Phone A Mommy Blog

March 7, 2020

Kinky Abdl Examination!

Mommy Tawny and I had a very interesting call with silly adult baby boy Johnny this week. She wrote a little bit about him, but I wanted to tell you the best part, so she was nice enough to let me.  He told us all about a trip to the doctor that his Mommy took him on, and though he begged her not to make him do it, he was wearing a fluffy abdl diaper.  He even had to strip, taking off everything but his diaper for the doctor’s examination. They were there to talk about his continued accidents and the fact that his Mommy had to lay down the law about not touching himself in his diaper. His behavior had gotten better since she stopped him from doing that, he listened more and did […]
February 22, 2020

Sweet Diaper Change For A Baby

Terry squirmed on top of his changing table, the strap that Mommy Tawny had buckled around his waist keeping him from going to far on either side.  She gave him a playful swat across his bottom, making him giggle and babble more than he already was. He had his abdl binky in one hand and his fuzzy Teddy in the other, happy and content while Mommy changed his messy diaper.  She cleaned him up with cool baby wipes that felt wonderful on his warm skin, then rubbed diaper cream on him to keep away that icky diaper rash! An abdl diaper was slid underneath him, then the baby powder was shaken out to cover him and the diaper, making him laugh some more at the cloud of powder that fluffs up between his legs. She […]
February 8, 2020

Diapered Sissy Gets Humiliated

Joseph stood there while Aunt Brenda adjusted the pink ruffled waddle diaper around his hips and talking with Mommy Tawny about the fit of it, how the color looked on him, and he couldn’t do anything to stop blushing or squirming in humiliation and excitement. He looked around at the other things they had gotten for him, some more waddle diapers in different colors, sissy dresses in pretty pastels, even some pacifiers and bibs! There was no way that he should be agreeing with any of this, letting them tease and mock him, turn him into a sissy doll to dress up however they liked… he tried to tell himself that it was because he liked it, because it got turned on by what they were doing to him, the sissification. But he knew that […]
February 5, 2020

Abdl Waking Up To A Sweet Morning (part 2)

(ABDL Stacey) Mommy Tawny wrapped her arms around Jimmy, wrinkled her nose and told him that he was a stinky adult baby and it was time for his diaper change. She opened up the crib and helped him out so he could toddle over to the changing table and hop right up. His onesie was unsnapped, his legs up in the air while she untaped his abdl diaper and slid it from underneath him. The baby wipes felt so good on his skin that he giggles some more, then outright laughed when she tickled the back of his knee. She was gentle and took her time, applying a bit of diaper rash cream, then coating his diaper and himself in a thick layer of sweet baby powder. The smells always made him feel so little! […]
January 19, 2020

What Kind Of Kink Do You Like?

Tawny 1-888-430-2010 Click Here to chat with a phone sex mommy!  #roleplayphonesex #kink #pegging #abdl #femdom #abdlmommy #giantess
January 4, 2020

Abdl Toilet Training Humiliation

I’m going to start your abdl toilet training tomorrow. I know that it will mostly likely not make a difference, since you really are a silly abdl, such a silly diaper boy! You’re supposed to be a grown man, a strong man, but we all know that’s not happening. You are too soft and weak to even be a big boy, so looks like an adult baby is the best thing for you (and the only thing). I know it’s embarrassing, that the humiliation makes you blush and stammer, but that’s how it is. So, your training will start tomorrow, though like I said, I doubt it will do any good. It’s really just another reason to tease you, when you keep having your accidents, even when you’re trained not too! I might even invite […]
December 29, 2019

Relaxing With Your Abdl Mommy

I don’t know about you, but I’ve just about had enough of all the cold and snow! I know you abdl’s out there in areas that are past a little nippy right now are ready for some warmer weather too. It needs to be t-shirt and a diaper weather for the abdl and sundress weather for abdl mommy. We will both be able to lounge in the shade, me in a hammock while you crawl off the blanket I laid down for your into the grass! Once you have worn yourself out it just might be time for you to lay in the hammock with me, letting the breeze keep us swaying side to side. I’m sure we would both have a lovely nap that way! Or maybe we could something a little more public, […]
December 19, 2019

Bed Time For My Abdl

It’s getting close to bedtime right now, and you know just what that means, don’t you? You’ve had your dinner, had some time to play with your abdl toys, and now it’s time for your bath! It’s time for the bubbles, the bath toys, and me scrubbing you down with a warm soapy rag. Then I’ll rinse you down, dry you off, get you in a clean abdl diaper and a warm pair of footie pajamas to keep your toesie-woesies all toasty.  Or maybe I’ll just have you in a cute onesie and let you sleep with me tonight, so you can keep those toes tucked against my legs! I think that we would both be extra comfy and have sweet dreams all night long if we did that. What’s better than sleeping snuggly with […]
October 24, 2019

Naughty Abdl Streaks Through Party! (part 2)

(first part) Turns out, Mommy was going to make him regret deciding to streak in front of her friends when he was supposed to be in bed.  She pulled him down across her lap and started to spank him in front of everyone! Since his diaper and onesie were both on the nursery floor, she gave him a bare-bottom spanking that started stinging right then. He hollered and cried, but all the ladies just giggled about him getting just what he needed, and Mommy berated him constantly, telling him how naughty he was, how much he had embarrassed her. By the time she marched him back to his nursery, his face was streaked with tears and snot, and he was sniffling non-stop.  She put him back in his abdl diaper and his onesie, wiped his […]