenda woke up with a jerk to the sound of her baby crying harshly through the monitor. She glanced at the clock to see it was still an hour or so until dawn. Quickly sitting up, she threw her blankets off and walked down the hallway to her baby’s room. As she entered the room, she could see Robert, her adult baby, lying in his crib with tears streaming down his face. Brenda hurriedly pulled the side of the crib down to reach out to her upset baby. “Shh, shh, baby, it’s okay,” Brenda cooed as she ran her hands across his forehead and cheeks, feeling for a fever. She clicked her tongue worryingly over the heat she felt against her palm. “What’s wrong, love? Are you feeling sick?” Robert slowly nodded, his face […]
January 2, 2024

Baby Kyle Gets Embarrassed In The Park!

Once upon a bright summer’s day, Brenda took her adult baby Kyle to the nearby park. She dressed him in a cute t-shirt with short sleeves and a very thick diaper hidden underneath. She put on cute sneakers adorned with cartoon characters to complete the outfit. It was only a few streets from their house, so Brenda placed Kyle in his stroller, hung his diaper bag on the back, and set off for the park. As they made their way, Kyle sucked on his pacifier, his face turning rosy whenever someone glanced in his direction. This continued even after they arrived at the park. Brenda spread out a blanket, placing some of Kyle’s favorite toys on top while she settled nearby with a book. Kyle, eager to explore, crawled over to his toys and began […]
December 23, 2023

Robert Misbehaves and Gets A Spanking!

It had been a long week for Brenda, but the weekend was finally around the corner, and she felt terrific. The day started perfectly for her and her adult baby, Robert. However, soon after waking up, Robert began acting differently. He didn’t want to eat, even though Brenda made his favorite breakfast, ham and cheese toastie with hot chocolate. He pecked at his food but barely ate two mouthfuls. Brenda couldn’t understand why he was behaving like this. When he woke up, he was in good spirits and gave her a big cuddle, but his mood turned sour minutes later. Robert was barely replying to Brenda when she kept asking him what was wrong or if he needed anything. Seeing that he wouldn’t eat anything else nor answer her questions correctly, Brenda told him to […]
December 16, 2023

A Spanking at the Abdl Nursery!

Cale, a reserved man seeking a unique self-discovery, had enrolled in an adult baby training facility. In this place, individuals could explore and embrace their desires to regress into a childlike state. This specialized institution offered assistance, diaper changes, food, toys, and training, allowing participants to be adopted upon completing their program. Intrigued by the prospect, Cale found himself in the facility’s heart, surrounded by a bustling nursery. The nursery buzzed with activity as boy and girl adult babies engaged in various activities. Some played together, sharing toys and laughter, while others played solitary. Watchful caretakers monitored the scene, intervening promptly to settle disputes over coveted toys and ensuring the seamless flow of diaper checks and changes. Amid this lively atmosphere, Johnny, a spirited baby boy, entered the nursery fashionably late. His delay resulted from […]
December 16, 2023

Brenda Has an Abdl Party!

Brenda, a cheerful woman with a flair for hosting unique gatherings, decided to throw a backyard barbecue unlike any other. The special twist? She invited a group of adult babies and their loving mommies to join in the festivities. The backyard was transformed into a haven of toys resonating with the delightful sounds of playful adults embracing their inner child. With a radiant smile, Brenda welcomed the adult babies and their mommies into her backyard wonderland. Her eyes twinkled with a unique blend of sweetness and, as some knew, a touch of occasional strictness. This duality made her the perfect hostess for an event that seamlessly blended innocence and playfulness! As the day unfolded, the scene became a tableau of vibrant onesies and adorable dresses. The adult babies, donned in a kaleidoscope of colors and […]
December 3, 2023

Brenda Gives Robert A Sweet Home!

Once upon a time, in a cozy suburban neighborhood, Brenda, a compassionate soul, was entrusted with the care of Robert, a kind-hearted man with a youthful spirit. Due to certain needs and wants, Robert desired special attention and care, which Brenda was more than happy to provide. Her countenance exuded kindness, warmth, and a deep reservoir of compassion. One tranquil morning, as sunlight streamed through the kitchen window, Brenda directed a breakfast symphony, skillfully flipping pancakes with an air of nurturing dedication. A glance at the clock triggered a reminder of Robert’s scheduled diaper check. Setting the spatula aside, she embarked on a mission to locate him, each step echoing her steadfast commitment. Commencing her search in the living room, Brenda scanned the area where Robert often reveled in playful exploration amidst a scattered array […]
November 25, 2023

Joey Gets Some Abdl Hypnotism! (part 4)

(part 3) Joey didn’t like that Brenda got bored caring for him as a baby, but worse than that, Joey didn’t like that he started to miss wearing baby clothes while at home. One day, while Brenda was out, Joey, unable to control his frustration, went looking for his baby clothes. He looked everywhere, but there were no signs of them ever being in that house. The next time Brenda went out, Joey looked for them again more carefully. He looked under the beds, every drawer and closet, and nothing. He even went to the attic, but there was nothing there. Without much hope about finding his baby clothes, feeling that Brenda had already thrown them out, Joey decided to look in the only place left: the garage. To Joey’s happiness, he found a couple […]
November 25, 2023

Joey Gets Some Abdl Hypnotism! (part 3)

  (part 2) It became routine for Joey to change from his adult clothes to his baby’s clothes whenever he got home from work. Each day, Brenda had an outfit ready for him. Some days, he had an adult onesie. Other days, he had a T-shirt. Sometimes, Brenda even prepared baby booties and mittens for him to wear. And every day, he had a clean, thick diaper ready for him. Brenda still had the photos and videos she took of Joey behaving like a baby while he was under hypnotism, and whenever he tried to run away from it or became difficult, Brenda blackmailed him with it. As time passed, Joey became less resistant to it, but despite it, Brenda sometimes still used trigger words to make him act as she wanted. Joey initially didn’t […]