Phone A Mommy Blog

December 31, 2022

Clark Caught Wetting the Bed! (Part 2)

(First part)“What?  No!”  Clark whispered harshly, not believing his ears. “You can’t… I don’t have to… I won’t do it. You’ve lost your mind!” The shame started to turn a bit angry, and he lifted up his chin like he was getting ready for a fight. “You’ve got to be kidding me”. Brenda looked at him bewildered. “You don’t get […]
December 31, 2022

Clark Caught Wetting the Bed! (Part 1)

When Clark woke to the feel of a broad, warm, wet spot underneath him, he flung himself out of bed. He looked down in horror at his bedsheets; the light blue had turned dark in the middle, and his boxers were so wet they completely stuck to his skin. He peeled himself out of them and threw them onto the […]
December 31, 2022

Brenda Finds Out Jeff’s Diaper Secret! (part 2)

(Part 1) Jeff shrank back from Brenda, his hands reaching for his diaper in shock. He pulled back when he realized he couldn’t put that piss-soaked thing back on and grabbed for his pants to cover his crotch. He was mortified and angry all at once, making him lash out, his voice harsh but low. “Close the damn door! I […]
December 26, 2022

From Snug to Soggy

    That diaper mommy put on you is meant to be used and filled. So, don’t hold it in; just relax and let it flow. No need to feel embarrassed; that’s what babies do. Eat, sleep, and potty. And mommy is here to change you, clean you, and re-diaper you. Mommy likes to watch that diaper get fatter and […]
December 26, 2022

Diapers Look Good on Everyone

    No matter your age, size or gender, diapers make everyone look adorable.  A cute little diapered butt, makes mommy want to poke and squeeze it every time you waddle by.  And just imagine how comfy that soft snug diaper feels.  Mommy will love to diaper you. Strip you of all your clothes and lay you down on a […]
December 25, 2022

Brenda Sees Something Teeny Tiny!

Brenda had been dating Eric for over a month when she decided to get a little more aggressive in getting him in her bed. She had been dropping some heavy hints, getting in close to let him know she was interested. She could tell he was interested right back; something always seemed to pull him back at the last second. […]