Phone A Mommy Blog

July 23, 2019

Turned From A Husband to A Baby (part 1)

Logan laid still on the side of the bed, so afraid that he might fall off that he was stiff with fear.  He’d been laying there for a while, waking up after he fell right asleep when he was done with the cup of tea his wife Brenda brought him. Everything was huge! It was like somebody had snuck him […]
July 21, 2019

Sissy Pantyhose Fantasy With Mommy Jackie!

  XOXO Mommy Jackie 888-430-2010 Click HERE to talk to a phone sex mommy   #sissyslut #mommyfetish #abdl #diapersissy
July 21, 2019

Abdl Diaper Naughty Fun

I just can’t seem to decide if it’s better to start or end my abdl boy’s day with a loving diaper hand job.  Which do you think is best? There really isn’t anything quite like changing that abdl diaper for the first time of the day and watching my baby’s eyes perk up when I start to play with his […]
July 20, 2019

Getting into Little Space

During all of the time I have spent chatting with my age play littles, there seems to be something that creeps up on them from time to time. Being a little is not something that is always easy, and there are many different reasons for why that is. One big problem for many littles is that when the perfect time […]
July 18, 2019

Feeding And Playing With My Abdl

Is my wittle booboo baby hungry? Is your little tummy rumbling? Well, would you like some delicious baby food, some pureed string beans and carrots? They’re nutritious! No? Okay, how about a bottle, with baby formula? Apple juice? Milk? Oh, that perked you up, sweetie. Doesn’t seem like you want it in your bottle, though. I do believe that means […]
July 15, 2019

Days in the ABDL Nursery

I woke up early this morning before the sun had even peeked over the horizon. I did not wake on my own, instead I was startled when I heard your frightened cries coming from the adult baby nursery down the hall from my bedroom. I quickly threw back the covers and headed right for your nursery, leaning over the crib […]